Hi, I have a few example videos, here is the information: I have Vivid Weathers - AiO, PRC ENB, Four Seasons, and True Storms. It's strange how it only happens in certain directions and it seems to be a prc conflict with true storms as this only happens during rain. After some ENB adjustments it's a lot better and what you're seeing is a result of that. Before it was so blue and would wash everything over making it impossible to see... Here is the mod list: https://justpaste.it/7q9t3 exported from loot Here is a chronological list of all the rain and blue effect taken in about 1 minute while turning occasionally. https://imgur.com/a/YyQAQco All of my mods are perfectly clean as far as LOOT/Fo4edit can tell, Even manually rtebuilt navmeshes tthat could not be rebuilt. It happens even when ENB is completely disabled. TS Vvid:AiO 4Seasons or ELFX. ELFX is the likely cuplrit. Then I have to consider some overhaul mods.... It happens whether TS is enabled or not or when 4 Seasons is enabled or not. Here is one video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGpzttGN3wI And the second, more usual bug also exampled in the album: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pILQahzQ4II and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCP6YqkD-eQ I am pretty stumped and I'm a modder myself, I've cleaned every file, been playing on a 4-5hr game with 200 mods and not a single other bug I've encountered(except the categories breaking but it turns out r88 just didn't overwrite the old patch esp. LOOT reports no errors, I manually rebuilt nav meshes...I even had most of these mods working together in the past, but this was a clean install and save. I really would like to get weather playing nicely as the atmospheric fog and everything is awesome. There is a single other case where this happens and it's not rain, but after going through the TS config and manually setting each weather I couldn't find out what it was, some sort of radstorm? Edit: I just realized there's a fo4 mod troubleshooting, can a mod please move this?