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Everything posted by shumkar

  1. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8378978-question-about-what-mods-to-use/&do=findComment&comment=77187413
  2. seeddeadd, You might want to check whether SkyUI is 'ticked' in the game engine: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8339563-needing-experienced-help/&do=findComment&comment=76772688
  3. skyrimlover1212, An interesting expierence! I guess, if it is a follower mod, it has meshes, and some meshes, as I know, needs to be reworked in NifSkope for porting... As zixi said, "If it ain't broke don't fix it!" :smile:
  4. I know that it's necessary at least to re-save a plugin in Creation Kit for porting... Didn't you do that?
  5. skyrimlover1212, Just a tip about staff stations: LakeView Manor tweaked with this mod - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17007 - has a staff station in the 'Enchanting room'. May be other home mods offer that as well.
  6. Hi folgore62, I am a beginner modder, but I think that I can answer some of your questions: Directly - it can't override. Because .bsa files can not contain plugins (.esp files) and, thereby, can't replace the plugin functionality. The files containing in the .bsa archive can interfere with your caravan weakening indirectly, for example, the scripts can have some functions affecting the caravan power. For the game engine, .bsa or not .bsa - it's almost the same. The differrence is only that loose files (not .bsa) have priority. But extracting .bsa manually to the Data folder with the mod already installed will for sure break the work of your mod manager. If you are going to extract .bsa, you might want to do it in a dummy folder.
  7. I can recommend to try mods that are patches for known vanilla issues as USSEP (Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch), SSE Engine Fixes (a more compex one, requires SKSE).
  8. It's alright Durai :smile: I'm glad you've resolved it. Edit: I understand now that mine is not an issue :smile: It's why you asked about Twin Souls.
  9. Durai, Yes, I confirm this issue! Remembering something similar recently, I've tested it right now. Killed a beast, reanimated it with a reanimating spell in the left hand, changed the spell in the left hand to another one (Atronach), called Atronach and voila, the reanimated beast turns to ash. The SkyUI's active effect icon timebar of the reanimated beast was almost full and just disappeared. If I use a reanimating spell in the right hand, the issue does not happen. Just equipping Atronach does not make the beast turn to ash, I have to cast Atronach. I'm playing in SE, and you... LE?
  10. Well... Not getting an answer, I started to create my own mod. I planned to create a spell that will show weaknesses/resistances in a simple debug messagebox. And already in the process of searching information for this task I finally found a mod that has the desired functionality: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12453 . On the one hand it’s good, because I finally found what I was looking for. On the other hand it’s bad, because I have my heart already set on making my own decision... :smile: Arguments for writing my own: that mod has not been ported to SE; there is no permission for porting on the mod page; that mod has more options (and versions) that I need; while writing my own I will get a helpful experience. May be these are silly questions, but I'm a newbie in modding for Skyrim, so I ask for advice... How can I avoid suspicion of plagiarism? if I do decide to write my own mod, what is better: not to even look at the code of that mode for LE and to do everything from scratch, or to look at its code in order to do it another way? Before that I only worked with open sources... Edit: I was inattentive; there is a note on the mod page: I have included the source code of the script if you want to change any aspects of the spell, but if you re-release it please give credit where credit is due. So, I think, I can look at the code :smile:
  11. I never used MO2 but I know that it is a mod manager. Every mod manager installs mods, this is its main task. Once mods are installed, you can close the mod manager and launch the game in any way you want. Edit: Mods, they are located not in MO2, but in the game folder (exactly, in subfolder 'Data').
  12. Flex4ce, It's possible to launch the game from Steam via SKSE: Steam -> SKSE -> Skyrim SE. I installed SKSE according to this instruction - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1211799672 - and my game, launched in this way, runs OK in my language.
  13. Hi. As I am playing a mage on a high difficulty level, knowingly not taking Impact perk and not using exploits, this question is actual for me. I've searched here in Nexus, in elderscrolls.fandom.com, in en.uesp.net and in Google. The most complete compilation that I found is here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22223?tab=description . But there isn't complete set even there. Anyone knows a more complete one? I haven't got much help from mods neither: MoreHud displays the enemy level only; More Informative Console shows much information but I haven't been able to find what I need. Is there a mod that will help me? May be, I could make this compilation myself in a reasonable amount of time with CK. But I have not worked much with CK yet. If this is an option, please tell me, what is the shortest path to obtain this information, in which Object Window sections/items. I need four parameters values: Resistance(>0) / Weakness(<0) for Frost/Fire/Shock/Poison, in vanilla Skyrim SE.
  14. tomtheclone, I am afraid I did not understand you. What and to what are you going to link? Are you talking about the Vortex requirement to be installed on the same disk as game? Have you managed to bypass this requirement on Windows?
  15. Good luck! When working with Flash files for the first time, I was a little bit stumped... Though, I didn't use JPEX.
  16. mofailed999, That's not loadingmenu.sfo, that's loadingmenu.swf. This file by default is contained inside Data\Skyrim - Interface.bsa. A .bsa file is an archive. The program Bethesda Archive Extractor is used for unpacking these files. You might want to unpack Data\Skyrim - Interface.bsa to a dummy folder, then to edit loadingmenu.swf, then to copy the edited file to Data\Interface.
  17. Gian97, there is a chance that this is the case: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8339563-needing-experienced-help/&do=findComment&comment=76772688
  18. Hi myav, Won't this mod help? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19250 It's not papyrus, though.
  19. Congratulations! I see your port published.
  20. Hi shamino05, Have you tried to verify integrity of game files in Steam? https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335
  21. I've written the rules... So far, it works for me with all icons that I currently need (magic & alchemy). If someone else has the same problem, just ping me in this thread. I could publish it as a mod (with one file Data/interface/exported/widgets/skyui/activeeffects.swf). It is based on the open SkyUI SDK by Schlangster, so there should not be problem with permissions. If some icon will be missing (that you're using, but I am not), I'll add the rule for it. I'll need only an excerpt of your SKSE log at the moment of casting the effect with the missing icon.
  22. I am personally used to check the SKSE version on Esc screen (Tab "System"). At least with SkyUI installed it's always there, at the bottom left corner. As I understand, it does not mean either that SKSE was installed correctly, just the same as getskseversion but without console. Agreed. ...There are more reliable ways to check if SKSE works correctly. To launch SkyUI, for example. It performs a bunch of requests to SKSE; if something is wrong, it will be seen by SkyUI errors/wrong behavior. Or to launch Racemenu (mod).
  23. getskseversion is a Skyrim console command that is being used for checking if SKSE is installed correctly. However, this is not quite right: "That command doesn't indicate whether SKSE64 was installed completely/correctly. If a user forgets to copy the contents of the folder ../Data/Scripts, getskseversion will still output the version number correctly; indicating nothing is wrong. Yet SKSE64 will not have any functionality. This only shows that the .dll files and .exe were copied correctly." https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/170#issuecomment-537272025 Sure, it does not "pop up", it just displays a version number in console.
  24. OK! *sigh* I thought, it's been invented something for that...
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