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Everything posted by Sirenapples

  1. Modding usually is that simple though. Just click download with nmm, then click activate when it's downloaded. Some mods have special steps but if those steps can't be automated then they can just be excluded from "Mod Chains". As for load order, that'd be the job of the Curator / chain maker, to compose them in a certain order. This has the added benefit of helping everyone who doesn't understand load order very well such as myself. The system could literally take you to the page to retain ad revenue as it does its thing so you see each mod currently being handled, or open it up in a new tab. I feel like it doesn't even have to be done by Nexus, but is something any program could do. Essentially just going page by page to download the files and then activating them, with NMM or its own thing. I don't have a reply towards the rest. It's just a lot of work to get into modding and starting all over after playing a heavily modded game in the past feels daunting. I'm just dreaming about a thing that could literally do exactly what I would be doing; Press download. Press activate. (Well, and the most time consuming part; Searching. But searching would instead be done by curators making the chains of mods) But without consuming my own time and energy. Something I could set and come back to after cooking dinner, or when I wake up in the morning. That sounds selfish, but it's a fact of the game. Both skyrim and fallout feel like empty husks without mods, particularly after having used heavy mod lists before. OH! But what about installing NMM mod profiles? Profiles are already a thing. Don't they activate and deactivate mods automatically to switch between profiles? Couldn't you install a Profile someone else made? It could show mods you don't have installed and you could click it to go to the page and install it. But if you already have the mods, poof you're set. I have a MASSIVE library of downloaded mods from all these years, I think at one point a few years ago I determined I had 11% of all nexus mods lmao (I've since changed computers though and restarted the collection). Profiles made by other uses would be a huge help and could be similar to what I'm dreaming of!
  2. I've been wanting to get back into Fallout 4 or Skyrim for months now but the idea of playing without mods is soul crushing, and the idea of taking a week or more redownloading and reapplying mods after having hunted them all down is fatiguing. I know mod compilations are a thing, such as GEMS. But I've been fantasizing about the ability to make and share lists of mods with no permission necessary, because with a push of the download button you download ALL the mods on the list FROM THEIR individual sources so each source gets dinged with a View and a Download, while the page itself also gets 1 download of its own. If you Endorse, it Endorses the Mod List as well as all of the component mods or opens a popup window with all the components to individually endorse or not. And of course you could always click links to the individual mod pages. But the key here is that NMM will install each mod from their own sources, in a specific order given by the List Composer. In NMM there would be a new Mod Profile with the name of the Mod List you download and its Composer, activating that profile shows only the Mod List's mods (Or at least has them in their own folder at the top) and activates them all for you in the correct order. BAM, Instant, immediate (Based on your internet quality...) and incredibly easy access to high-level modding and mod sorting at a push of a button. I can't believe this isn't a thing. I see Mod Packs that are bundled mods that someone managed to get permission for individually and those are always neat enough. And then there are Mod Lists that show a bunch of separate mods. But I really want a one-button full deluge of each individual mod in a proper order, and then a one-button (or two, mod profile then activate) mass-install/apply button within NMM.
  3. Had to scrap it all and completely abandon the idea of using any of those ceiling arches. Bethesda plz. Do they ever even playtest anything?
  4. http://imgur.com/a/bH4GP Snapping in Fallout 4 is always quite the absolute pain in the donkey's hindquarters to deal with. But the pieces Vault-Tech gives you to work with are more unintuitive than ever. How in the ever living pineapplefilled heavens am I supposed to work with this confuzzelry is beyond me. And those wide halls, what are you even supposed to do with those? They snap to doorways and such but they leave gaps so big even a blue whale couldn't satisfy them. But key to my issues at the moment are these batter-blasted ceilings. It took me ages just to get that far in the screenshots shown, that's after scraping my entire foundation for the past incarnation because the ceiling tiles wouldn't for the ever loving love of saint picklestine snap to the walls I had placed, forcing me to scrapall and try again with those two-layered pieces that seemed to have some ceiling tiles built in. Honestly, I feel like six year old coffee powered squirrels could have conceptualized a more functional settlement building than Bethesda did.
  5. Here's a mod idea I'd like to share, since I'm a no talent mooch incapable of making mods at all. I would very much love to see a mod that allows you to summon any NPC you need to talk to in an active quest to your position (Perhaps provided you've met them already and "recorded their information" or whatever, or planted a comms device on them), and they'll appear highlighted as though a hologram. You can then talk to them normally, allowing you to complete quests and the like without having to go back and forth to places. Then there could be the ability to save NPCs to "Call" them at any time. This would allow you to talk to someone without going through a dozen load doors to get to them only to go back out that dozen load doors. _____________ I would also very much love to see a mod that added a Fast Travel option on any door that leads to an exterior cell. Rather than having to go through the loading screen just to immediately go to the map and go through yet another loading screen, you instead fast travel by activating the door itself with an alternate activation key. You might notice a theme... I dislike loading screens. Particularly since the threat of an infinite loading screen is always looming over my head.
  6. I should note as well, earlier this afternoon I went back to Far Harbor / The Island. And once again I have good performance and have yet to have an ILS there. It's just the Commonwealth... Even on the same save. If the save itself were "Corrupted", wouldn't it still happen even in The Island? I'd also point out that the Commonwealth has always performed poorly for me. It's why I quit. I came back for Far Harbor, and Far Harbor ran really well. I had / have problems when I go back to the Commonwealth, but not on the Island. Like ENBoost? I use that. Exactly the same thing for me. When entering Diamond City - and also some of the interior cells located around Diamond City, This ILS bug happened in my game. (I created a thread about it too, and no one replied). I sorta narrowed it down to what I was doing at the time, but my theory was nothing more than a hunch - I am playing Survivor Mode, and have modded console access back in, as well as the survival mode save function mod, back into the game (because having no ability to save is a complete joke), and when I was opening my console up to enjoy the TFC 1 function, or to adjust FOV etc, while playing, this problem was most noticeable. I used the console command also to allow my char to fast travel, but literally only one time did I try it, and again, ILS. While my game appeared to have crashed, my GPU driver fan was still running (loudly), and in each event I could not do a thing to turn it off aside from restarting my computer. One time I reloaded the game while the first instance of Fallout was still "running" and sure enough, I heard the loading-clicking sound in addition to my (second instance of) game running. My game was unplayable of course, frame rate around 1fps, fan sounded like a plane taking off, PC barely responsive. Had to restart PC again. I still think it is related to console-use, but it's just a theory. I also think that your save-file will have become corrupted if it is happening repeatedly, and removing that save file completely is a good remedy. I am in the habit of saving back-up save files now before each play session, and having 15 save files in my folder only. This bug, in addition to VATS freeze, in addition to "Graphics driver has stopped responding and has recovered", in addition to "Runtime error - Virtual Function blah blah blah" crash upon exiting, in addition to horrible stuttering when walking around concord/red rocket, makes the game barely playable in my opinion, and almost altogether un-enjoyable. Oh and don't even get me started on textures that don't load properly. "ffs" is right. "Nothing else makes me feel so hateful and infuriated" - I can TOTALLY relate to that feeling. I always make new saves rather than overwrite old saves, and I try to avoid autosaves. Supposedly that is supposed to help prevent save corruption. I also still avoid the Cabot House. I think something to do with the Mysterious Serum screws with my game. I'm not sure though, it could have just been coincidence in the past but I am now too paranoid to do Cabot stuff. Mysterious Serum is/was one of my favorite items in the game too... This is all just a Bethesda game for you. Shitty Hodge-podge games that are addicting when they work right. I imagine mostly due to there just being no other games that give the same feelings / play the same. Most "RPGs" are third person games with specific characters and more linear gameplay that may or may not let you alter the way your character looks to some extent. I have such high hopes for Cyberpunk 2077. I'm hoping for a Bethesda-like experience (As it sounds like that's what they're going for. Open world, custom character, sandboxy RPG), but with the quality leaving Bethesda in the dust. *Goes to listen to the Cyberpunk teaser again*
  7. Whenever I get an Infinite Loading Screen, I'll still hear the loading screen click (like when you rotate the displayed image) after forcing it closed. There's a second program running as a Background Process in task manager for Fallout 4. This isn't present when I force the game closed any other time other than infinite loading screens.
  8. I quit Fallout 4 for a while and only really started playing again when Far Harbor released. Initially I had only two problems with Far Harbor, a single freeze that I had to Force-close, and a single random CTD. After the second, I updated my AMD drivers to some Beta release thing and I haven't had a single problem with anything on or to do with Far Harbor since. However. I beat Far Harbor and went back to the mainland, and now I've had SIX infinite loading screens since. Nothing else makes me feel so hateful and infuriated than dealing with Fallout 4 right now. Despite all the bullshit textures that randomly decide not to work, I enjoy the game when it is working. But then Bethesdas miraculously somehow functioning garbage heap inevitably crashes or gives me an Infinite loading screen. I almost never have to load saves due to dying. 99% of all my saves, other than reloading saves to explore dialogue options, are loaded due to crashes or times when I have to force the game closed due to Infinite loading screens. The loading times aren't even bad normally. When it's actually running I can fast travel somewhere in about 10 seconds. But then out of nowhere I get these Infinite ones. w t f can I do to reduce them? I almost never even close the game manually anymore, I just end up quitting the game for the day after I inevitably get an ILS or CTD.
  9. F4 updates more regularly, Skyrim is old and I can't even remember the last time I had to wait for an SKSE update on it. I verified game cash or whatever and the game launched... and detected my hardware all over again... Then in the menu the UI was the default color.... My saves were still there.... But when I tried to load, it showed as EVERYTHING missing. All the mods not registering. wtf. Edit; whew, just had to re-tick the little boxes in Nmm
  10. I never play Skyrim without SKSE, but Skyrim is a lot more reliable these days. Fallout 4 is not so reliable. I installed F4SE because hey, fallout script extender, right? And a mod required it so that's that. But now I cannot play Fallout at all because the F4SE doesn't match the update or whatever, the F4SE thing pops up saying it's out of date and... nothing. It doesn't let me play at all. Very randomly, twice out of dozens of times trying, I've been able to play anyway. I'm very frustrated and Automatron comes out today next week. I've tried uninstalling it myself but nothing seems to work and I still get the normal notification and the game not launching after that. So the obvious answer is that I'm not remembering everything I did or something and looking at the installation and undoing the things I did don't seem to be doing anything. (f4se_1_4_132.dll, f4se_loader.exe, and f4se_steam_loader.dll) I even took out the folder it seemed to make, where the plugins go. " * How do I uninstall F4SE? - Delete the three files you copied to your Fallout installation folder."Something must have gone wrong. So... Any thoughts or more experienced individuals who might know anything... ?
  11. That's exactly the problem I have/had. I went to an earlier save and it seemed to stop, but I haven't gone back to the places where I had the problem to begin with. It's possible I did something to trigger the problem and that was that, the save was ruined from then on. But from the earlier save things seem normal. ( Normal for me anyway, with the crappy dysfunctional textures ). It's -possible- that it could be, for me, related to the Mysterious Serum. I might have to risk trying the serum again and seeing what happens to know for sure (Or at least get a better guess if it is or not). The infinite loading was incredibly exasperating as you said. Initially I uninstalled the game in frustration because of them, then reinstalled it later because I couldn't help myself and things seemed better until I got the load problems again, but then the earlier save seems to have made things better again. Have you tried a new game yet? It's possible it's a problem with your existing saves?
  12. There's no frickin end to the infuriating things. I uninstalled the game vowing to never touch it again I was so pissed with it yesterday, after dealing with ILS and after ILS constantly, trying ALL AFTERNOON to find out what is wrong with it. Google was absolutely useless, as almost everything was about Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, or about when trying to load the game itself. It's likely connected to the last patch, which seems to be ruining many peoples games. After reinstalling it, I was able to play for 3-4 hours problem free. I only had the irritating POS texture issue where your own character's attire would remain unloaded in addition to random aspects of the area. However, trying to fix that before proved to only screw my game up royally. So I let it be, content to just play the game with the graphic issues. Then this happens. Endless. Random. Infinite. Loading screens. This is the absolutely worst experience I've ever had with a game, and I've played quite a few Early Access games and watched others play many more. Fallout 4 is behaving worse than many Early Access games. Is there anything I can do to stop all these? There is no forewarning, there's no similarities, there is no rhyme or reason. They just happen. Incessantly. No matter what I do or where I go. Often anywhere between 5 to 20 minutes into the game. Sometimes loading is just fine. Othertimes it randomly decides to wet itself, both when just trying to go through a door, other times when loading a save. The same save can load sometimes but not other times.
  13. o m g Now all of a sudden I can't fix the texture issues anymore. I have ENBoost and the texture load workaround applied, but it's not doing anything. I can see the ENBoost menu thing ingame and everything, but the textures aren't loading still. All day I've been trying to fix my game, and often before today... I will note that even though I have ENBoost active, it doesn't seem to be hurting my game this time around. Which is decent. It's like it might as well not even be there, so it's not harming anything I imagine, but it's not doing the one thing I installed it to do. Why Bethesda, Why. :pinch: Edit: I was playing for an hour without issues. After posting this, I CTD'd within 5 minutes. I'm done. I don't think I'll post in this topic again or for some time. I've already complained enough and conveyed all the information I can and nothing is getting better.
  14. http://i.imgur.com/U1DXWxo.jpg The textures are so random. Here's two wooden planks side by side, one is loaded and the other isn't, and neither are the clothes I'm wearing (And maybe hair too). Every single time I fast travel anywhere or go through a loading screen, the texture problems occur. And it ALWAYS effects what I'm wearing. After that they never load in again. It's permanently stuck like that until I restart, the game doesn't even try to load it anymore. I uninstalled ENBoost again so I could remove some lines a Texture Load Workaround added so I can see if 1.3 fixed it like others were saying. It didn't. Hence the screenshot there. It seems I still keep randomly crashing when going to Sanctuary. And now perhaps separately, I keep crashing randomly when in settlement build mode... Bethesda games. Geeze. Always such top quality... This texture problem is so infuriating. It ALWAYS effects whatever I'm wearing, Even if I unequip it, equip something else (Which isn't unloaded), then requip it it remains unloaded. If I wear something else then fast travel, the dress will be normal when I equip it there, and whatever I wore while fast traveling will be unloaded. Besides what I wear, it effects my weapon as well. And randomly effects textures in the surroundings and/or surrounding characters. This is such a huge fricking issue I'd expect this to be an Early Access game.
  15. With ENBoost active again the game freezes on loading, like it use to. I just have to let it sit for a few seconds just like before. Load times are so much longer with ENBoost on than without, and it stuttered heavily when I alt-tabbed back into it until several seconds had passed. Just now I had to use task manager because the game froze and went unresponsive when I quit. I haven't planed enough to really see if it stutters too much mid-game... In fact I think I'll leave this post unsubmitted until then.... *Elevator music* Yeah, it seems to be running almost as badly as before (At least it was when I quit). Something about ENBoost is messing up my game. I have to choose between reliable gameplay, or working textures. Edit: Ugh, the load times are so unbearable. I just uninstalled ENBoost again and what do you know, fast load times again. But then there's the damned texture problem back once more. http://imgur.com/a/iEaxm The first two are after loading the game. The second two are after fast traveling once, just a minute later. What does ENBoost do that fixes the texture problem? What can I do to fix this texture issue without having ENBoost on? Or, alternatively, what can I do with ENBoost to make it not screw my game/computer up? Edit: I installed http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/978/? and then reinstalled ENBoost... For some reason when using both, I still get the texture issue. (But not when just using ENBoost)
  16. I updated to 1.3 after reading that. I uninstalled ENBoost afterwards. The game runs so much better (Even with ENBoost active it seemed not to stutter as hard, but I didn't play for long with it + 1.3, neither did I go into the city areas where I had the most trouble). However, it did not fix the texture issue. I made a convenient example right here: http://imgur.com/a/di4aj Only thing missing is the armor example, but I haven't seen the same armor that I was noticing the issue in before due to playing on a new character after updating. What's happening seems to be, I'm not 100%, but it seems like after going through any load door the game just remains permanently half-loaded like that with the crap textures as though they were in the distance and not loaded yet or something. If I save and quit the game, then reinter the game then you get the second pic, taken after restarting. Then the textures work properly, until the bug appears again sooner or later. My game hasn't stuttered more than a second or two one or two times since uninstalling ENBoost and updating to 1.3. Hesitant to reinstall ENBoost... It really hit's my game/computer hard it seems. *sigh* Another note is I don't think I see any performance difference when the textures are loaded properly vs when they are screwed up.
  17. I don't really know much about sharing system information. But. Processor Information: Vendor: AuthenticAMD CPU Family: 0x15 CPU Model: 0x30 CPU Stepping: 0x1 CPU Type: 0x0 Speed: 3493 Mhz 4 logical processors 2 physical processors HyperThreading: Supported FCMOV: Supported SSE2: Supported SSE3: Supported SSSE3: Supported SSE4a: Supported SSE41: Supported SSE42: Supported Operating System Version: Windows 10 (64 bit) Video Card: Driver: AMD Radeon R7 Graphics DirectX Driver Name: aticfx32.dll Driver Version: 15.301.1201.0 DirectX Driver Version: Driver Date: 23 Dec 2015 Number of Logical Video Cards: 1 Primary VRAM: 1024 MB Audio device: Speakers (Realtek High Definiti Memory: RAM: 11211 Mb Total Hard Disk Space Available: 1875119 Mb Largest Free Hard Disk Block: 1526453 Mb My "Installed Software" is bloated with crap Lenovo and AMD had preinstalled, I don't really know what I can uninstall without damaging anything or something. But it sounds like I might be running out or VRAM as you mentioned. 1024 is only 1GB right? I think recommended is 3. I thought I had more than that. Which I dunno... Advanced Settings in Control Panel shows I have 6629MB, just that 1024 is dedicated. If that makes any difference. Edit: Well. Maybe I'm not running out, the 1024 IS just dedicated, but it still uses the rest if it needs to right? So perhaps the problem is my computer can't process things fast enough?
  18. Saving and reloading doesn't help. I had to completely restart the game. That Nexus link memory texture patch whatever thing didn't seem to help, my character would remain with unloaded armor textures until restart and it would happen randomly. Downloading ENBoost stuff solved my texture issues, but now my game is damn near unplayable at times where it infuriatingly stutters to hell and back, freezing for seconds at a time sometimes, especially when it actually matters like when I'm getting skullbanged by super mutants. When it does run it seems to be running a lot better though, up until the "stuttering" / freezing. I just barely had to pull the plug on my computer because my game was so unplayable that it didn't even want to close right and even after it closed my computer was a steaming pile of crap unable to so much as exit Task Manager. I'm on Windows 10... with an AMD computer which from what I've read seems relevant. As mentioned, it runs Skyrim on High + lots of mods with little to no issue. It's not a bad computer, but it feels like a pile of junk while trying to play this game I've waited so long to finally play.
  19. For more perspective, so people don't/stop assume(ing) that I'm just bashing how Fallout 4 doesn't look like Witcher 3 or Crysis or whatever: http://i.imgur.com/9FdZcXw.jpg This is supposedly "High" textures. It may very well be a problem with textures loading in. But... It already performs like utter bull (But not unplayable). Would patching it just make everything run even worse?
  20. Edit: The texture problem was textures not loading correctly. Which has been fixed when I downloaded ENBoost. However, new problems as a result of ENBoost have come up... Very heavy stuttering that makes the game feel almost unplayable at times, which seems to get worse/ more frequent the longer the game is running. ________________ I can run Skyrim on High and keep a stable good framerate. It's no Ultra x Modded game, but it looks good and runs good. But then here comes Fallout 4, and the textures are random as heck sometimes looking decent and other times (especially clothes) looking like they were 2005 or something. Meanwhile it doesn't even run very well, especially in the city ruins areas where it very frequently freezes for a second or two at a time. And this is with everything but Textures as low as they can go. But the textures look like trash regardless of having it be the only option set high. And I don't mean in the nitpicky way, they practically look like they're still perpetually trying to load in or something they're so low. I can only guess that black spots are supposed to be buttons or something based on context, if it's even noticeable among the smudge. How can this game run AND look so poorly in comparison to Skyrim, a 5-year old game? I had been waiting forever for this game, only for this...
  21. It's ridiculous that "The Blades" act so higher than you. You do so much for them, far far more worlds more than they ever do for you. All they do for you is order you around and tell you there is a shout that can help defeat Alduin- which Paarthurnax, not them, helps you get. And then they have the audacity to demand that you kill one of your only true allies or they won't associate with you anymore as if their presence was some gift to you, nevermind their own supposed purpose as an organization for the dragonborn. I cannot believe that after, what, four years already? That there isn't a mod that replaces or erases them. I can't imagine it'd be any more difficult than any other voiced interactive NPC mod.
  22. I just had a thought that I thought was wonderful. Tons of people hate Delphine, don't they? I know I do. I think I hate the Blades (Delphine and Esburn, at least. To call them "The Blades" does them too much credit.) more than the Thalmor at this point. She's such a complete... Anyway. I'm surprised there isn't a mod along these lines. There are lots of fantastic voiced NPC mods out there, notably Interesting NPCs that adds loads of them to the game. Should it not be possible then that someone could make an entirely new voiced NPC that replaces Delphine? Someone more likable, that actually respects the Dragonborn even if just slightly would be an improvement. And coupled with this, someone who defers to the Dragonborn. Asks for the Dragonborn's opinions, insights, instead of blatantly ordering around the person that aren't they supposed to be protecting if not serving? This would include removing the dialogue / quest to kill Paarthurnax entirely except as an optional dialogue line where YOU suggest slaying him, or pardoning him to remove the dialogue options involving it entirely. Alternatively, there could be a mod that outright rips the blades (Or at least Delphine & Esburn) from the game. The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller would be right where it was supposed to be, no note. Completely bypassing all the blades related quests. Yes this would skip out on a lot of content, but really the blades add nothing that couldn't be handled by Paarthurnax and the Greybeads. It'd be a lot shorter, unless this was also a quest mod that included its own quests to fill the blanks. But it would be so much worth it. I rarely ever play the main quest specifically because Delphine is such a nuisance I never feel motivated to bother and I highly doubt I'm a special snowflake in feeling that way.
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