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Posts posted by Shawkab

  1. There is nothing special about weapon racks. One thing to try is to start a new game, or go back to a much earlier save, maybe one before you visited Whiterun, and see if the weapon rack is still behaving the same. Have you tried the plugin on different versions? I found v1.1.21 had some major problems with plugins, specifically adding references to a parent and not displaying new references. All else fails, you can send the plugin to me and I'll see what I can figure out.


    Hmm, may have been 1.1.21.. Got my .esp up here.. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3192


    Not sure what it is about racks, can't seem to get them to work right, the weapons just spawn in some random area. Ill test a new save etc.

  2. You're just the guy I wanted a reply from :)


    I've completely revamped Whiterun in a .esp because the console way is getting old and it is only .ess based it seems. Gotten to a point where I have changed everything (took 3 days..) and now I find that these damn weapons racks don't want to move.. Can move them in console, but that only evolves my .ess.


    I have moved my walls in my .esp and I need the racks moved somewhere else, or deleted so I can attempt to make new ones. I've tried to move it a few ways, modifying the DATA location does nothing it seems, I tried modifying the NAME so I can change the Formid to see if being a different form will make moving it possible, that doesn't work.. which makes no sense because I can move a lot of persistent things, but weapon racks/paques seem to want to be a pain in the ass. Right now I just set their scale down to 0.01 to make them pretty much invisible but I'm obviously still having the ACT MSG showing for the Plaque papyrus.


    You mention moving them outside the cell, What do you mean by this?


    I have found that any item with a ragnoll to it can just have its ragdoll physics taken away, and then moved.. maybe there is something holding weapon racks the same way?


    Also, I was wondering how you got your racks to activate in your solitute mod? and the mannequins, I haven't actually tested yours but I assume you got them to work? for the plaques I'm adding DB2a2 and DB2a3 as unique IDs.. get in game, they get their MSG etc but when I use SV in console the Activator Ref_Var isn't activating.. I can activate this with console but that kinda defeats the purpose. Even if I did add this with console I can't seem to get weapon to display on the rack. Ive tried even duplicating existing weapon racks, giving them different ids, moving them.. that still doesn't work, weapon either doesn't place properly or they don't work together.


    I have this same issue with everything that activates like this, Bookshelves too.. they seem to create their own area to activate in and spawn there instead. are Xmarkers needed or something?


    Is there no way to put all these activations etc into one Form ID? I find it very odd how Bethesda did this.. especially bookshelves, after figuring out how they actually work it is a complete headache.. I understand now why houses only have so many.. all this gets me very worried about how good this CK is going to be, I can make a better bookshelf then the developers did with the CK in their hands.. doesn't make sense, were they making shelves this same way? Half the bookshelves have their invisiblecollision marks waaaay off, if they have amazing tools for this, how does that happen?

  3. If you want to make your house a .esp you need to manually hexedit all your positions and angles/formids etc etc into TESsnip. What this is at the moment is near impossible to do large scale.. easy to add one or two things, but that is about it.


    Also, I have updated the commands section of Fusromod, has every command available in it. Check it out.


    I'm working on a way to allow others to upload images to the site easily..

  4. Is this possible?


    Trying to delete a few weapon racks and seem to have come to a point where it's impossible to get these things out. I know that they can be deleted with console commands but I'm making a .esp and I don't want to only effect my saves, I want the .esp to take the effect of the deleted rack.

  5. Honestly, I hate the houses in this game, especially the Solitute house, I personally like the Riften styled house, but the layout is terrible.


    I'm about 75% done making a mod that completely changes the Breezehome house; It should be up in the housing section either tonight or tomorrow. It's a lot of work without CK unfortunately..


    I will probably do multiple mods of houses, This one changes the walls/floor to be Riften styled, as well as creates two new rooms and adds Enchanting table + Blacksmith + Mannequins etc. I had to keep it fairly the same as the standard breezehome to comply with Companion/Family pathing. After I make this one I can probably take requests if people want their own .esp of a modded house. The Console thing works only so much, and unfortunately you can really screw up your .esm and your game in general if you do to much modifying in console.


    Edit: Oh yah, and 10 bookcases + a ton of weapon racks.


    I can probably make a room just full of weapon racks if I get that into it.

  6. I've added some warnings to main page, so people don't make our mistakes.


    Anyone found out anything about bookshelfs , weapon racks and manequins??


    These you can place, but they won't work.


    From what I understand about bookshelves so far is; When you place a static bookshelf all you are placing is the shell, it needs a cell inside it which is an invisible placeholder (Go to a working bookshelf and try to place something in it manually, you will notice it has a invisible wall where the books go,) so, you can do this in TESsnip after finding it with FNVedit as well but it isn't as easy as that sounds either. Every book that you place into a bookshelf has its own little spawn area, so you need to know the exact worldlocation ((X, Y, Z)) of the space where you are wanting to put each individual book, and there is something like 15 in a normal bookshelf.


    At this point Bookshelves just aren't worth it.. And Mannequins/Weaponracks are kind of the same. Mannequins are NPCs, they need to be referenced with cells to do certain things, they need to activate and be given a stop command so they stop breathing etc like a normal NPC, all this has to be done through TESsnip from what I can tell because there is no way to actually select a cell or node. Weaponracks are pretty much the same situation, you can place a weaponrack and its activator but the weapon gets placed randomly when you mount it because the activator isn't placed directly where the plaque is.


    Also, just so people know, None of what you do in your game with Console is permanent to your .ESM.. Everything you do in console only saves into your .ESS (save file.) And from what I can tell, a ESS cannot be extracted or manipulated.


    anyone founds ID's for Banners?


    **FYI. Banners cannot be removed, much light a bookshelf.**


    There are banners, and they can be spawned. They are in a different category called Moveable Static (MSTT/MATT) But I didn't put them on my website because of how useless they are with console money, you cannot move them once they are placed because you can't even select them. (ex. FormID#D2009.) I figured until that is figured out it is kinda pointless putting them on page. You can try though.. best way is to go into flymode (TFC) and go directly into a wall where u want the flag. If you want more check FNVEdit or i might put them on website.


    Anyone had any luck placing lightsources? I have spawned candles etc, but those give off very little light, tried to spawn torch sconce and static wall torch, but those just spawned on the floor no matter where and what item.

    I was when i first got a torch on the wall it did not give any light, also tried to exit/enter game and leaving the area and come back. i was looking for lightsources, but those might be nearly impossible to place the way you want without a CK.

    Anyone tried placing light sources?


    These are pretty easy actually, first you need to place the candle. I have a bunch on the bottom of the seamcloud here. These give off a small amount of light but if you want some more ambient lighting you need to spawn.




    Horn Candle = 1F24A

    Light = B215E **Be Warned, Spawning Lighting is permanent and cannot be removed.**


    It is best to make a test save and test these out till you perfect it because once the lgihting is down, it is down and you cannot get rid of it like a bookshelf. You can find static candles here using CTRL+F to find Candle and lighting for candles in the LIGHT section. **Be Warned, Spawning Lighting is permanent and cannot be removed.**

  7. Shaw got a question dude. I'm seeing ID's in your list that look like this,




    Got any idea how to actually spawn these?


    Noticed that too, didn't like being extracted and then put into php.. But in most cases you can take out the 0 and subtract or add 1 to the end digit.


    Like, for example, 6.30e+75 = 63e74. SMDECeiSol03.


    Hope that helps, trying to fix that, not sure why it happend.

  8. I was hoping someone would come out with an alternative to TESsnip/FoMM and FNVEdit by now, but from what I can tell no one has yet to my knowledge. So I decided to put it all in Website form.


    All I have really done is extract every Form Id from the game and put it into the website form.


    How it is categorized right now is a bit different then how it will be categorized, I find the structure of bethesda games impossible to weave through, if you want a certain bed, you have to go through FURN, STAT and sometimes even MISC to find it, so eventually, for example it will be more like this; with a search etc.




    FORMID - Noblebed#3Description - STAT

    FORMID - Noblebed#4Description - FURN




    FORMID - RiftenWallw/Window#300 Description - STAT

    FORMID - RiftenWallw/Window#301 Description - STAT


    I also plan on linking all the references in the game, for example if you click an item in console mode you can get an ID, but this id is useless unless you find its reference and then the reference will give you the ID of the item. Also I plan to get as many images as I can, at least for the ones that need them.. Trying to make it possible for people to upload them or something.


    This will all become obsolete by the time the CK is released, and I dunno if I have the drive to actually finish this.. but I'm doing it mainly for my own experience with the ids/names/descriptions just in case the CK is as badly categories as everything else is. Regardless when i'm done restructuring all the categories ill give out the excel to anyone who wants it, hopefully someone else can take it from there and make a program with all of it.. with the end result being Better future mods :)


    Here is the Website form, in the same structure as everything else; HERE


    For now, at least it makes console modding a bit easier :) I will also post the un-categorized excel when i get all them put together, I think a bunch of them have already hit the web though, it's easy to extract that info.

  9. I wouldn't consider the idea completely dead, if you change the dependencies and Refrences manually it will work.. but modding that for other people to download would be a bit harder.


    For example, I can change the name of the door that I enter when I go into Breezehome.. Instead it says, "Shawk's Home." with no issues so far.. Also I think I could do this with everything else in my house very easily.


    However, this could all just be in my .ess instead of an .esp or .esm.

  10. I'm restructuring the entire Skyrim FORMID list and I have found a few things.


    First, if you are looking for Markarh you have to be creative, there is no, "markarth," because Markarth is based off of Dwemer structures, so. Searching Dwemer will get you nothing, but search DWE and you get tons.


    You will not find this unless you either search STAT category on the right HERE or unless you download FNVEdit.. It will most likely not be in TESsnip.


    CTRL+F = Search on my website.


    Also, DweRmSmWall01Shelf01 - Dwemer, Small, Room, Wall, #1 w/ Shelf on wall #1 - meaning there are more then one of them.

    Or, DweWallExBg01Snow - Dwemer, Wall, Extra Big #1, w/ snow.


    Also, Search DWEWall and you will find a bunch of walls.

  11. For sure would be cool to get a place to host some stuff like images etc, I can probably handle most the bandwidth for the pictures etc though.


    Currently attempting to organize the lists into categories like walls, floors, beds and all subdirectory categories. I figured we got a month and a half till mod kit comes out so I might as well just make all this happen..

  12. Hey guys, So I was sick of using TESsnip etc for my FormIDs, largely because it keeps crashing on my girlfriend who would then ask me what the ID was..


    ...so, I did what I knew and put every FormID into website form, this is every ID in Skyrim.. Not just what's in TESsnip.




    Enjoy, for ease of use I put all the more popular decoration IDs on the Right. I will also be putting in CELLs and Commands later. Oh and a Image database so people other then me and upload images of each FormID.

  13. @Valmere

    I don't think this is possible unfortunately, there just isn't enough commands like that, Ideally ID.Markfordelete would work nice, as well as a ID.Placeatme and a Target.ID.. but we got none of those :(




    The only way I have found to get the ID of an Inworld item is to use FNVEdit, which is another program like TESsnip.


    Just put the ID of the item, and it will give you the REF of where that item is located in the game, as well as the name and ID of the actual object it is.




    Only way to fix that is to delete them from TESsnip, or go all the way and place new ones and move them to where it is you wanted them. This console way of editing is a bit Barbaric unfortunately.. I deleted both my bookshelf cells completely by accident and had to edit them back in.


    For now they have that option. What is happening is the first step in centralising and controlling distribution.


    Paranoid. Defined.


    If you honestly think Bethesda or Steam is going to control modding this much, I would be paranoid too, however, this isn't as bad as your brain is making it out to be.

    If you only knew... :whistling:


    You do realize you're just reinforcing your paranoid state right?


    If only I knew what? do you know something that I don't know or are you just basing your entire opinion on the fact that a company like EA does is so why not Bethesda? grow up.

  15. You can change Height, get them naked and I think even attributes, not sure if you can do what you're asking.


    However, here is a full list, just CTRL+F and see what you can dig up, it's pretty crazy how much is actually possible in console commands, that matched with a batch file is pretty insane.


    Here is the Link.


    For now they have that option. What is happening is the first step in centralising and controlling distribution.


    Paranoid. Defined.


    If you honestly think Bethesda or Steam is going to control modding this much, I would be paranoid too, however, this isn't as bad as your brain is making it out to be.

  17. For all you Paranoid Freedom Mavriks:


    1. Put Steam in Offline Mode. Never change it. (You hate steam and Skyrim's patches why are you ever changing this..)

    2. Always download from Nexus.

    3. Stay the 1%


    I really don't see why any of you are still complaining.. It seems a lot of bickering without any purpose.

  18. So I've finished the new basement floor in my remodel. I have all the crafting stations down there, in addition to the fertile soil just to see what it does. I also added an archery range, a couple of practice dummies, and the far wall lined with dummies is where I will setup the armor manniquins once we figure out how to set them up. The dummies are just place holders for now. I'll also setup some weapon racks and plaques near there to finish off the armory motif. I was thinking of setting up cages with NPCs like Sixrazor did, but now I'll have to think of something else :P. Anyone know how to create exit doors? I was thinking of setting up two "secret" doors down there which connect to the DB and Thieves Guild. Kind of make the room into the Bat Cave.




    Hope you like them.


    That is something you would have to hexedit with TESsnip etc, not fun, or easy, should be a TESsnip tutorial around somewhere, but you would probably need FNVEdit as well so you can find the Cells you are going to need to operate with.

  19. Sweet, tutorial! I hope it gets added to the nexus wiki, soon. Thank you.


    PS: There is also a way to create a getpos x/y/z commando by placing a txt named "bat yourfilename" in the skyrim folder.


    Here is the tutorial for it straight from the interwebs:


    bat <name of text file> - You can create a notepad or text document to create several "batch" or list of commands to all be executed at once. All you have to do is open notepad and start type commands and start a new line for each one. This is especially helpful if you want to do a number of things such as adding materials, potions, ingredients, etc., without the need to keep minimizing and looking up the code, etc.


    NOTE: After you make your text document, just place it in the root of your installation folder for skyrim. Be sure to also save it as a .txt format.




    Happy modding!


    I find this might be the best way, but I don't think it's actually possible to do anything largescale.


    You will always have to target an object to actually move or replace it, unless I'm understanding this wrong. For example, if I wanted to make a script to delete a wall and replace it with a different wall, I would need to script it to markfordelete the wall, then select the ground, create a wall, change the angle, then setpos.. and requiring a ton of individual selection of different objects and reference points.


    Is there a way to make this possible at all?

  20. Dedicated house builders could teleport themselves to place they're remodeling during the initial quest with Alduin attacking the village, then upload that save.


    This is what I was going to do..


    But who wants to start all over? lol.. I just wish I could find a way to just inject it into a save file.

  21. Here is a few FAQ from CivV Steamworks.


    Q. If I install a mod from a third party website, will Steam need to “validate” the mod in any way?

    A. No. Mods will not be validated by Steam, and you will not need to switch steam to online mode in order to play a new mod.


    Q. When Steam auto-patches Civilization V, will mods cease to function until they are updated for the new patch?

    A. We do not review mods so we can’t speak to the effect patches may have on every mod’s functionality. At the same time, ensuring that our platform remains stable and backward-compatible is a priority. As always, as I get more info, I’ll update you.


    Played and modded CivV, none of these concerns people are bringing up have any proof backing them, Steamworks is nothing but good. Unless you play it in a way that isn't legal.

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