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Posts posted by zaraia

  1. Got the same problem. Female has a high texture face while body is normal. Meanwhile Male face has a 'greyed' out face like the one the poster has.


    I think ENBseries shader enhancing did this, but I am not sure. Did anyone with the same problem install ENBshader mod ?


    I had an issue with an intermediary version of ENBseries where the face turned dark brown every once in a while. Reloading a savegame or entering a building usually fixed it (temporarily). That's not this issue though, I'm still having this after reinstalling and without any mods, including ENB.




    I made a thread about this on the Bethesda forum which got a bit more attention than the one I made here: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1350967-greydiscolored-faces/


    So far the only thing we seem to know is that everyone with that problem (so far) uses Windows 7 64-bit.

  2. well this is a annoying issue, most facial mods has this when you edit a NPC


    the head stays on a different skin color(nord 6 or 7), while the body changes, bethesda is working to now to fix this bug


    Are you sure that's the same issue? I have this problem for my PC, and even without using a face mod. And a Nord at 6 or 7 won't look right either.

  3. The faces in my Skyrim seem to react differently to lighting than the bodies. Under certain lighting they will look normal, but usually they will look more like this:




    That's a picture I borrowed from someone having the same problem who posted in the modding section: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/497786-another-facial-discoloration-issue/


    At first I also thought I had screwed it up with mods, so I reinstalled the game from scratch, but I still have the same problem.



    Any help would be very much appreciated, this is really not very pretty :confused:. And based on that thread I'm not the only one with that issue.

  4. This is actually a very nice mod for the smaller sizes. But past about 50% on the weight slider the breast size just becomes absurd (in my mind). My character looked great at about 20%, but then I looked at Lydia...


    So my question is, is there a way to automatically reduce the weights of all NPCs to half of what they are now? That would make for a perfect range.


    [edit] Alternatively, how do you average two shapes?

  5. People will mod what ever they will, and thats fine. However, avoiding uploading said mod here and causing controversy and the 30 threads being posted in this forum asking why the mod was taken down saves all of us (especially the site staff) the hassle. It doesn't hurt to discuss anything (though some subjects are less desirable than others), but isn't it better to discuss said subjects when one is fully aware of all the ramifications of posting the finished content here? :thumbsup:


    Got you, thanks for the info.

  6. I've seen it mentioned a few times now and I just want to remind folks that Rape in mods is on the black list of what not to do here. I would suggest avoiding any kind of forced or otherwise non-consenting sexual treatment of either gender. Sorry for ruining the party...


    It is? I thought the nexus wasn't censored. And also I thought it was possible in the sexlivion mod (just poorly done). But if so that's a shame.


    From the site terms...

    -If your file contains graphic scenes including but not limited to nudity, sex, masturbation, rape or torture then you increase your chances of Nexus staff removing your content at their own discretion and without warning.


    Historically, rape mods have always been removed, and some heated debates have ensued in other Nexus forums over mods that include content that can be construed as nonconsenting. Best to just avoid that entirely.


    We're only discussing ideas here. If a modder wants to make a mod, he or she will make that mod. The worst that can happen is that it gets deleted here and he or she will just have to upload it somewhere else.

  7. I've seen it mentioned a few times now and I just want to remind folks that Rape in mods is on the black list of what not to do here. I would suggest avoiding any kind of forced or otherwise non-consenting sexual treatment of either gender. Sorry for ruining the party...


    It is? I thought the nexus wasn't censored. And also I thought it was possible in the sexlivion mod (just poorly done). But if so that's a shame.

  8. Stuff like this, while realisitic, would be highly sensitive and very difficulty to pull off in anything approaching a tasteful manner. a lot of it would also have the be highly situational, and almost certianly biased. For instance, bandits would be less likely to rape a male character than a female (Even if we're talking an all female bandit group, as most of the time raping a man is a difficult task in an of its self). Its a really slippery slope...


    I can see how it might be considered sensitive, but I can't really think of a good reason why. I mean this game has cannibalism in it, along of course with the constant non-sexual violence. And if you read a little into the lore, you quickly realise that the Elder Scrolls universe is even more graphic than what I just alluded to, even sexually.


    I agree that kind of thing would be challenging to pull off, and probably not for everyone. But it would introduce sexuality in a realistic way that matches the gameplay and that I think could open up a lot of great possibilities.

  9. BTW I hope modders will keep in mind the female perspective. For instance if a mod introduces prostitutes, make it an option for your female character to become one. Same for sex slavery, rape, or anything else.


    I also would like my female character to be able to use her feminine wiles to get out of certain situations, possibly with a high enough speech skill. For instance give her the option of offering certain services to a guard instead of paying a bounty or going to jail. Or as an alternative to fighting certain enemies.


    I really like the idea of being able to use sex in gameplay like that in lieu of arrest or combat. I'm curious though, how would sex slavery (or rape for that matter) work the other way around?


    I was mostly referring to other discussions on the forum and previous mods. Slavery/captivity could happen for example instead of dying when your health reaches 0 while fighting members of certain factions (same for rape). Or maybe if you use a "yield" option. You'd then end up as the faction's captive with potentially a very intricate quest to become free again. This wouldn't have to be sexual at all of course, it could be anything from being a servant at the Thalmor embassy, to being forced to work in a mine, to being prostituted or chained naked in a Forsworn camp.

  10. BTW I hope modders will keep in mind the female perspective. For instance if a mod introduces prostitutes, make it an option for your female character to become one. Same for sex slavery, rape, or anything else.


    I also would like my female character to be able to use her feminine wiles to get out of certain situations, possibly with a high enough speech skill. For instance give her the option of offering certain services to a guard instead of paying a bounty or going to jail. Or as an alternative to fighting certain enemies.

  11. As I've said, I like the idea of integrating casual sexual content into the regular gameplay, making it compatible and fitting. One possible source of inspiration for that could be, quite simply, the previous games, or more precisely Daggerfall.


    For those who have never played it, here's what I mean:




    Daggerfall included:


    - skyclad witches and nude nymphs encountered (rarely) in the wilderness

    - female daedra who would shed their clothing when entering combat

    - certain temple priestesses being always nude: specifically those of Dibella, Kynareth, and Akatosh

    - a joinable Prostitutes Guild (which didn't make it into the final game but can still be found in the coding)

  12. I don't think the two options (contextual vs. instant) are mutually exclusive, in fact I think both would be necessary to create a realistic adult-rated environment. Each should just be put in its proper context.


    Just walking up to a character and initiating a sex sequence would be completely meaningless, I agree with everything that has been said here. Just as the current marriage option is pointless. A great sex mod would need a lot more in terms of character development and relationship building, possibly with new quests, new dialogue, new non-sexual animations, etc. Both for marriage and any other relationships that should lead to sex. Of course each adapted to the character, with some being easier than others.


    But other small sexual elements should probably be added to make the setting more realistic, and would also cater to "instant gratification" (in addition to being easier to design). Prostitution would be an obvious addition, as would rape (that may not be too politically correct, but in a place where violence is so omnipresent it would be really hard to avoid, and I don't think it's morally more objectionable than disembowlement and decapitation). Both could open up some interesting roleplay and combat possibilities. I also really like the idea of sometimes catching NPCs engaged in their own various acts.

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