Let's just say you have it installed through MO. In that case, first open MO and click the green & blue gears icon at the top icon bar. In the Modify Executables panel that opens put "TES5Edit" into the Title space and then put the path to TES5Edit in the Binary place. That's the real actual path to TES5Edit on your computer, not any special MO path. I recommend selecting "Use Application's Icon for Shortcuts" and deselecting "Close MO when started" but those are up to your own tastes. Click Add then close the Modify Executables panel. Now go choose TES5Edit from the Run drop down menu and click Run. If TES5Edit isn't there then you made a mistake following the instructions above. Make sure that Armor Effects Magic is selected in the left-hand mod menu in MO, and PTMageArmor.esp is checked on the plugins list on the right. When TES5Edit opens right-click on the Master/Plugin Selection menu that first comes up, and choose Select None. Then check PTMageArmor.esp and click OK. Wait for it to load up. There will be a message "Background Loader:finished"in the right-hand pane, on the Messages tab. Now go to the left pane and find PTMageArmor.esp on the list under Skyrim.esm and Skyrim.exe. Drill down in the expandable lists to Perk->01001562 PTMageArmorPerk. I assume 01001562 is the same number you'll have but if it isn't don't worry about it because PTMageArmorPerk is the only one there on the Perk list. I think the numbers you want to change are in the right-hand pane labeled as EPFD - Data. You'll see a number just under that, a float. The original values in the mod are 1.100000, 1.200000, 1.800000, 1.400000, 1.050000, 1.150000, 1.100000, 1.450000, 1.050000, 1.500000, 1.300000, 1.200000, 1.650000, 1.600000, 1.350000, 1.250000, and 1.250000. Right click on those values and choose Edit. Click through the warning when you can, and change the values to what you want. When you're done close TES5Edit. It will ask you which plugins you want to save. Make sure PTMageArmor.esp (and no others) is selected and click OK. TES5Edit will save your file and close. All done. I hope I was clear enough.