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About Pananacakes

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    United States
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    Skyrim, 30 seconds at a time
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    Unreal Thievery, a multiplayer 1st person sneaker conversion for UT99

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  1. I know there's a function GetOutgoingWeather, but is there a way to tell what weather is coming next? Edit: I mean find the next queued weather before it actually starts transitioning in.
  2. Let's just say you have it installed through MO. In that case, first open MO and click the green & blue gears icon at the top icon bar. In the Modify Executables panel that opens put "TES5Edit" into the Title space and then put the path to TES5Edit in the Binary place. That's the real actual path to TES5Edit on your computer, not any special MO path. I recommend selecting "Use Application's Icon for Shortcuts" and deselecting "Close MO when started" but those are up to your own tastes. Click Add then close the Modify Executables panel. Now go choose TES5Edit from the Run drop down menu and click Run. If TES5Edit isn't there then you made a mistake following the instructions above. Make sure that Armor Effects Magic is selected in the left-hand mod menu in MO, and PTMageArmor.esp is checked on the plugins list on the right. When TES5Edit opens right-click on the Master/Plugin Selection menu that first comes up, and choose Select None. Then check PTMageArmor.esp and click OK. Wait for it to load up. There will be a message "Background Loader:finished"in the right-hand pane, on the Messages tab. Now go to the left pane and find PTMageArmor.esp on the list under Skyrim.esm and Skyrim.exe. Drill down in the expandable lists to Perk->01001562 PTMageArmorPerk. I assume 01001562 is the same number you'll have but if it isn't don't worry about it because PTMageArmorPerk is the only one there on the Perk list. I think the numbers you want to change are in the right-hand pane labeled as EPFD - Data. You'll see a number just under that, a float. The original values in the mod are 1.100000, 1.200000, 1.800000, 1.400000, 1.050000, 1.150000, 1.100000, 1.450000, 1.050000, 1.500000, 1.300000, 1.200000, 1.650000, 1.600000, 1.350000, 1.250000, and 1.250000. Right click on those values and choose Edit. Click through the warning when you can, and change the values to what you want. When you're done close TES5Edit. It will ask you which plugins you want to save. Make sure PTMageArmor.esp (and no others) is selected and click OK. TES5Edit will save your file and close. All done. I hope I was clear enough.
  3. I have a mod that makes DoT bleeds happen. I'm trying to improve it but suddenly I have a problem that's keeping me from able to test my work. Previously the distance at which the player could see the blood decals showing at the feet wasn't great but it was enough to work with as a foundation. But suddenly in my game, with no ini changes made, I can't see the blood decals appear unless I am literally right next to the bleeding NPC. Before it was about 1000 units and now it's around 100. No mods were added or removed and no ini changes were made before this happened. The only relevant ini settings that I know of are fDecalLODFadeStart and fDecalLODFadeEnd, but no value of those seems to have any effect for better or worse. Does anyone have any idea what might have happened to make my game do this, or any solution? I want to keep working on my mod. At this point I'm starting to theorize evil spirits or gremlins. :confused: To be clearer, what I'm talking about is how close the player has to be to a bleeding NPC before the NPC will spawn the decals. Once the decals are on the ground then I can move far away and still see them. They are the decals from the Impact Data that comes from the game's vanilla bleeding spell. Making my own custom bleeding spell doesn't make it any better or worse.
  4. Just after posting my question I discovered "SetMotionType." It looks like that's the answer so nevermind. :D
  5. Is there a way to remove a non-actor's model collision in game? If not then is there a way to fix something in position so actors can't move it once it's set in place? Something like SetDontMove but for ObjectRefs not actors.
  6. Well, huh, now I wonder. I assumed that the location change (in this case changing to Riverwood) would happen at the same time as the game said I discovered Riverwood. Maybe that's not the case. The clean save I use for testing starts just outside. I'll look into it. Thanks for the idea. Update: That seems to have been the problem. I was already there.
  7. OnLocationChange is not triggering for me when it's in a ReferenceAlias script put on a ref alias filled by the player. A google search tells me others have experienced this problem. Is there any fix for it?
  8. This is a re-asking of a previous question because I asked the question wrong before. Is there a way to increase the distance at which the game starts to show effects on the ground from spells, such as scorch marks and patches of frost? The "scars of magical battle" if you will.
  9. My mod involves tracking animals by blood trails so the blood needs to display on the ground even when you're far away from what you shoot. But so far it only shows up when you're close to the bleeder. Is there a way to increase the distance at which the blood on the ground starts to appear? fDecalLODFadeStart and -End didn't seem to do anything from Skyrim.ini. I'm going to rephrase the question in a new post since I didn't ask the right question here.
  10. Just how resource hungry are reference aliases? I mean the aliases themselves not considering any scripts running on them. How about filling them? How much of a processor burden is that?
  11. I found out. In case anyone wants to know, to set subtitle text: UI.InvokeString("HUD Menu", "_root.HUDMovieBaseInstance.ShowSubtitle", "your text")
  12. How could I access the text of the game's subtitles using SetString and GetString? Something like UI.GetString("HUD Menu", "_root.HUDMovieBaseInstance. ... ? What's the path to it from _root?
  13. Could mention what each one is good and not good for, Lofgren?
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