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About Thessera

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    World of Warcraft

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. I'm a female and i play male characters, bc female characters are so freaking slim.. and looks like they will break at any moment.
  2. All the Elder Scroll games, GTA 3, 4 and 5, Legend of Zelda..( 3 of them: the 2 first games and twilight princess) - i haven't played Dark Souls yet.. but i think i will like it XD
  3. World of Warcraft The Elder Scroll Games: Morrowind,Oblivion,Skyrim GTA 4 and 5 Okami Legend Of Zelda Games
  4. I'm familiar w 3D modeling, maps and rigging.. - I want to learn how to make mods :) Where should i start ?
  5. I have same issue, not only does it stops but it lags too.( i use no mods,never did) Been like that since day one.. i assume its a issue w the game.. the game dosnt work well on PC. maybe get mods to fix it?
  6. I want to play games on this PC , however it seems i cannot do that.. w this bulls*** fps and lag..issues :*( What bothers me is that... it doesn't matter if it's on lowest setting or highest.. it's no difference at all and it will still lag/FPS drops. Specs: Windows 10 - 64 Bit GeForce GTX 750 IntelĀ® Core i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz 20GB RAM Q_Q I don't have much money.. so what can i do?.. what should i save up for?
  7. I have played Skyrim,Oblivion, and seen playthrough of Morrowind..and older games.. from the serie.. And i was wondering .. is it worth to buy it? and why? I have heard that the Elder scrolls online, isn't "lore friendly" and that it's more of a spin off .. Few more questions: - Is it time consuming? - Does it takes ages to get decent armor/lvl
  8. What?... Are you serious? Firstly maps are not even half as big as MMO maps, secondly speaking about no depth... well, in Skyrim things got way better than in both Morrowind and Oblivion on that matter, map is slightly smaller, but you won't find SINGLE copy-paste cave, fort or whateva unlike MMOs which completely built on copy-paste content. Immersion in TES games is mindblowing, you won't find another fantasy sandbox which simulates "life" as good as in TES with NPC daily routines, dynamic weather change, day-night cycle and much more. There are lots of stuff to do, giant amount of random events and radiant quests everywhere, this along with feeling that every corner of this world feels unique makes almost perfect sandbox fantasy game. And yes, story is decent, cannot be even remotely compared to any MMORPG out there in quality. The only thing ppl complaing about is that its linear, but I don't see problem here, it's not pure blood RPG and never was. And that's just vanilla content. I also have to mention mods and the fact that you can get pile of new, high quality content in your game absolutely for free, unlike MMOs where they charge you $$$ for each freaking piece like hat or shoe lol. I don't wanna seem rude, but I have little idea how mentally healthy person can spend few years mindlessly grinding same content in MMORPG, the comparison to TES is unacceptable on any level IMO. Yeah, Skyrim got much better at that.., the word wasn't that "boring-open", but still... i do miss depth in these games..i really do ( not that it's gamebraking) What i mean by depth is..how the world change based on your actions... Like this:- More quest chains from same npc ?- NPC that change their attitude based on your actions ingame ( FOREVER ...until you make it up).- More "hidden houses/caves" - w quests: if you find them.- The game world will change based on actions and events.. and will stay changed..- More dialogue opinions.- More opinions, so you're not forced to play good/bad to finish a quests.- more npcs, more animals. But as said no game is perfect , there is no such thing as perfect.I don't dislike the games,,, i love them.. BUT,...there is always place for improvements.. The lore is actually good once you get to see it all....The issue is nobody care to read it XD since people would rather play than read.. and the game kinda "expect" players to know the lore.. makeing it hard for new people to get into the lore.. since the lore is.. well ..in books..good conspet but..it should be an alternative way.. maybe movie-clips ingame ? ( Talking about improvements , i'm not saying it's a bad game.. i just want to give some light on improvements)
  9. You have an address mail?, so i can send you the download link.I made a ZIP: it contains: 1x The base MESH OBJ 3x MAPS : Just PNG images, you can use these to draw on the texture in PS( it will be the texture map, as you already know) 1x 2048p map1x 3048p map1x 4048p map Also an image to show which one is which on the uv map , look at it before starting XD All is ready for you to texture, you can make a normal map in photoshop easly :P. Workes like this you know: One base texture - fabric texture.( make normal map from this one)Then you make one colour/design layer :) A lot to play around w here :D
  10. I wonder why did they make the game maps so big? It's kinda waste , considering it serve no purpose other then make it look big.. also it will limit the actual story content.. bc it takes unnecessarily space. Skyrim/Oblivion..idk about Morrowind ( never played it) is like a puddle, there is a lot on the top - but no depth whatsoever. That kind of "style" match better to a MMORPG game, than an RPG. Since in a MMORPG , you have the sosial aspect of the game that makes up for the loss of deapth. Just look at world of warcraft: it as no damn depth whatsoever.. and yet people can play it for 5+years.. If only bethesda could: Stop making unnecessary huge maps and make more depth and more consequences based on actions!.. xD It would have made the game(s) feel much more finished and not rushed.
  11. Well i run short on time, damn exsam crap catching up w me .. XD I will finish the UVMAP 2day.. and i will send you a OBJ file - the model will have a uvmap ready to use..
  12. I'm done remodeling it, However i will have to make a new UVMAP, but i saw the "orginal" uvmap..so i shall cut it the same way.. as the orginal.. Does the game take bump/normal maps?
  13. Oki Thanks :) - Well it worked.. i could open it ^_^ yey I will be working on it , shouldn't take to long.. i think i am able to finish it 2morrow..(Sunday night) Okei, So all i have to do is remodel it (+ new uvmap if needed ).. - And you make the texure ?
  14. Yeah , remodeling the existing mesh, would be the best.. but I'm worried i cannot open the file, because i use a 3d prog that doesn't read many files. So you might need to change the file format, using 3DSmax . I may have to make a new uvmap, when i remodel the model, because it will change the mesh, so the old uvmap may not work after. ( but its easy to paint a new texture, since you have the old uv) i do this for free , no worries :)
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