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Everything posted by BrynnFlynn

  1. Well, she's going to learn the hard way that nothing, and I mean NOTHING will get between me and Pony.
  2. I don't even have a picture of her, but this horse was f*cking incredible. I knew she was special when the stablemaster outside of Whiterun told me she was 'high-spirited'. No kidding--the first time I got off her back to swat down a wolf she killed it before my feet even touched the ground. After a few hours of play it became "The Adventures of Brynn Sleetwind and Pony... Oh and Lydia Too I Guess". When a dragon swooped down on me for the first time, it was Pony who delivered the killing blow. When we were ambushed by our second dragon coming down out of the hills it was Pony who lead the charge, leaving me and Lydia running after her flashing hooves. The third dragon didn't even stand a chance--despite being left at a shrine on the mountaintop for safekeeping Pony leaped to my defense and took fire to the face in order to save my life. I guess Lydia was jealous of all the attention I was paying to Pony, because just after we took out the dragon we came across three wolves. Pony and I ran in to wipe them out, leaving Lydia choking on our dust... Snow... Whatever. I had just given her a staff that apparently can lob fireballs, because the next thing I knew my screen filled with roaring flame. Once the fire died down I could make out the charred corpses of two wolves, but no sign of the third wolf or of Pony. Desperate I ran around that mountain top for the better part of twenty minutes trying to find where Pony had run off to. The third wolf fell out of the sky, and so I began scouring the heavens. Just over the pass I found a camp of dead bandits, but no sign of Pony. Frantic, I fast-travelled (something I never do) back to Whiterun, hoping against hope that Pony would be waiting for me at the stables. Alas, all I found was her identical twin sister and a smug stablemaster asking for another 1,000 gold. I would pay 10,000 gold to have Pony back. I will probably give up the last day of progress just to save Pony from her fate, her destiny to vanish like Romulus in a cloud of flames and snow, called home by the gods of horsedom. Goodbye Pony. No one will ever be able to replace you. And don't worry--Lydia is going to take a dagger to the back just as soon as I get out of work.
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