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About izon87604

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  1. In response to post #37122340. #37125520, #37125625, #37128230, #37129135, #37130600, #37131280, #37133850 are all replies on the same post. cheers for this. it does work if you disable any UI mods
  2. In response to post #37122340. #37125520, #37125625, #37128230, #37129135, #37130600, #37131280 are all replies on the same post. thanks i will remove these
  3. In response to post #37129815. #37129995, #37130105 are all replies on the same post. dont worry I am sure someone will figure it out
  4. In response to post #37129975. #37130045 is also a reply to the same post. damn. what other methods are there for archive invalidation?
  5. In response to post #37122340. #37125520, #37125625 are all replies on the same post. my custom ini doesnt even get generated anymore. so i wonder whether they completely removed that function
  6. In response to post #37122340. getting this too. mods work if they are just esps but not if they add textures etc.
  7. It seems my game no longer generates a custom ini. so i cant add the line for loose files to be included which means no texture mods :( Adding my backed up custom ini crashes the game when loading a save or starting a new game.
  8. In response to post #37097840. #37099495, #37104850, #37105005, #37108500, #37116025 are all replies on the same post. not sure i dont have that issue. the main one i have is that i need to re-enable every mod in the bethesda launcher every time i start the game. could also re-validate files in steam to see if that makes things "stick" more
  9. In response to post #37097840. I coudlnt load a saved game or start a new one. so i deleted the ini files in my documents\my games\fallout 4. ran the games launcher so it would detect settings etc and therefore create new inis and then loaded up the game and now it all works. has to do this last time i updated
  10. In response to post #27829130. Right at the top of the page - http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/modmanager/
  11. A beta test would be fantastic.
  12. @Styger, Had a look at my logs and i dont have that script in there at all. i have some weird 'serana bite me' script that the game keeps searching for. Just out of interest have you changed the timescale at all? i have mine at 6 and just wondering if maybe that has had a weird effect. im at a loss now tho cant seem to fathom this out - its the first skyrim issue i havent been able to fix. i tried a skyrim save cleaner that didnt work, next i am going to use the no boring sleep wait menu and wait 34 days to see if resets anything. i even gave scripts more time to load incase that was the issue. i hate it when a little bit of music plays when loading, just as i am getting used to just hearing the ambient sounds, the game decides to remind me how much better it sounded with music aswell.
  13. so does the sound propagation mod give you any music or is it still not present? let me know if the music comes back or you find a fix and i will do likewise. wish there was a console command for starting the music
  14. @Styger had a look at the list we use about 70% of th same mods. like skyre, immersive armors, dynavision, skytest, the unoffical fixes to name the main mods. i recently cut and pasted the sounds.bsa onto the desktop and ran the game cache thing to redownload it and see if it was this that had been corrupted. no dice. then i started a new game and played up to the first mine - all music was playing with no issue. so it must be something in the current save that is effecting things. i found a fix that may work for you but its a bit tedious. basically open the console and type 'removemusic muscombatcivilwar' and that stops taht music from playing if it is the one that got stuck. if that doesnt work you have to type 'help mus' to get all of the other music files and then go through the list and remove all of them. music will only play with the console closed so close it every couple of entries to see if its fixed. this didnt work for me but it might for you. next im gonna trawl through old saves on this char to see if the music plays for one of them.
  15. @CandyR27 cheers for the fix. unfortunately didnt work for me.
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