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About mastermahidhar

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  1. I'd like for my 4 year old nephew to play this game. He's played Stray which I thought was a peaceful platformer but then introduces annoying enemies. I'd like to introduce him to traversal games that are not too difficult and Death Stranding is great(with a little bit of help from me). I'd like him to learn to use items at his disposal like a ladder etc to get past obstacles but he should be able to take his time. Anyway, that's why I want a no enemies mod.
  2. Yep, so I got this working for Stunning Blows. I used Dain's method and just created an eventmanager GDA which mentions my script and it works. Stunning Blows works on the same principle as Destroyer(which Dain fixed) so I was able to do that. Now I need to figure out what Event Shield Block uses. I'm thinking the ATTACKED event type but I can't be sure. I tried with it and it doesn't work. Edit: I was able to fix the abilities that I set out to. Thanks, thread can be closed.
  3. Thank you for your input. That was very helpful to me. Another friendly modder also said the same thing as you about editing those passives. I think I will try my hand at getting them to work by keeping them in Override rather than editing the vanilla scripts. Wish me luck!
  4. Yeah, I've checked his files. I still can't figure out what I might be missing.
  5. Hey all, I've gotten into modding this game recently. I've begun fixing some talents and spells with my limited knowledge and making some minor enhancements. I'd like to do the same with some of the other ignored talents and spells which were not fixed by any modders so far. First is Shield Block. The issue mentioned in the Wikia is that it's coded so that the backstabs occur on the left side of the character(shield bearing side) but the reverse needs to happen i.e. backstabs only on the weapon side. The passive is found in the combat_h.nss which I extracted and made some modifications to: #include "effects_h" #include "items_h" #include "combat_damage_h" #include "ui_h" #include "sys_soundset_h" #include "ai_threat_h" #include "2da_constants_h" #include "stats_core_h" void main() { event ev = GetCurrentEvent(); object oTarget = GetEventCreator(ev); object oAttacker = OBJECT_SELF; { float fAngle = GetAngleBetweenObjects(oTarget, oAttacker); float fFactor = 0.0; float fFlankingAngle = GetCreatureProperty(oAttacker, PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_FLANKING_ANGLE); if ( (fAngle>= (180.0 - fFlankingAngle) && fAngle<=(180.0 + fFlankingAngle ))) { // Shield block negats flanking on the left. int bShieldBlock = HasAbility(oTarget,ABILITY_TALENT_SHIELD_BLOCK); int bUsingShield = IsUsingShield(oTarget); if (!bShieldBlock || fAngle > 180.0 || (bShieldBlock && !bUsingShield) ) { fFactor = (fFlankingAngle - fabs( 180.0 - fAngle))/fFlankingAngle; } } } } In the Wikia, it states that the fAngle < 180 is the problem so I just replaced the < with the >. I was able to successfully compile the script but when I add it to overrides, nothing changes. Then comes Stunning Blows. The description states that every hit should have a 50% chance to stun. So I looked at the code in combat_damage_h and just removed the part where it checks if the hit is a critical hit. This one also compiles but I don't see the effect being applied in game. #include "core_h" #include "2da_constants_h" #include "effects_h" void main() { event ev = GetCurrentEvent(); int nAbility = GetEventInteger(ev, 1); object oAttacker = GetEventCreator(ev); object oTarget = OBJECT_SELF; if (HasAbility(oAttacker, ABILITY_TALENT_STUNNING_BLOWS) && IsMeleeWeapon2Handed(GetItemInEquipSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_MAIN, oAttacker))) { // ~50% if(RandomFloat()<0.5) { if (!GetHasEffects(oTarget, EFFECT_TYPE_STUN)) { Engine_ApplyEffectOnObject(EFFECT_DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, EffectStun(),oTarget,1.5f + (RandomFloat()*2.5),oAttacker,ABILITY_TALENT_STUNNING_BLOWS); #ifdef DEBUG _LogDamage("DAMAGE-Combat-Efffect: STUNNING_BLOWS"); #endif } } } } For both of these talents, I've included my scripts in the GDA. I'm not sure if that's enough so I'm wondering where I might have gone wrong. I'd appreciate any help that can be provided. Thanks in advance.
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