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  1. It always seemed odd to me that if I break into someone's home and the homeowner sees me they comment, "Oh, you shouldn't be in here." rather than just immediately attacking or calling the guards. Can someone point me in the right direction on how to use Creation Kit to modify homeowners' reactions to be more aggressive when encountering an intruder?
  2. Creation kit is finally out. Let's get this done!
  3. Sneak levels up very, very quickly. By the time my character reached level 9 I had a sneak skill of 40, which made the game absurdly easy. So, yes, stealthy play needs to be made much harder. In addition, if you don't want the improved stealth play, there is no requirement that you install the mod...
  4. Well, almost any implementation would be better than the current one. He is right, what they should do instead.. is a progressive sweep of the entire area.. as intelligent people may do. You are a security guard, with a gun, and no phone to the police. You know somebody is on the premises, how do you go about ensuring they are gone? You perform a sweep, you check everywhere. If it is dark somewhere you use light. So bandits might use torches where zombies might just sweep the area and all the corners two or three times. Have them go anywhere that is open to travel. If the problem is behavioural, fix the behaviour not the time they perform it for.
  5. Since version 1.2 patch is being release tomorrow, maybe Bethesda can finally focus on getting the creation kit released so mods like this can happen.
  6. This idea is addressed in this mod request: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/467158-take-the-stupid-out-of-the-ai/
  7. Are there any cheap books that give you skill levels or quests/map locations? Just curious, because after a couple of hours of playing, I stopped reading the cheap books. I just look at the price -- any book that is worth more than 30 or so will increase your skill or be useful in some other way. I've never found anything useful in the cheap books. They are just filler, as far as I can tell.
  8. There is room to discuss the amount of time NPCs should be alerted for. Even 15 minutes would make you very sorry you weren't more careful playing stealthily. But also, keep in mind that having the NPCs alerted for a long time does not prevent you from still attacking. It will just prevent you from getting all the stealthy perks, which I think is a reasonable penalty for being discovered. Then don't download the damn mod.
  9. LOL...let's keep this on topic. Non-lethal kills and horse AI are great ideas for mods. But this thread is specifically regarding NPC detection and reaction in order to make stealthy play less hacky.
  10. The mod and the tutorial are so full of win.
  11. I think the point he was making is you should not get any warnings. If you are found inside a home, that person should immediately start attacking or at the very least call the guards. It does not defeat the purpose of being a sneak. If you are playing stealthily and you are breaking into a house while the owner is home (during the day?) or awake (not late enough at night?) then you are doing it wrong. For whatever reason -- bad luck or bad planning -- once you are caught the penalties should be dire.
  12. Completely agree with this 1000%. It's already too effective at 50 points without adding sneak bonuses. I'm now @ 85 which is even more ridiculous. To offset this somewhat I've increased the combat difficulty and have purposefully _not_ used any of the sneak's"+ % sneak chance" perks. Although it does make things a bit more difficult, the real solution is to make sneak a bonus that mostly doesn't apply once combat begins. I like how splinter cell handles it, but something like this could possibly make this mod too complicated. I'm still not convinced that allowing sneak's 3x bow damage and 15x/30x dagger damage once NPCs have been alerted is a great idea. Essentially, a sneak has no penalties between mode #1 and mode #2. It might be worth it to consider some extra lesser damage in mode #2 though -- say 1.5x for bow and 7.5x/15x for dagger once alerted. That along with keeping alert states longer might work. And I'm not kidding when I say that once NPCs reach mode #3 I want it to be painfully long -- at least 10 real-life minutes -- before they drop back down to mode #2 and that mode would stay around for some minutes as well. The purpose here to to severely penalize someone playing stealthily who is seen -- whether by bad luck or poor planning. You won't be able to just run away, wait for the NPC mode to reset a few seconds later and retry.
  13. Ah, good idea. Should have just used no clipping to check it out. I have to say, this is one of my favorite dungeons to date. Curious, did you find the secret chamber only accessible from a certain point? So far, the two walkthroughs I've seen didn't go to it.
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