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About GrumpyOldNord

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Star Trek Online, Conan Exiles, Skyrim, GTA V, Fallout 4
  • Favourite Game
    Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines

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  1. Don't forget to sign up for the Nexus Mods Author Donation Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/nexusmods/posts
  2. Did you double check to make sure that ALL programs/executables related to Skyrim aren't running in compatibility mode? The Creator's Update for Windows 10 seems to have completely borked it.
  3. IMAetAR, I have been bashing my head into my desk for the past three days trying to figure out why I couldn't run ENB after getting the Creator's Update for Windows 10. Your suggestion worked perfectly. Thank you, and have a kudos.
  4. Woot! I finally got it to work! I decided to try something silly and set both the launcher and the updater to run in compatibility mode for Windows 7 (the OS I'm using) and then run the updater and *boom* suddenly works fine.
  5. I've read a number of recommended fixes - from using compatibility mode to updating drivers and .NET Framework. I've done all of these things, and yet my Beth launcher refuses to show me anything other than a black screen. Makes getting to the CK for Skyrim SE a bit difficult.
  6. So earlier yesterday, after converting one of my mods to Special Edition, there was an update to the Bethesda Launcher. After installing the update, the above is all I see now. Black screen. I've tried everything I've found and can think of, and nothing is fixing it. Has anyone else had this issue, and has anyone found a fix for it yet?
  7. Thank you! Turns out I had selected load MIP maps. Oops. Problem solved. Thank you very much, Contrathetix.
  8. Could simply be a corrupted file. Or you have something in your data folder that shouldn't be there. Are you using MO/NMM, or installing directly to your game directory?
  9. Hey all, hopefully someone will be able to help me out here. I've been using Photoshop CS6 + the official Nvidia DDS plugin to edit Skyrim textures for a few years now, and recently I set up a new rig and had to reinstall everything. Since I reinstalled Photoshop and the DDS plugin I've been having an issue of sorts that never happened before on my old rig - whenever I load up a DDS file, instead of just showing the image, it displays the image along with several smaller copies right next to it. Not sure what's causing it, but I figure I probably have some weird option ticked somewhere that I can't figure out. Anyone know what I'm talking about and how I can fix it? It's only a mild annoyance as it doesn't seem to actually affect how the texture is displayed in game, but it does add an extra unnecessary step to any texture manipulations I want to do. The way it's supposed to look The way it looks now
  10. As soon as I read this, I decided to disable Adblock on Nexus. And almost immediately (perhaps three pages into my current session) I got hit by a very loud auto-play video ad. So I did the appropriate thing and hit the "report this ad" link just under the offending ad. I'm now curious how this new system works as I was never asked what was wrong with the ad, simply thanked for reporting it. Ha, and just as I was about to hit send on this comment, the ads refreshed and another auto-play video ad started. I don't envy you guys your task, but I'll keep Adblock disabled to help out as much as I can.
  11. I'm absolutely a noob when it comes to creating mods, but I am dead-set on finishing the mod I'm currently working on. It adds a new follower to the game based off my character, who is a very staunch Stormcloak. I've followed all the tutorials I've found on how to make him a follower, but what I can't figure out is how to make him only follow if the player is a Stormcloak (not just wearing the armor, but actually in the faction). I also want to make him hostile to any Imperial or (gods forbid) Thalmor players and npcs. Could someone please point me in the right direction for how to do that? I'd be very grateful.
  12. I know that there is a bug with the Stormcloak Officer boots not registering properly as light armor, and I also know there are many mods that address the issue, but I'm currently working on my own mod and decided to include a fix for the issue in it. Well, when I went to the form for the item, I can't see anywhere there what's causing the bug. I remember doing this before and that they were improperly tagged with the heavy armor keyword, but now they're labeled light armor, and I'm wondering if it was fixed in the latest update. But then in my game, I still have the bug and I'm wondering if another mod I have is reverting it back to the wrong keyword. This is what I see in the Creation Kit
  13. In response to post #10778400. #10791057 is also a reply to the same post. I screwed up somewhere... :/
  14. I hate to bump this, but I am now having the exact same issue - orc unable to properly equip the novice hood. Which is odd, because when I played an orc when the game first came out, I wore that hood for weeks. Is it an update issue, or a mod? I'm wondering if it's a mod as my load order is a bit similar to UrgeNexus'.
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