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  1. QFT. +1 for Whiterun here too. It just feels like home. We should do a poll for least favorite too *cough* Markarth *cough* :-p That cesspool of daedra worship, violence and corruption. If there ever was a city that could use a good oldschool nuking, it'd be Markarth. Edit: forgot the Thalmor strolling around which I am not allowed to slaughter and feed to the cannibals :sad: I was mainly thinking of all the winding stairways and narrow walk ways. #fatlazydragonborn :)
  2. Always save first! :-p I've gotten stuck like this --- try using the console to place a chair at your position, and navigate around to sit on it if you can. That should reset the camera. Plus, now that dungeon will have a snazzy new sittin' chair for future travellers.
  3. QFT. +1 for Whiterun here too. It just feels like home. We should do a poll for least favorite too *cough* Markarth *cough* :-p
  4. Wow man, I just finished DG, and don't know if I noticed any of the gems. I'm pretty sure I didn't pick up Auriel's Shield either. Ugh, gonna have to go back sometime. Fortunately, I never really use a shield on this character though :) I agree with you on the Soul Cairn too. I feel like I spent way too much time in there. I think it was the main reason that I stopped playing Skyrim for several months too. I believe I finished everything there except for needing one more page, but not sure I can stand going back.
  5. Not bad. A little gaunt for my tastes, but once you add in the Mask of Corvo mod, you'll never see his face anyway :) I would also recommend the Void Walker mod for your Dishonored Skyrim playthrough. I personally played Dishonored right before hopping back into Skyrim, and wanted to replicate the experience. Unfortunately, the stealth mechanics just won't work the same way, but it's still fun.
  6. ^ Like above, I think most people will recommend the Fallouts, but not necessarily ESO as I've seen it described more as a generic MMO with an ES skin (which is not necessarily a bad thing, but not what most people want). If it were free to play, I'd consider giving it a go, at least, but I like the single-player experience in games like Skyrim. Personally, I haven't been able to get into Fallout NV much so far. It's my first Fallout game, but I guess I just prefer the fantasy setting vs post-apocalyptic. I keep telling myself that I'll give it another honest go after I'm done with Skyrim, but that has yet to happen :)
  7. It's been a while, but I don't really remember much with it. I don't think it's like part of the main questline,etc. *spoiler alert* http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Shalidor%27s_Maze
  8. No travelling Dwemer enthusiast's trip would be complete without a fine set of Dwemer luggage!... http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=74996646 ;)
  9. Khajiit assassin-type here too. Definitely work on your stealth and sneak attacks to get those perks. The sneak-archery boost is nice, but the backstab will really allow you to take down enemies easily. Do your best to stay hidden. Be patient, and don't be afraid to run. When in combat, I would always have to remind myself to always stay moving. You can see most attacks coming, so make sure to strafe or drop back out of distance. I would usually be able to take down most melee attackers this way. Archers and magic users were always the worst for me until I built up a decent magic resistance. For archers, you can still avoid being hit by keeping moving too. Also, in general, the vanilla game at least is almost comical in that enemies will forget you just hit them if you can hide again. This is often helpful to take someone out with your bow from a distance. I would play using a dagger in my main hand and a spell in the other (either healing or a good destruction spell). Once a fight devolved into a melee affair, it would be time to take out a good sword or war axe I kept around for bigger damage. For the most part now, I just stick with my dagger unless a huge brawl breaks out, then just conjure a bound sword. Edit: like was mentioned above, conjuration is not a bad secondary skill to have. You can summon something to take the attention away from you in fights. They can be frustrating if you're doing a stealth play-through, but followers can be helpful for this as well. Personally, I've strayed towards magic a little more, but Illusion and Alteration can also be helpful to make you harder to detect, calm enemies, or for armor bonus spells.
  10. I love the armored trolls! I went Dawnguard all the way. Well, I actually did take the Vampire Lord "gift" at first, but I found it a little annoying as I was still happy with my normal character playstyle. I was also already a Wolfie (which I've never really used anyway, for the same reason). I've considered going vamp later on if I get bored. I assumed the quests are mostly the same, which it sounds like is the case.
  11. *spoiler alert* Dawnguard adds some random visits by our night-time friends to town entrances.
  12. Is it stuck pointing in one direction? This happens to me sometimes when I go to activate an object to do something, but must get interrupted. Assuming that's the case, try to navigate around to a chair or ore vein or anything else you can interact with. You may also try using the console to place a chair in front of your character, and then try your best to get him/her to sit. There may be a better way to trigger the camera to reset, but forcing an action that takes over your camera should whack it back to normal. Edit: Regarding the ENB question, I have a similar but slightly older GPU than you, and have already had to back off some graphics settings, so not sure how well adding an ENB would work out. I've kind of been afraid to even bother trying. You may want to try out this mod though: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12525/?
  13. I believe there is a sound. It's like a softer grinding noise, unless I'm just imagining it. When I play with a mouse and keyboard, I would be able to jiggle the mouse back and forth to easily find a good starting point. I've switched to using a gamepad lately, and was having a rough time, and then read some tips saying to VERY gently try turning the lock. When it's on or close to the right position, the pick actually shouldn't really move, only the lock/tumbler will turn. Once the pick starts moving/shaking, back off and move it slightly left/right and slowly try again. Edit: if you happen to play with a controller with rumble, you will also get some slight feedback with lockpicking as well.
  14. I just wanted to +1 the above. The starting stats are pretty much just that, at least in vanilla Skyrim w/o any mods that change leveling and/or racial bonuses. For the most part, you can close the gap between the races in a few levels, and a lot of the abilities either aren't super important or have similar spells, etc, that you can find later. A Khajiit warrior-type character sounds really cool, btw.
  15. Off the top of my head I would recommend Interesting NPCs (adds a lot of.... interesting NPCs), Immersive Armors + Immersive Weapons, Skyrim Wildlife Overhaul, and AI Overhaul.
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