Hey Everyone i just registered, to say i'm experiencing the same issue, I have a HP EliteBook 8740w Core i7 940 extreme 4 GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 2800FX and running Win7 Ultimate 64bit, I can play the game for around 30 mins but then it causes my system to completely reboot and i have to remove the battery to start up again, to be honest it looks like the laptop is over heating and shutting itself off my laptop does that some times if i'm running a game and i leave it sitting down somewhere with poor ventilation, although i made sure it has good ventilation when playing, this game seems to have a serious issue it's essentially broke and unplayable i can't believe this got past QA i mean really how was this not even spotted by game reviewers, although its good to know i'm not the only one, although bethesda doesn't even seem to want to acknowledge this problem telling everyone to relax there's a patch coming soon, the game wasn't ready and this whole thread is a testament to that, in all my years of PC gaming this is the worst experience i've had as there doesn't seem to be a real fix its broke, it's a shame too as what i've played it looks pretty cool BOOO!!!