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Everything posted by seanie
I Just played for over eight hours without crash and haven't had a crash since setting the maxium processor state to 70% with every game option set to max, really good game.
I'm actually going to bed now man up for working in the morning, i would say don't go to the same spot, it might be a different bug, head of in another direction, and see if it crashes, if you can change the maximum processor settings in windows i would try that instead of throttle stop for the time being i'll check back tomorrow morning in work and i'll see about geting a step by step sorted out.
no if you have that option available in windows try that, it worked for me and a few other people, if you have to use throttlestop then use it. if it works for you then we may have a fix on our hands :dance:
Explain to me what that means, exactly, and I'll give it a try, heh. (Also, here's a Youtube video of me reproducing the BSC in Whiterun: ) I'm using win7 in the power options i can set my maximum processor state, this is essentially stopping my processor running at 100% load, i'm not sure if this available on a desktop or not i don't own one, in the bios there might be an option for this it's probably called ACPI processor power management, if you don't have that you can set you multiplier value e.g. i you clockspeed is determined by the FSB*mutiplier , if you processor is 2200Mhz or 2.2GHz then your FSB runs at 200MHz * 11 = 2.2GHz if say you change your multiplier to 9 then thats 200MHz *9 =1800MHz or 1.8GHz effectively throtteling your cpu so it can't run at maxium, throttlestop will let you do this through the OS but to be honest if you don't know what your doing then maybe let someone else try it first and we can get a guide going or i'll help you out doing it. Watched the video same error i was having here's a guide to using throttle stop http://forum.notebookreview.com/hardware-components-aftermarket-upgrades/531329-throttlestop-guide.html to see if you have the power options click on the start button and in the search field type "power options" if's its there you should see it here's some info on what Processor power management in vista win7 and win server 08 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/gg566941
Explain to me what that means, exactly, and I'll give it a try, heh. (Also, here's a Youtube video of me reproducing the BSC in Whiterun: ) I'm using win7 in the power options i can set my maximum processor state, this is essentially stopping my processor running at 100% load, i'm not sure if this available on a desktop or not i don't own one, in the bios there might be an option for this it's probably called ACPI processor power management, if you don't have that you can set you multiplier value e.g. i you clockspeed is determined by the FSB*mutiplier , if you processor is 2200Mhz or 2.2GHz then your FSB runs at 200MHz * 11 = 2.2GHz if say you change your multiplier to 9 then thats 200MHz *9 =1800MHz or 1.8GHz effectively throtteling your cpu so it can't run at maxium, throttlestop will let you do this through the OS but to be honest if you don't know what your doing then maybe let someone else try it first and we can get a guide going or i'll help you out doing it.
thats what i was saying peoples pc a shutting down to protect damage from over heating, i made a change in my power options to bring my temps down and now the game works fine I just tried running it with my CPU fan speed jacked up... and a box fan pointing directly into my open computer case. It crashed, and I got it on film this time. YouTube link on the way... Can you change the multiplier in your bios i thinks it a problem with the proc getting maxed out and over heating see if you can throttle it back a bit if your running a coreduo or i3/5/7/ you can use throttlestop http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?227689-ThrottleStop-Performance-Adjustment-Tool-for-Core-2-Core-i-CPUs
So thats 3 people now who have trottled there cpu and it's working maybe if some in here wants to change the multiplier on there motherboard i.e 13 to 9 or 10 just to test, if it works then, a least we've found out what the problem is.
thats what i was saying peoples pc a shutting down to protect damage from over heating, i made a change in my power options to bring my temps down and now the game works fine
Control panel--->power options---->change plan settings--->change advanced power settings---->expand processor power options--->expand maxium processor state i've changed mine to 70% this worked for me i played tonight for 4 hours before that i was getting 30 mins or less i have Nv Quadro 2800M
Ok i've been playing now for a good 4 hours and no crash i think if you can try the fix i done it might work for you. good game btw
Hey everyone, i think i may of found a fix (for me anyway) as stated above it seemed to me like my cpu was overheating and turning off so i went to control panel------> power options and power plan/create a power plan i under change advanced power settings under the processor power management i set the maxium processor power state to 70%, so that the Proc doesn't go over that i've been playing for the last 2 hours with all settings set to maxium with no problem, when previously i could only play for 30 mins or so as stated in my first post i'm on a laptop so not sure if these options are available on a desktop but worth a try, i'm going to go back playing now and i'll let you know if it crashes again, but for the time being everything seems stable.
Hey Everyone i just registered, to say i'm experiencing the same issue, I have a HP EliteBook 8740w Core i7 940 extreme 4 GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 2800FX and running Win7 Ultimate 64bit, I can play the game for around 30 mins but then it causes my system to completely reboot and i have to remove the battery to start up again, to be honest it looks like the laptop is over heating and shutting itself off my laptop does that some times if i'm running a game and i leave it sitting down somewhere with poor ventilation, although i made sure it has good ventilation when playing, this game seems to have a serious issue it's essentially broke and unplayable i can't believe this got past QA i mean really how was this not even spotted by game reviewers, although its good to know i'm not the only one, although bethesda doesn't even seem to want to acknowledge this problem telling everyone to relax there's a patch coming soon, the game wasn't ready and this whole thread is a testament to that, in all my years of PC gaming this is the worst experience i've had as there doesn't seem to be a real fix its broke, it's a shame too as what i've played it looks pretty cool BOOO!!!