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About PunjabPirate

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  1. This build is just as Assassin as yours, the only difference is. This one is a mage, a warrior and any other archetype. If your gonna use the console to give yourself more perks thats fine. This is the only legitimate way of making a true multi-archetype build. The armor isn't stronger after 567, so one million actually = 567 (if I'm not mistake). The bow, whats to stop this build from making one of his own, all I have to do is use the restoration exploit.
  2. The Utopian is a combatant with a mind more powerful than any sword, arrow or elemental force. He is equal parts elemental barrage, master marksman, and heavy armored barbarian. He is an entity that has abilities and crafted sets of armor that transforms him into the silent blade in the night, an intellectual wandering the halls of Winterhold, all the way to a berserk devastating hordes of evil incarnate deep in the recesses of Skyrim. This character is proportionally lethal as he is obsessive compulsive. Alchemy, Blacksmith and the arcane craftsmanship are his wife, girlfriend and mistress. The Utopian is the first build on the skyrimblog that was created with one idea in mind; stretching every available perk to cover as many fields as masterfully as specializing. This is what sets him apart from a simple enchanter/jack of all trades. With this build our maximum 80 perks are spread over all the powerful skill trees, in such a way. That this build is as powerful as any who needlessly choose a single archetype be it wizard, thief, warrior or any form of hybrid. The Utopian's core power stems from Alchemy, Smithing and Enchanting; not because he uses these skills to create game breaking armor but, because he uses these skills to compensate for not iterating on multi-perk abilities. For example; Armsman, Overdraw, Juggernaut, Shield Wall. Are perks where up to 5 perks can be allocated to achieve 100% more than normal attack/defense percentages. By opting to allocate only a single perk on these iterating, perk-able abilities. We can use smithing potions brewed while wearing equipment enchanted with Alchemy/Smithing fortifying enchants. We can create weapons that compensate for those extra perks. It is up to the player at this point if he is willing to go over the damage or set it at what it would have been naturally when 5 perks where used. For example: The base damage of a one-handed weapons is 20, if we had put 5 perks on Armsman our weapons would now do 100% more damage, 20 now = 40. However, the Utopian will achieve 40 damage (or more depending on if you want to attain more power) with only 1 perk on Armsman and the aid of a Smithing potion. This same principle applies to defense percentages on Armor pieces; doubling Helmet, Gauntlet, Boots, Body Armor, and Shield bonuses by upwards of 100% simply with 1 perk and his craftsmanship. This doesn't just stop at Overdraw, Juggernaut, Armsman, and Shield Wall. So far we have saved 16 perks, add to that 4 more from the Stealth perk in the Sneak skill tree. 3 more from Critical Shot in Archery, 3 from bladesman, Bone Breaker, Hack and Slash, added for a running total of 29 perks (could be higher depending on what others you choose). What this means is, the 21 perks we invested into smithing, alchemy and enchanting. Have not only returned their investment, but saved us and additional 8 perks. Race http://api.ning.com/files/RQofAJ47dXwKprcSAE60mWNkjJWhxbIy5vBDmK*HPAYfTYS-zhfSDdrf2sIi*lxy7UwlbiWbwTYQFzEwjbxYX7k0TYxVqBc9/sdf.PNG I would choose one of the following three, realistically though. Any race can fill the shoes of the Utopian. Altmer: When playing as a High Elf, the way I would distribute our 800 spendable stat points, is as follows. Stats at level 01: HEALTH 100 ; STAMINA 100 ; MAGIC 150 Stats at level 81: HEALTH 350 ; STAMINA 450 ; MAGIC 350 Orc: When playing as a Orc, the way I would distribute our 800 spendable stat points, is as follows. Stats at level 01: HEALTH 100 ; STAMINA 100 ; MAGIC 100 Stats at level 81: HEALTH 400 ; STAMINA 550 ; MAGIC 150 Standing Stone: For both the Altmer and Orc (or any other race). I would use the Archetype stones (Mage, Warrior, Thief) to level up their corresponding skills. Meaning, if your grinding smithing, keep the Warrior stone on, if your grinding enchanting use the Mage. When we are going to engage in combat, I recommend one of the following three; Atronach Stone, Lord Stone, or the Stead Stone. The Atronach and Lord stones will add defense, if you, however, find that you want to carry an extra sword or equipment piece with you. The Stead stone can be a very powerful ally. Breton: When playing as a Breton, the way I would distribute our 800 spendable stat points, is as follows. Stats at level 01: HEALTH 100 ; STAMINA 100 ; MAGIC 100 Stats at level 81: HEALTH 400 ; STAMINA 450 ; MAGIC 250 Standing Stone: Bretons are the wild card race. Depending on if you feel like using a shield or dual wield/spell sword. You have to pick a certain stone. If we have our shield out, do not pick the Lord stone because our magic resistance is going to pass 85%. Any resistance over 85% is not calculated into the defense. Therefore, stick to either the Atronach Stone or the Stead Stone. When out of combat the archetype stones will be your friends. Magic School Perks: Total 37 http://api.ning.com/files/RcREgY-gc6-pF9jOj8P3eRQQ0835Pp5fARp1jiIRrzg3kCeD9Makk6E*pauxuwH2pty8*rM4ouhETIZo5Z7hk5-D3CI-TUqd/blueborder.JPG Restoration 3 perks: the three perks chosen are in my opinion the most important. Regeneration powers our restoration spells, making them 50% more beneficial. Necromage is a very powerful perk when coupled with Vampirism. The perk makes all spells targeted on undead 25% stronger, if the Utopian is currently under the effects of vampirism, any spells we use on ourselves gains this perks power because we ourselves are currently undead. This means heal spell, cloaking spells, or any other spell that specifically targets us, will become even more powerful. To use higher level spells( greater novice), we will utilize restoration cost reducing armor enchants. Illusion 9 perks: the perks we chose here enable us the completely master this tree. Of all the spell schools, the dual casting perk here benefits our spell the most. As a vampire out spells will gain an additional 25% bonus, because we have also taken the necromage perk. Illusion spells like Invisibility gain even more power because we are directly being affected, we are one of the undead, therefore, the spells gains the necromage bonus. Alteration 5 perks: this skill is chosen mainly for the Atronach perk, a permanent 30% spell absorption effect that takes place before magic resistance kicks in. Destruction 8 perks: I choose to specialize in Fire and Lightning, just because I feel they provide more bang for the buck. I didn't want the special effect fear of flames because it doesn't win battles for me. With this build when your enemies are at 10% health...trust me they're not gonna be around very much longer. I did chose disintegrate because its awesome...nuff said. Obviously dual casting and impact are a must, they are perhaps the most important perks attainable in this tree. Like we will be with restoration, to cast the higher level spells we will use our armor enchants to blast our foes with our specialized blasts. Alteration 5 perks: this skill is chosen mainly for the Atronach perk, a permanent 30% spell absorption effect that takes place before magic resistance kicks in. Conjuration 4 perks: we will only invest 4 perks here. I chose the right path to Twin Souls because I find myself opting to use Dremora Lords over elementals, and also because the right path takes less perks to reach out goal of double dremoras. Enchanting 8 perks: with out a doubt the most important skill. Enchanting will create the needed enchants for free spell casting and for strong weapon enchants. Enchanting is also needed for us to create our smithing/alchemy gear from with the perk nerfing will be born. Combat School Perks: Total 28 http://api.ning.com/files/jBz-VLqj2ZVayuF70XE4Fg6wrQOXhhl8d8*R9-Q91c39BMw2fVHx4tfZqcIZFI4-Gu8QjSHj77WxWzrxa65KU029wcPq1UCz/redborder.jpg One-Handed 7 perks: our one-handed perks give the Utopian access to the best of dual wielding as well as the ability to perform the higher level techniques. I choose not to specialize with any weapon because the smithing potions provide far and above enough damage. Again, all this with 7 measly perks. Archery 4 perks: Eagle eye lets us zoom in, Power shot provides the bang and Quick shot cements the Utopian's mastery. The damage will come from high level smithing using our specialty gear. Block 5 perks: one of my favorite combat options. The beauty here is, we can choose to dual wield or equip our shield on the fly because of how masterfully we've exploited our perks. All the benefits of the shield are available. I didn't choose to take the left side of the tree because I felt the true power lied in the right side. To reiterate, the defense will come from specialty smithing. Heavy Armor 6 perks: all of the major perks are hit, tower of strength and conditioning are very, very crucial. Along with those two perks we will earn maximum defense with a single perk through specialty smithing. Smithing 6 perks: all perks up to daedric. As we get stronger so will our armor, once we can wear and have access to ebony/daedra hearts we will don our daedric. Arcane Blacksmith will serve to strengthen daedric artifacts as well as any other enchanted weapons we stumble across. *any armor can be upgraded to hit the maximum defense 567, this means that if the player is up for it, he can stick with steel armor and "god mode" it to become as strong as daedric, thus saving 4 more perks* Stealth School Perks: Total 15 http://api.ning.com/files/Y3Zs7fT8OTVH1GqQ-TnwW*FKIOgFcbJaq5BPuboatuC4oeJM25wtinfe7Oh8dJ6SDzElqaiYcoHB2KyXRMBYXLMa*mkOR332/greenborder.jpg Sneak 4 perks: whats to stop us from becoming the ultimate assassin or thief. The perks selected enable us to deliever all the devastating blows possible. The reason the left side of the tree is forsaken is because our spells, and enchants will make all those perks effects possible. Alchemy 7 perks: will be critical due to its involvement in many of our perk reducing choices. At level 100 it will also provide a easy and safe way to earn lots of money. Pickpocket 4 perks: extra pockets will add 100 carry weight, this can be used to hold a shield when we are dual wielding, or a extra blade when doing shield/sword. Its pretty much up to you. Poisoned will serve to place paralysis poisons on unsuspecting trainers. Allowing for free higher level (this can be very expensive at latter levels, upwards of a couple thousand septims) training on the more time consuming skills. ~~~~ Build Phases ~~~~ Phase 1: 25 perks Our goal is to level Alchemy, Smithing and Enchanting first; quick and efficiently. Instead of repeating this task list, I will provide a link: Here. The author and I agree down to the last molecule on how to proceed. The only difference is I advise stealing our training gold back, while the author gives us a different approach. At the end of this phase we will have 100 in the crafting trinity skills and our pickpocket should be high enough to house 4 perks. 1. Enchanting 8: | Enchanter x5 || Insightful Enchanter || Corpus Enchanter || Extra Effect | 2. Smithing 1-6: | Steel Smithing—Daedric Smithing || Arcane Smithing | 3. Alchemy 7: | Alchemist x5 || Physician || Benefactor | 4. Pickpocket 4: | Light Fingers || Night Thief || Poisoned || Extra Pockets | Phase 2: 35 perks Now that we have the necessary tools to craft the armor, depending on what you decided to don of course; be it Steel, Daedric, or robes. We move onto the fun part, combat. Luckily for us, our craftmanship will save us from the horribly gimped postion we are in. The world around us has grown strong while we labored away. Think of yourself as Tony Stark, the creator of the Iron Man suit, a mere mortal with access to the supreme weapons. What we will strive to improve on in this phase is: 1. Heavy Armor 4: | Juggernaut || Fists of Steel || Cushioned || Conditioning | 2. One-Handed 3: | Armsman || Dual Flurry || Fighting Stance | 3. Archery 4: | Overdraw || Eagle Eye || Power Shot || Quick Shot | 4. Block 3: | Shield Wall || Power Bash || Deadly Bash | 5. Illusion 5: | Novice Illusion || Illusion Dual Cast || Animage || Kindred Mage || Quiet Casting | 6. Restoration 2: | Novice Restoration || Regeneration | 7. Alteration 3: | Novice Alteration || Apprentice Alteration || Adept Alteration | 8. Destruction 5: | Novice Destruction || Destruction Dual Cast || Impact || Augmented Flames x2 | 9. Conjuration 3: | Novice Conjuration || Necromancy || Dark Souls | 10 Sneak 3: | Stealth || Baskstab || Deadly Aim | If your finding that leveling is becoming boring or tiring. Level your untouched skills at this point, to earn levels/perks faster. Try putting the game on easy and taking hits while in Light armor, use Two-Handed and Illusion. Phase 3: 20 perks Our goal in phase three is simply to get the last level perks in our respective skill trees. Most of these will be the perks needed at level 100 skill. 1. Heavy Armor 2: | Well Fitted || Tower of Strength | 2. One-Handed 4: | Savage Strike || Critical Charge || Dual Savagry || Dual Flurry | 3. Block 2: | Disarming Bash || Shield Charge | 4. Illusion 4: | Juggernaut || Fists of Steel || Cushioned || Conditioning | 5. Restoration 1: | Necromage | 6. Alteration 2: | Expert Alteration || Atronach | 7. Destruction 3: | Augmented Shock x2 || Disintegrate | 8. Conjuration 1 : | Twin Souls | 9. Sneak 1: | Assassin's Blade | True Power: Vampire Form http://api.ning.com/files/JB5a5JRAqb9YcgdLjoGaynNU1VlJU8ryVyIqPvEAVMJfVkTtIkMoiGsHKb-4kVTJYNVkxqUsnaOLX*VEGfLifcTTJ13eHPrQ/Utopirecopy.jpg Because we have selected necromage, this build is ready to go if one desires its true potential. As a vampire with necromage selected, the game has flagged you as one of the undead, therefore, necromage impacts us. Meaning that any spell or effect that originates by us, will be amplified by 25%, since as a vampire all our illusion spells are 25% stronger. A necropire will have 50% stronger illusion spells. Meaning spells like invisibility, muffle, summoned creatures, and heal spells. All are either 25% stronger or last 25% longer. This 25% increase also applies to our racial ability. Meaning abilities like Berserk, Dragon Skin, High Born; instead of lasting for 60 seconds, now last for 90. Insane! Also, shouts that impact us, gain power and duration. Elemental Fury will be 25% faster when active and Become Ethereal will last 25% longer. The only downside is the Fire weaknesses and negative sun effects at the various stages are also amplified by 25%. Trust me, this isn't hindering and can easily be managed through sticking to stage one vampirism. Now that we've reached this point, revel in your accomplishment. For you have become Vampian/Utopire, if you prefer the latter title.
  3. I find that this build effectivly lets me dabble into the three primary character roles (warrior, archer, mage). Without losing any of their potency. By not selecting any destruction spell cost reducing perks, I have to switch into a secondary specialized armor set enchanted with reduce destruction costs. For archery I took only the damage inducing perks, I omitted those that were more human error based: slow time. It works for me, I can switch up when bored of a certain play style.
  4. I have a level 71 Breton named Minsar Chaahl. My play style is a custom build known as a Plate Sparker: here is a link to all my perks (some have yet to be selected, this is what my build will end at): My link
  5. Has been updated to include the imperials. Will do the redguards upon waking tomorrow.
  6. I've updated the thread with new information regarding a few more races, only the Imperials and Red Guards are left to cover.
  7. I have points to back up why I feel the other races are weaker than my top three. I will wait for more responses/arguments before I release the 2nd edition containing said points.
  8. The intent of this article is to prove that in Skyrim characters that are High Elf, Orc or Breton are superior to the other selectable races. Before I begin I'd like to state that no race hits harder with arrows, swords, axes, maces, hammers, daggers, or magic then the next race. No race swings their weapon arm faster, or casts spells faster. What makes the races truly different is their racial attributes. The three I am going to discuss have the best racial attributes out of the 10. Altmer: The High Elves start off with +50 in the magic stat more than any other race. Meaning that right off the bat they have 5 levels worth of extra magicka. Their once a day greater power increases the rate at with they regenerate magicka for 60 seconds. These are both very convenient and opportunistic features. Breton: What makes them stand apart from the other races is their resistance to magical attacks. The Bretons are blessed with 25% magic resistance. This is almost like having 2.5 perks more than everyone else. The reasoning behind this is; in the Alteration tree perks can be allotted to Magicka Resistance. The maximum number of perks used here is 3, each incrementing perk adds 10% magicka resistance thus earning a maximum of 30% resistance. Earning 55% resistance via racial attribute and perks coupled with the Lord Stone activated gives the player 80% magicka resistance. Almost maximum protection, max resistance is 85%. This frees up their armor/clothing slots for useful enchantments. Their greater power once per day, when active, enables for 60 seconds. A 50% chance for all magicka thrown their way to be nullified and absorbed. If that fails, the magicka resistance kicks in earning Bretons the title of master dragon/mage killer. Orc: Ahh the Orcs. Probably the most improved upon race from Oblivion. Their racial attribute, unlike the Altmer and Bretons is just in effect once per day. For 60 seconds the Orcs dish out double damage on Bows and Melee weapons. This ability amplifies and stacks onto other bonuses that are in effect i.e. sneak attacks and weapons fortified with damage increasing enchantments. Granted that this power is only active for 60 seconds, and only available once per day. But, when it is in effect, boy do they dish out serious damage. (1 hit K.O on Ancient Dragon while on Master Difficulty, using iron weaponry) Why The Others are Inferior (power wise) Argonian: Start off with 50% resistance to disease, permanent ability to]breath under water, and the Hist power. A once per day ability that increases natural health regeneration by 10 times for 60 seconds. FLAWS: 50% resist disease is nullified if the player is a vampire or a werewolf, not to mention potions and prayer. The ability to breathe under water is not exclusive to just them, water breathing is a spell which can be cast by any race and is easily kept constant due to its low magicka consumption. As for their Hist power. This is basically a restoration spell which amplifies "natural" regeneration by 10x. This does not instantly heal the player, rendering it a weak restoration spell. It only comes in handy at the start of the game, where the enemies are at the weakest variants. Khajiit: The cats have a constant bonus to unarmed attacks, they do 4x more damage unarmed than the other races. Coupled with their Night Eye power; an ability to activate night vision on command. FLAWS: Unarmed attacks will never reach the potential weapons have. Weapons can dish out ranged and sneak damage as well as defend better, not to mention the loss of distance between player and foe. As for Night Eye; this lesser power can be acquired if the player is a vampire or a werewolf. Or simpler yet, by turning their in-game/T.Vs brightness up. Bosmer: They have 50% resistance to both poison and disease. Their racial ability is Command Animal; make an animal an ally for 60 seconds, once per day. FLAWS: Poison resistance is useful. Yes. However, disease resistance is nerfed if the player is a vampire or werewolf. Their command animal spell only comes in handy if they are in an area where there are animals. The strongest ally they could control is a mammoth, not a dragon or atronach. Inside cities, dungeons or buildings, it is like they have nothing going for them other than that poison resistance. They aren't even the best archer class in the game, Orcs when enraged do double damage with bows. Orc Vs Bosmer(classic archer race) range duel: Bosmer would get smashed, animal help or no animal help. Dunmer: Dunmer posses a constant 50% resistance to fire based magicka. Their racial ability: Ancestors Wrath: Once per day for 60 seconds, opponents that get too close take 8 points per second of fire damage. FLAWS: Unlike the Breton, they have resistance to only fire magicka attacks. This means they are still 100% susceptible to ice, lightning, and any other form of hazardous magicka. Only half the dragons are fire variants, meaning that they are only effective against half. The Ancestors Wrath ability isn't very damaging in the long run, sure 8 points per second is useful at the start. After you've passed the level 46 benchmark and Ancient Dragons/Highest level enemy Variants start to appear. Your boned if you have to rely on this power. Nord: The Norwegian Nords posses a constant 50% resistance to ice based magicka. Their racial ability: Battle Cry: Once per day for 30 seconds, Targets flee. FLAWS: Unlike the Breton, they have resistance to only ice magicka attacks. This means they are still 100% susceptible to fire, lightning, and any other form of hazardous magicka. Only half the dragons are ice variants, meaning that they are only effective against half. Their greater power is also somewhat obsolete, after all its just a free once per day fear spell. Any race can gain access to this type of effect, rendering it useless in the latter game. Imperial: Their constant ability allows for them to find more gold in more places. The once per day duration ability; Voice of the Emperor, calms HUMAN NPCs for 60 seconds, regardless of level. FLAWS: This is probably the worst races, when racial attributes are weighed. Finding gold coins is useful for the first 5 hours of the game. When loot/potions/enchants becomes your primary source of income, finding chump change is not really significantly raising your bank. Their Voice greater power only affects humanoid enemies, meaning that if they asked a Dragon, Draugr, Spider, Witch, Troll, Animal, or a Dwemer Construct to "please calm down". Their answer would be; a missing face. Not only this, the in game calm spell is much more potent, it carries over to most/all enemy types (if certain perks are met). Rendering their Voice power obsolete. Redguard: pending... When responding please do not just answer "Noooo all races are equal! They all can best one another it just depends on the skill level of the player!!!!" or something along those lines. If you feel that another should have made the cut. Provide facts as to why, no abstract replies.
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