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About EnigmaComplex

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  1. John Cena jumps out and knocks out the enemy while his theme music plays and also you hear "SUUPPER SLAM!!" and then the music cuts out quick. I have no idea if this is even remotely possible but I thought it would be hilarious.
  2. ah snap, I think i just wasted 20 bucks then. Although those damn elks are fast as hell to shoot though, Oblivion was no problem, guess I have to work on my archery here then. I just find the skill menu really slow to work with to move through the skills, why can't i just press a and d or left arrow right arrow to move through em? Jeez
  3. So I'm waiting for my wireless receiver for 360 controller to come, and right now I'm working w/ mouse and keyboard and its not so bad, except for the major issues already pointed out, but I'm sure there are pros and cons for each, but since I haven't played with the 360 controller yet, i cannot say. So I'm curious what others have to say. I think Archery would be better with mouse/keyboard, but slashing and hacking better w/ controller, as well as using the menus and all. So how about it? Which is it and why?
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