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Posts posted by UlithiumDragon


    I could never get an elevator with doors to work so gave up. But making a raising/lowering platform controlled by buttons (one at each end and one on the platform) is dead simple. Let me know if you need help with one of those!

    I need help with one of those. I used the PowerLiftMiniCartPackIn, and I can get it to work, but even though I have changed the bottom floor to 6 instead of 10... the cart continues to travel down through the ground instead of stopping at it's destination.


    I have been trying to follow the discussion, but I get lost in all of the linking references talk.


    I really did my best to fully explain it here with examples, and that's the best I can do:



    From the description your of your issue I can take a guess at what *could* be wrong, though. Make sure that the helper is lined up with the FLOOR of the elevator mesh on both the top and bottom levels.



    ...()...The 1.3 update should honestly be renamed to the "Let's f*ck everything up(date)"...()...

    Just curious: have all the screwy things you mentioned introduced in v1.3 (bar the ones that seem to have been resolved) never been adressed in later updates of the game? Meaning, those alterations are still present to date?


    No. Why would Bethesda fix their own damn bugs? They never do that. Only a few of them were ever addressed, including:


    * The "stealth in 3rd person makes you permanently invisible" bug.

    * The "using a workbench in 3rd person mode cause a CTD on exit" bug.

    * The "using a workbench in 3rd person mode breaks the camera position on exit" bug.

    * Exacerbated the now-infamous "cell reset" bug in player settlements.

    - Stability nuking.

    - Removed legacy support for texture compression types as well as .bsa archives.

  3. ...I'm just pointing out that if anybody has problems with an exterior elevator, may be something to a location form ...or something of that nature and not something directly with the elevator itself ...being in an outside environment with tons of other entities (objects), the "elev" may be having an identity crisis ...eh

    Well then I'd go look at an existing exterior elevator and compare how it's set up. *Shrug*

  4. I have a number of elev's working in a mod, an interior location, move a elev to an outside location and it will not work ..this is just a FYI, may have something to do with location form ...I did not look that deep into the issue, I had a option other than banging my head against the concrete.

    If you moved it by just copy+pasting or cutting it then there's no reason to assume that all the references remained intact after it was moved. I'd go though and recheck all of the linked refs, script properties, attach refs, etc.


    This may only apply to persistent references, I'm not sure. But it means that I can't actively explore my work on my current save file until I'm 100% done making the cell... =.=

    This is 100% correct, Persistent Ref's always get baked into your saves.


    That's REALLY annoying then. Ug, it's always SOMETHING every game Bethesda. 1 step forward, 5 steps backwards. n.nU

  6. I noticed that a lot of stuff now gets baked into your save files that really shouldn't, including things like object orientation.


    For example, I had placed down an unpainted exterior door as the load door for an interior cell I was designing, but I wanted to change it to one of the painted load doors at one point. Problem was that the painted door's native angle is 90 degrees different from the unpainted door (for some dumb reason), and even though I fixed the rotation angle in the CK it would NOT re-rotate itself for any save that I have already had the load door rendered into at least once. I then tried a new save and an older save and they both had the door at the correct orientation...


    This may only apply to persistent references, I'm not sure. But it means that I can't actively explore my work on my current save file until I'm 100% done making the cell... =.=

  7. @greekrage:


    What's a "packin"? If that's the name of one of the controllers then I did not use it. I did the same as the guy a few pages back did: copied the elevator from the Boston Mayoral Shelter and worked off of that.

    Does the elevator voice say "going _"? Do the call buttons turn green when you activate them? If not then you didn't hook up something correctly. If yes, then you probably hooked it up in the wrong order than from what I detailed above.


    Also make sure you don't skip the step for adding the elevator master as the attached ref for all the objects that are supposed to move, or else they won't move. This includes the actual elevator object, the button panel on the inside, the internal door, etc. All need to have their attach ref set to the elevator master.



    As far as the platform helper goes, yeah just normal scaling seems to work perfectly fine. Sure the marker will end up looking huge or tiny in the Creation Kit's viewport, but that doesn't matter. Just make sure that both the top and bottom end markers on the platform helper are aligned with where the BOTTOM of the elevator would be on both ends. This means that it would be inside the elevator at the bottom point, but below the elevator at the top point.


    Not sure I explained that very well, so lemme try and clarify: Don't align the endpoint to the roof of the elevator for the top floor.

  8. I know it's very old thread but I also have this problem on my Skyrim SE. I just don't know how to fix this. :confused:

    I would think it's pretty clear from reading this thread that nobody does lmfao.


    Although tbh during the brief amount of time I tried out Skyrim SE I hung out around South Shriekwind Bastion for a bit just to see what would happen.

    I killed the guards by the road with the rock trap and wooden bridge, then walked up to the bastion and killed all the draugr outside of it, looted all the

    hidden chests, then went in and out of the interior cell twice just to see what would happen, and I did not crash. So I still have no flipping idea man... =.=

  9. I just have a couple things to add information wise, since I could not find any other tutorials on these blasted things:


    1) Don't use a linked reference keyword when linking the ElevatorMaster to the ElevatorHelper. I know the other guy said to use LinkCustom1, but you need to use that one for the ElevatorPanel instead (the button that's inside the elevator and moves with it). Furthermore the elevator would not move at all for me until I removed the LinkCustom1 keyword from the link to the helper.

    2) You can only use one "LinkCustom" keyword per parent reference. Meaning like you can't use "LinkCustom01" on two different references both linked from the ElevatorMaster - the CK won't let you and will auto-remove any additional ones you try to add with the same keyword.

    3) You can change the number that the elevator voice says for your floor by editing the properties of the script attached to the ElevatorMaster. The script actually has a bit of documentation for those properties (for once), but what it doesn't mention is that you can use a value of -1 to make the voice say "Basement".

    *NOTE: edit the properties on the SPECIFIC reference that you placed into your cell, NOT the one on the base object or you will break the floor numbering for ALL the elevators in the game!!!

    4) "In" doors are placed on the inside of the elevator and move with it, and CANNOT be opened by the player. "Out" doors are placed on each floor with access to the elevator shaft and CAN be opened by the player.

    5) The order you add the various buttons and meters as linked references to the ElevatorMaster DOES matter quite a lot in terms of which keyword is used.
    For example if you put in the elevator buttons in the wrong order, you may end up trying to call the elevator from the floor it's already on, which won't work. *See below for more info on this!


    From LOTS of trial-and-error testing I have figured out what each "LinkCustomXX" should be used for. Since Bethesda did not use them in any particular order and they are also not consistent I had to just keep trying them and reverse engineering off of ones they'd already set up (as per usual...).

    Also since Bethesda are WORLD CLASS idiots in terms of naming their sh*t logically, and even I had an EXTREMELY hard time finding ANYTHING that I wanted to use by their names alone in the Fallout 4 CK, I am gonna be nice and include screenshots of what I mean in cases where it may be "less than crystal clear".

    - LinkCustom01: This needs to be linked to the *interior-facing* ElevatorPanel, which is the button on the inside that moves with the elevator. [Example]

    - LinkCustom02: This needs to be linked to the *exterior-facing* ElevatorCallButton on your top floor. [Example]

    - LinkCustom03: This needs to be linked to the *exterior-facing* ElevatorCallButton on your bottom floor. [Example]

    - LinkCustom04: This needs to be linked to the *exterior-facing* ElevatorDoorOut on your top floor. [Example]

    - LinkCustom05: This needs to be linked to the *exterior-facing* ElevatorDoorOut on your bottom floor. [Example]

    - LinkCustom06: This needs to be linked to the *interior-facing* ElevatorDoorIn, the one that moves with the elevator. [Example]

    - LinkCustom07: This needs to be linked to the *interior-facing* ElevatorMeter, the one that moves with the elevator. [Example]

    - LinkCustom08: This needs to be linked to the *exterior-facing* ElevatorMeter on your top floor. [Example]

    - LinkCustom09: This needs to be linked to the *exterior-facing* ElevatorMeter on your bottom floor. [Example]

    - LinkCustom10: I'm actually not 100% sure what this one is for, but I think that it's used for an additional *exterior-facing* ElevatorMeter, like one that you would put on a floor that the elevator doesn't actually stop on so that it still lights when the elevator is moving. Or it could not have a use at all here, I don't know. I would probably say not using it would be better unless you know what it's for. *Shrug*


    EDIT: One final note: I have no clue how to get the elevator voice to say "going down", as it always seems to say "going up" for me even when it's descending. As I've seen other user-created mods with the same exact issue, I honestly gave up... If anyone knows how to fix this, please do share. :X

    I will add more info when/if I learn more!

  10. They did this eons ago as part of the usual "anti-fun" crusade. It's worth noting that any item renamed with these tags that was "grandfathered in" (meaning it was named with HTML tags before the 1.3 update) still retains them SO LONG AS YOU NEVER TOUCH IT. If any "instance naming rule" tries to auto-rename it or you attempt to rename it manually, it will break the tags.


    The HTML tags also still work if placed into an item's default name in the plugins themselves. Since they still work like this, it sounds like it WOULD probably be possible to create an F4SE .dll that attempts to intercept an HTML tag and injects the data in manually at runtime (but that's far beyond my abilities to create).



    The 1.3 update should honestly be renamed to the "Let's f*ck everything up(date)". To list just SOME sh*t it broke:


    - Removed HTML tags.

    - Nuked legacy compatibility for .bsa archives (for no good reason).

    - Nuked texture compression compatibility for ANYTHING other than DXT5. If you try to use a texture with any other type of compression, the game will instantly CTD (so we can add textures to the list of things

    that can make your game crash now - yep, I think that's literally EVERYTHING that be the source of a CTD now Bethesda - GG).

    - Made the game generally something like 500% less stable and more likely to cause CTD's.

    - Generally unoptimized the game, buttf*cking people's framerate down even LOWER than it already was.

    - Made another (rather futile) attempt to stop their PC audience from doing "unofficial modding" before their HORRIFYINGLY awful Creation Kit was "ready".

    - Broke all user-made .swf replacers (unsure why that time, as they did not change their .swf iconlib which is normally the reason for CTD's from modded .swf's).

    - Introduced a SLEW of additional game-breaking bugs, including (but not limited to):

    * The "stealth in 3rd person makes you permanently invisible" bug.

    * The "using a workbench in 3rd person mode cause a CTD on exit" bug.

    * The "using a workbench in 3rd person mode breaks the camera position on exit" bug.

    * Exacerbated the now-infamous "cell reset" bug in player settlements.

    * Introduced new 3rd person inconsistencies that made it even more inferior to 1st person, such as:

    ** ALL speed modifying "enchantment" effects on armor not being applied in 3rd person (i.e. the "sleek" mod for sneaking, or the power armor

    sprint speed leg mod). *This bug has NOT been fixed, and probably will never be...

    ** Recoil reduction weapon mods do not apply in 3rd person mode. *This one appears to have been fixed at some point, but was easiest to see the impact it had at the time using the Laser Musket.


    Etc. etc. etc.

  11. Was kinda tedious to install due to trying to make it compatible with my stack of interface mods (i.e. DEF_UI and Bhaal's Better Sorting), but I seem to have gotten most of it that I can use working, and it looks great so far!


    Too bad I can't use the inventory page that shows her for equipping armor, but a compatibility version would need to be made for DEF_UI on that one (as it just CTD's if you try to open one of the rollup categories with DEF_UI).


    EDIT: Here's a screenshot I took:





    *Yes I know my stats are luticroustly high, but after 800+ hours the game's extremely repetitive combat was REALLY starting to wear on me, so, well... Yeah. I have no regrets lol.



  12. In response to post #41312225.


    What the HELL is with everyone thinking they need an obtuse HUD layout that "looks vewy pwetty", but has the functionality of a dead horse tied to the rudder of a nuclear submarine?!?!

    I blame Windows 8 for starting this really stoopid trend of "gigantic boxes and nothing else" page elements, but why in the WORLD do you think you need that here? It makes searching for things SOOO hard!

    Did you learn NOTHING from the shitty-ass website Bethesda just set up for their own Fallout 4 mods!? That's gotta be the WORSE site design I've ever seen!!!

    "Function > Form"! Just like another thing people have forgotten - "Gameplay > Graphics/Realism"...

    Why is it that everyone woke up one morning and suddenly started going:

    "You know, we have a tried-and-tested HUD layout that's worked amazingly for us for years and years and years, but it's been so long since wer f*#@ed with it - let's completely rearrange everything about it into the new modern trend of "looks totally cool, but is almost unusable without taking a 7-week training course on it's use" for no reason! Yeah!"

    EDIT: Normally I go over my enraged comments once I've calmed down a bit, but I stand by evertyhting I said above, and as I can feel my anger rising again just be being here, this is the only "appology" I will even attaempt to make:


    Also, someone please explain to me ANY scenario where you'd want to browse mods for every single game all at once - I cannot BEGIN to fathom how ANYONE could think this would be SUCH a necessary feature that it was set as the "default"!!!

    I presume this means that every hyperlink to the "old" individual game sites will break as well, just like they did the last time you guys decided to revamp your domain naming scheme...


    What the HELL is with everyone thinking they need an obtuse HUD layout that "looks vewy pwetty", but has the functionality of a dead horse tied to the rudder of a nuclear submarine?!?!


    I blame Windows 8 for starting this really stoopid trend of "gigantic boxes and nothing else" page elements, but why in the WORLD do you think you need that here? It makes searching for things SOOO hard!


    Did you learn NOTHING from the shitty-ass website Bethesda just set up for their own Fallout 4 mods!? That's gotta be the WORSE site design I've ever seen!!!


    "Function > Form"! Just like another thing people have forgotten - "Gameplay > Graphics/Realism"...



    Why is it that everyone woke up one morning and suddenly started going:


    "You know, we have a tried-and-tested HUD layout that's worked amazingly for us for years and years and years, but it's been so long since wer f*#@ed with it - let's completely rearrange everything about it into the new modern trend of "looks totally cool, but is almost unusable without taking a 7-week training course on it's use" for no reason! Yeah!"



    EDIT: Normally I go over my enraged comments once I've calmed down a bit, but I stand by evertyhting I said above, and as I can feel my anger rising again just be being here, this is the only "appology" I will even attaempt to make:







    Soooo much stuff is now run through keywords now. Even WEAPON SOUNDS are now added on a weapon soely by a keyword that gets referenced by a new object type (it took me a LONG time to work that one out, as they keyword names... really are gibberish >_<).

    Well actually that's pretty much Bethesda's way of granting my wish. You may not be able to just add something onto a formlist, but you can give it the right keyword and then the game automatically handles it like it's on a list with everything else with the same keyword.


    I suppose that *MAY* be the case, but the devs have always been TERRIBAD at naming things to, ya know - be "readable" by other people who don't know WTF they are, and this REALLY doesn't help that lmao...

  15. There are a lot of places in the dense center of Boston where I CTD.


    I'd honestly just written it off as save game corruption, as my save file is over 550 hours old at this point, and I checked the places on a new character and did not crash...

  16. Actually, DLC's are always cross-contradictory. You can find many places in Skyrim.esm where Dawnguard.esm (the first DLC) overwrites something from Skyrim.esm, only to be contradicted by a later overwrite from Hearthfires.esm or Dragonborn.esm.


    This did not start with Skyrim, either - Bethesda DLC's have always been VERY "dirty".

  17. In response to post #34615300. #34623920 is also a reply to the same post.

    UlithiumDragon wrote:




    In response to post #34580070. #34593695 is also a reply to the same post.

    UlithiumDragon wrote:

    *Sigh* I got bored of Fallout 4, and didn't bother trying to figure out WHY I was all of a sudden getting instant CTD's after the patch. Turns out it was one of my own damn mods - a bloody simple-ass texture mod...

    I have no f*cking idea WHY THE HELL a simple "texture" would cause a game to violently implode, but as Bethesda games have been moving slowly towards MAXIMUM instability, who the f*ck knows...

    I mean, ffs- it was just a simple recolor of the laser projectile from red to purple. It must be tied to the export settings I used in GIMP, though, since I have several other textures I've made that are in use that DON'T cause CTD's...

    Either that, or the last patch changed how "gradients" work (which seems unlikely, as I have other mods installed that edit gradients...).

    Eruadur wrote: So in short: you ff-ed up and you blame Bethesda for it.

    Name one other situation where a bad texture would cause a game it VIOLENTLY EXPLODE, rather than just not show up, or not look right...

    THis is NOT "my fault" - look, THIS is what was happening before when I had the encoding set incorrectly - the game just didn't render them correctly:


    (He was supposed to be all white, no clue why not setting a compression type caused only certain parts of the coloring to change...)




    Your modding is not officially supported, therefore whatever results it might incur are your fault only, as well as your own responsibility.


    You are continuing to avoid my main question - how could a game be SO UNSTABLE that a *TEXTURE* would cause instant CTD's without even RENDERING said texture...?

    >Because Bethesda game, and because Gamebryo.

    KimberJ wrote: This is Creation Engine. Look it up on the wikipedia if you wana talk about it. I doubt anyone that read about it or worked with Skyrim/FO4 CE to make mods would make this claim that it's Gamebyro.

    I just *KNEW* someone would call me out for calling it "Gamebryo".

    It doesn't matter how many changes they made - the "Creation Engine" is still build ON TOP OF the Gamebryo Engine, and suffers from MANY of the same limitations and restrictions said engine possesses.

    You can put some more makeup on the the body all you want, but that wh*%# will still be dead, and Gamebryo is SOOOOO dated at this point it's not even funny...




    In response to post #34580070. #34593695 is also a reply to the same post.




    UlithiumDragon wrote:

    *Sigh* I got bored of Fallout 4, and didn't bother trying to figure out WHY I was all of a sudden getting instant CTD's after the patch. Turns out it was one of my own damn mods - a bloody simple-ass texture mod...

    I have no f*cking idea WHY THE HELL a simple "texture" would cause a game to violently implode, but as Bethesda games have been moving slowly towards MAXIMUM instability, who the f*ck knows...

    I mean, ffs- it was just a simple recolor of the laser projectile from red to purple. It must be tied to the export settings I used in GIMP, though, since I have several other textures I've made that are in use that DON'T cause CTD's...

    Either that, or the last patch changed how "gradients" work (which seems unlikely, as I have other mods installed that edit gradients...).

    Eruadur wrote: So in short: you ff-ed up and you blame Bethesda for it.


    Name one other situation where a bad texture would cause a game it VIOLENTLY EXPLODE, rather than just not show up, or not look right...


    THis is NOT "my fault" - look, THIS is what was happening before when I had the encoding set incorrectly - the game just didn't render them correctly:




    (He was supposed to be all white, no clue why not setting a compression type caused only certain parts of the coloring to change...)




    Your modding is not officially supported, therefore whatever results it might incur are your fault only, as well as your own responsibility.


    You are continuing to avoid my main question - how could a game be SO UNSTABLE that a *TEXTURE* would cause instant CTD's without even RENDERING said texture...?


    >Because Bethesda game, and because Gamebryo.

  19. In response to post #34580070. #34593695 is also a reply to the same post.

    UlithiumDragon wrote:

    *Sigh* I got bored of Fallout 4, and didn't bother trying to figure out WHY I was all of a sudden getting instant CTD's after the patch. Turns out it was one of my own damn mods - a bloody simple-ass texture mod...


    I have no f*cking idea WHY THE HELL a simple "texture" would cause a game to violently implode, but as Bethesda games have been moving slowly towards MAXIMUM instability, who the f*ck knows...



    I mean, ffs- it was just a simple recolor of the laser projectile from red to purple. It must be tied to the export settings I used in GIMP, though, since I have several other textures I've made that are in use that DON'T cause CTD's...


    Either that, or the last patch changed how "gradients" work (which seems unlikely, as I have other mods installed that edit gradients...).

    Eruadur wrote: So in short: you ff-ed up and you blame Bethesda for it.

    Name one other situation where a bad texture would cause a game it VIOLENTLY EXPLODE, rather than just not show up, or not look right...

    THis is NOT "my fault" - look, THIS is what was happening before when I had the encoding set incorrectly - the game just didn't render them correctly:


    (He was supposed to be all white, no clue why not setting a compression type caused only certain parts of the coloring to change...)
  20. *Sigh* I got bored of Fallout 4, and didn't bother trying to figure out WHY I was all of a sudden getting instant CTD's after the patch. Turns out it was one of my own damn mods - a bloody simple-ass texture mod...


    I have no f*cking idea WHY THE HELL a simple "texture" would cause a game to violently implode, but as Bethesda games have been moving slowly towards MAXIMUM instability, who the f*ck knows...



    I mean, ffs- it was just a simple recolor of the laser projectile from red to purple. It must be tied to the export settings I used in GIMP, though, since I have several other textures I've made that are in use that DON'T cause CTD's...


    Either that, or the last patch changed how "gradients" work (which seems unlikely, as I have other mods installed that edit gradients...).

  21. While I found this out on my own, I'm more interested in how the game would react when more than one mod edits this formlist. Generally they aren't smart enough to merge the changes, so if my mod adds a hair and a different mod below my mod in the load order adds a hair, would me hair get removed...?

  22. Ok, I can't be the only person who's fed up with the immersion-killing actions of stuck-up townsfolk who all decide it's time for you to die if you so much as graze one of them in the middle of a heated, colossal battle...











    Dragonborn: Oops! I accidentally grazed old Mrs. Phillips with a shield bash when she stupidly stepped in between me and that there vampire baddie! Oh well, it's not like I did any permanent damage!





    I already run both of Arthmoor's EXCELLENT anti-stupid NPC mods,"When Vampires Attack" and "Run for your Lives", but they only make this less likely to occur.


    I've tried to think of creative ways to handle this, but I'm not really sure what can be done, though... Arthmoor's method works by overwriting the NPC's default AI behavior for these situations and assigning a new one, so I don't think I can do something similar. I mean, short of forcibly editing EVERY SINGLE NPC and giving them a relationship status high enough for them to ignore a few blows (like companions), what else is there!? I guess I could strip EVERY NPC of their crime faction, but that really wouldn't help either lol (the person I hit would still attack me, and odds are everyone else would gang up on them)...

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