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About Monster3201

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  1. Very interesting. I could easily see this game not necessarily having a sequel in the form of a whole new game, but instead dragging it out with huge packages of DLC. I mean, why not just extend this amazing game further to all the other provinces of Tamriel than create a whole new game at the cost of 6 years?
  2. I'm not necessarily looking for someone to TELL me how to play the game, but I was just curious in ideas or if this game was RELIANT on you perking a certain way in order to take down some tougher endgame bosses. I'm really enjoying Destruction right now, and I just wish I could get some of my points back now that I realize I don't need heavy armor, so I'd like some of my smithing points back since I know I don't want the ability to make glass or elven weapons or anything. I'd rather put it toward enchanting or other magic schools. I also wish I would've known I would go Destruction because Nord race gets like zero magic bonuses (or maybe this doesn't matter as much as I think it does). I'm at level 23, too far in to start over really....just realizing my perks will be limited to 50-70 I would like some of them back to spend in to trees that I want to focus on....
  3. I went Nord and decided to play as mostly Destruction Magic, Archery, and One Handed :wallbash: I realize this is my first character and the game is still new so no one has the best methods determined yet, but I'm realizing I chose my race and style of play incorrectly. What I'm REALLY wondering is with only 50-80 perks to use, is it best to be spread out among 10 or so perk trees? or is it better to focus on like 5 or less trees and get all the perks in a tree as opposed to getting help in a lot of areas. Also, does anyone know of a mod that lets you reset your perks?
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