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Everything posted by ScoutStrikerWilkens

  1. I recently got back into Skyrim, of course I wanted to also have mods in my game. I discovered that they introduced a new mod manager called "Vortex". This mod manager, unlike Nexus Mod Manager, does not work. It says it has the plugins loaded, however the plugins do not work in game. Is there any way I can fix this?
  2. I would like to see a mod that adds travaling robbable caravans. Similar carts to a carriage but caravans instead, and robbable ones.
  3. Is there a mod that allows you to like save the snow elf race? Like there is a single tribe left and you are needed to save it.
  4. Probably steam, my steam name ScoutStrikerWilkens or for_butter
  5. So you would like me to help you? If yes, I will gladly help you. (or do the best I can) I have no idea XD You choose, I don't really mind what a name for a mod is anyway :D Why don't we just talk about this in like a private chat or steam? like something that will be easier.
  6. So you would like me to help you? If yes, I will gladly help you. (or do the best I can) I have no idea XD You choose, I don't really mind what a name for a mod is anyway :D
  7. So you would like me to help you? If yes, I will gladly help you. (or do the best I can)
  8. I don't know what OP means other than over powered and I won't be able to create a mod by myself XD For 1. I don't know how to use the creation kit and for 2. I would suck. If you want me to help you I will gladly do so, it's just the matter of me knowing what to do :/
  9. How about you put both the idea's I suggested? Then it would work for everyone, you could have 2 reputation (which are both seperate) so when you do a caravan mission it gives reputation to the caravan reputation side, and when you finish a day in guarding a town you get closer to a raise/promotion. This would be cool because then people can play the other if they don't like being a guard/caravan guard. For the guard you could just be hired by the jarl or that specific city (every city has its own reputation, so you have to guard that town to get reputation in it). And for the caravan one that I suggested and make it so every caravan you succesfully guard you get more reputation points and when you get so many you get a new reputation level (you could make it so like it levels up to level 50 or so) and every new level you get new caravans to guard, like richer ones that will attract more and tougher bandits. And you get more increased pay from the richer ones. For the caravan you could have like a merchant guild where you could go to get quests or you could have a bounty/work board where you could go to get caravan missions.
  10. Nah, I mean like just a city guard/town guard/village guard. Not really, if you add what I suggested, so like an npc comes up to you and tells you that he/she just got robbed or their house is being robbed or a guard/guard captain comes up to you and tells you that there are bandits holding someone hostage. Though the hostage one has to involve a newly added npc or else a merchant or quest npc will die. Add stuff like this and I think it would be cool, I have heard quite a few people that would like this. Or maybe do what you said and make it so you could guard like a merchant caravan or something, that would be cool too.
  11. Nah, I mean like just a city guard/town guard/village guard.
  12. I would personally like to see a guard duty mod that allows you to be hired by like a guard captain and patrol around the city/town/village. And when you patrol around people come up to you telling you that their house has just been robbed, etc. It would be pretty cool. And get like some sort of pay check when you attend work, but when you don't then you can get fired or don't get a paycheck. If you go to work enough you will get a raise/promotion and you will get more of a paycheck.
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