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Everything posted by Keysmash2c

  1. So I figured out how to change the name of my custom npc's in game, however they aren't summoned in the conventional way so their name doesn't hover infront of them with an activation prompt. I know HOW to change the npcs name, I don't know how to enable their names to show when you look at them. (See attached thumbnail) Any ideas?
  2. So I've been making a mod where you can turn any actor of a playable race into a follower, I'm having difficulties with cloning an actor from a leveled list. I find that with the clone they change gender and race (I'm Assuming cycling through the leveled list attributes) other than the one I am trying to copy. I also need the Actor to be unique but I'm having a difficult time making them so. Also I am aware of the possible bugs out of this, I'm still trying to do a rough draft. Scriptname _SEEnthral extends activemagiceffect ReferenceAlias Property EnthrallAlias001 Auto ;Will be a LOT more of these GlobalVariable Property DoOnce Auto ;Variable to determine if multiple weak foes are hit. May just random number gen and choose the lowest numbers in an array? Event OnEffectStart (Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ActorBase akreciever = aktarget.GetActorBase() as ActorBase If akTarget != Game.GetPlayer() ;no player victim If DoOnce.getvalue() == 0 ;part of iffy do once idea. DoOnce.Setvalue(1) if akTarget.GetCurrentScene() == None ;makes sure not in scene If akTarget.GetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer()) < 3 && akTarget.GetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer()) >= 0 akTarget.SetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer(), 4) Debug.notification("Stop 4") EndIf ; changes relationship ranking to follower ;set new faction as enthralled, which will also contain package information akTarget.RemoveFromAllFactions() akTarget.ModAv("Morality", 0) akTarget.ModAv("Aggression", 1) aktarget.EnableAI(0) aktarget.stopcombat() Utility.Wait(0.2) EnthrallAlias001.ForceRefIfEmpty(akTarget) ; forces ref into alias than checks to see if it is, template for many more inserts If akTarget ==EnthrallAlias001.GetActorReference() akTarget.SetPlayerTeammate() Debug.Notification("Follow.") Debug.notification("Stop 5") EndIf aktarget.EnableAI(1) ;my weird attempt to consistently force combat end with hostiles, not enough time to play with it more as of writing. if (akreciever.IsUnique() == 0) (akreciever.IsUnique() == 1) aktarget.Disable() aktarget.PlaceActorAtMe(akreciever) Endif EndIf DoOnce.SetValue(0) Else Debug.notification("Stop 2") aktarget.EnableAI(0) ;trying to trigger a stagger if not designated as Thrall target by picker script debug.SendAnimationEvent(akTarget, "StaggerStart") aktarget.EnableAI(1) Endif Else Debug.notification("Stop 1") Endif EndEvent
  3. How would I go about forcing two different spells to dual cast? I was thinking of having a script to detect if each spell is compatible and then recasting in both hands as a visually different but same spell which would then give the illusion of spell combining. Then when the player stops casting 1 spell, the script replaces either spell with its original effect.
  4. So I was wondering how to achieve the bound weapon effect in 3ds max? Are there any tutorials on how to export and develop new models?
  5. I am trying to make a bound weapons/ armor mod and I have no idea how to retexture the daedric models to achieve the bound look and effect. So far for some reason whenever I try and view bound weapons in the creation kit AND nifskope I just get an invisible texture like this: http://imgur.com/a/f93vv
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