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Everything posted by SirLorn

  1. Except there's no other way to share ship ideas, other than making a video guide for a build. You know what would address your concerns? Write something similar to Transfer Settlements by CDante but for built ship designs. Besides, how many mods do you need to add M-Class and station parts, anyways? Oh, you mean model replacers? Yeah because those are SO immersive and the insides match so well. I am givin you sh1t, but don't misunderstand me.....I dislike the current trend, because it is in no way feasible if you want to play the game with any of the cool designs folks have come up with.
  2. First off let me say, some incredible work to the team, thank you for your passion, I look forward to this DLC worthy MOD. Second I would like to address some of the comments, **ENOUGH** Enough with all this hate and bashing of all the tags that fit and in between, FFS, this is one of the best communities around, and I for one am sick and tired of all the hate, stop....please. Has Bethesda made some poor decisions, yes and no. I can understand some of the issues that folks have had with this latest iteration of Fallout, but MOST of this dumpster fire is all bandwagon jumping. There are most def some content creators that OWE alot to BGS and have just jumped right on the hate train, and that is not healthy to any body, and it sure won't get your message across if there was one to be had in the first place. If it weren't for BGS we wouldn't even be talking about Fallout except for in the past tense. My intro was FO3 but I loved the IP so much from there I went back and played 1 and 2 and I HATE birds eye view games. I want to close with how accepting the company has been of the modding community as a whole compared to other studios, it is rare folks have this much access to code and are able to expand on the IP without consequence. Even at times receiving acknowledgement from the devs to such good bodies of work. I think if it were any other company the team at New California would have faced a cease and desist order. Please stop with all the hate folks.....
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