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Everything posted by joebr0

  1. I'm no modder, but I could imagine the Arcanite Ripper or Sun-Lute of the Phoenix King from WoW could be easily imported. It would be super badass.
  2. As the subject suggests, I am wondering if it is possible at all to read books without pausing the game time? Before the flaming begins, YES, I am aware of the mod called Real Time Reading. However, I believe the title of that mod is very misleading. With that mod you can not in fact read while the world passes around you. Instead, it calculates by how many pages it has and then fast forwards the time by a couple hours. I am also aware of the mod Professions and it's similar functionality. All I want to do is go to an inn or a house, sit by the fire, open up a book and just read. Imagine with Chesko's amazing Frostfall mod: Sitting in your tent next to a cozy firepit at night time and hearing the sounds of the atmosphere around you, all while reading to pass some time and relax. To me, THAT is immersion, not fast forwarding two hours after reading an inheritance letter about your favorite late drinking buddy from that naked courier that just creeped out of nowhere. While he stares at you, naked and you try to tell him that was really creepy, but he just replies "nope, I've got nothing for you, sorry" and then slips into the night. Like an assassin. Assassin's Creed 12: Naked Mail Deliveryman. But I digress. I mean no discredit to the authors of Real Time Reading or Professions at all. I have used both, they are great mods and I am proud to say that I have an idea that could vastly improve the concept. I'm sure my idea is not mine alone either. I'm sure someone has always wanted this too. Could it be done?
  3. I would love to see a true zombie survival mod for skyrim. Pretty much like fallout / dayz but in skyrim. No fast travel, you have a rare chance of seeing other survivors while traveling. Must be played on master or new legendary difficulty. Creepy sound overhaul, maybe have a dialogue to travel with said survivor if he / she is friendly. Must be compatible with Frostfall and Realistic Needs and Diseases, but no health regen. No quests, just strictly survival. Bleak / Gothic enb for better immersion :)
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