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Everything posted by kerid

  1. Problem solved ! I just installed a Corsair 650w PSU, and now Kombustor doesn't reboots my computer. I launched Skyrim and was able to load my savegame without trouble. It has to be confirmed by some gaming hours, of course, but it looks like it was a PSU power problem. It may also proove something: Skyrim does stress the GPU more than it should in my opinion, even with the lowest settings at the lowest resolution, as I was able to play any other game I tried with the old PSU. I mean 3D games like Assassin's Creed Revelations or Witcher 2 for example. Thanks everybody for your advices :thumbsup:
  2. I'm afraid there was much dust in the computer, I just cleaned all. Unfortunately I still get a reboot when lauching the GPU burn-in test. I am looking for someone in my area with a better PSU for testing. The fact Skyrim is the only game crashing on my computer remains a mystery if this is hardware-related... By the way, I found some specifications for GTX 260 electrical consumption and for the PSU I'm using (Raptoxx 600psp): the GPU needs up to 36 A, the PSU gives 22 A on the 5 V line and 17 A on each 12 V line. If I understand this well, my PSU is not powerful enough, but the question is still there: other games just run fine ! Of course, I did not make any change in my hardware for a year at least (no new hard drive or other thing).
  3. Thanks to all for your answers. I just found something maybe useful: I decided to run a stress test with MSI Kombustor, and faced the same reboots with the "GPU burn-in" test. So, while I find very strange that Skyrim is the only game who 'finds' this bug on my config, this particular problem is probably on my side and not on Skyrim's. I'll report here where I'll find more information.
  4. Thanks for your contribution. It seems like other users also reported such reboots whith Skyrim, and it is true that I did not encounter this behavior with other games (I confirm the extended playtime !). This is why I'm suspecting my computer isn't the cause of the problem... I ran memtests and found no problem so far. The VRAM / shared RAM thing maybe a good clue, I'll have a look at this and see if I find a way to test it. At this time I would like to know if this is a wide issue, or if only a few users are facing it. My fear is that is may not be related to black screen issue, and so it may be out of current Bethesda focus for future patch.
  5. ** PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT A CRASH-TO-DESKTOP THREAD ** ** PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT A BLACK SCREEN THREAD ** Hello everybody After weeks spent reading the more-than-90-pages thread related to full PC crashes, I noticed that we seem to encounter TWO different behaviors. They may be related, or not: Some users are facing a computer freeze, which appears to be random, where screen goes black and computer stops responding. These users have to manually press the power switch to reboot their computers. Some users see randomly their computer rebooting by itself: there is no freeze, and nobody has to push the power button. In order to clarify this (or not ^^), I would like users who see "bug #2" to report their config here. Please do not post in this thread if you encounter only CTDs or black screens. Maybe we can get a clue with this.. Thanks to all ! So I go first: Windows 7 32bits 4 Go RAM (2x2048) Intel Core 2 Duo @ 3GHz (no o/c) NVidia GeForce GTX 260 896Mo Asus P5Q motherboard with Intel chipset Onboard RealTek sound chip Crashes totally random, game unplayable, looks like a crashing savegame will crash again when reloaded. This PC runs fine GTA4, ACR, SR3, CODMW3, etc. so this is obviously not a performance problem.
  6. Asus M4N78 PRO motherboard, AMD Phenom II X4 810 processor (4 CPUs) ~ 2.6 GHZ, 4 gb ddr2 Kingston (2 x 2048 mb sticks) ram, and his GTX 260 comes with slightly less than 1 gb built in ram, I don't have access to the computer right now but 896 sounds right. The computer that experiences these problems uses 4 ram sticks of the same type instead of two and a Powercolor 5750HD 1gb graphics card, that's the only difference in hardware. Thank you for the informations. I cannot see anything really significant: we have the same kind of hardware, mine is using Intel processor and chipset while yours is using AMD processor and nvidia chipset, but that is too generic for giving me a clue. I am going to try the ENSB patch, at least if my hard resets become CTDs it will be less harmful for the computer.
  7. That's interesting. I have the same, and I cannot play Skyrim because of hard resets. What hardware are you using ? Here I have a 3ghz Intel Core 2 Duo (no overclocking), a P5Q Asus motherboard (intel chipset), 4 go DDR2, and my GTX 260 comes with 896 Mo built-in RAM. By the way, the game also works perfectly here on a old laptot with a HD2600 mobility radeon: maybe Path2Victory is pointing in the right direction.
  8. I just reinstalled the game and got the patch through Steam. I loaded my last save, saw the loading screen, and my computer rebooted again. I wonder if I will be able to play this game a day or another. Like everybody, I would really like to ear some kind of "we are working on it" from Bethesda.
  9. Thanks for contributing, but this game runs on the Creation Engine, not Frostbite. I doubt the issues are related. You are right, obviously I mixed different things together. Sorry for the noise !
  10. Just a guess: could it be related to the Frostbite engine ? When a program stops working, we are usually taken back to the desktop since we have left the win98 era. This is why I think of some kind of library which would contain a bug with sufficient power to make the hardware reset (guess: 3D acceleration). I also noticed users complaining about the same crashes with Battlefield 3 or NFS the run (games also using this 3D engine AFAIK). Again, it's just a guess, and maybe nothing more than a stupid idea.
  11. Hi Same computer crashes here, it looks like being totally random but when it starts I get crashes every time I try to load a savegame (computer reboots with no warning as if I push the hardware reset button). I played a few hours but decided to stop because it is not usable that way (I have been able to start the game again after many reboots, but it seems to be some kind of magic-related !). I use a dual-core Intel CPU with Windows 7 and a Nvidia GTX 260. I also noticed that sometimes, but not everytime a crash occurs, the config file gets destroyed or unreadable: the launcher detects again the optimum settings as for the first launch of the game. When it does, the game then plays normally, until next crash. My girl-friend has the same problem, with an older ATI card and a AMD / Windows XP system. I think, but cannot be totally sure of it, that she installed once some DX11 backport unofficial package for XP. I don't know if this information is useful, but I have heard that these crashes are Windows-7 related and this could be a clue. She also tried to install the game on an old laptop (Toshiba Satellite A200) which runs Windows XP (with NO DX11 thing as far as I know). She has been playing 2 days with no problem. Hope this helps...
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