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  1. Completed. Would be interested to see the final results. I wonder if the results would portray RPG gamers as thieving, murdering, eccentric sadists in the virtual world, or whether what we do in an RPG mirrors our own actions IRL too.
  2. I think finishing moves have a chance to happen when no hostile NPCs are targeting the player, or will be after said target's death. Finishing moves happen when the damage from the blow will instantly kill the NPC. My reasons: 1. When sneaking: Slitting throats, I think everybody has experienced this. If the theory is correct, the throat-slitting animation plays because the player has not been discovered, ergo no hostile NPC action. Also, you'll notice that your character plays the standard stabbing animation when the backstab does not instantly kill (which also alerts the target to your presence). 2. Killing the last guy in the group: Last guy in the immedeate area to die (No other enemies will be alerted by this guy's death), therefore no hostile NPC action. 3. Killing civilian NPCs: Again, you haven't been targeted by the city guards or whatever at the moment you click. Killing moves have a chance to happen.
  3. If you are on the PC, bring up the console and type: tdetect this toggles NPC detection of the player character, so you can run around and nobody would see you. Type it again to disable it.
  4. Actually, that made me think a bit. Having companions with very good AI (and a better command system) just might remove the need for co-op for some people. Re: OP's topic: No. I won't pay for a multiplayer DLC.
  5. He reappeared naked in Jorrvaskr one day. Had to use the console to kill him 'cause I suspected he was causing the game to crash (he wasn't)
  6. This. Go sword and board, close the distance and shield bash Movarth against a wall- A ranged/magic companion won't hurt either. What I'd like to know is how to kill these guys using a bow-centric "ranger" character, since I don't have the luxury of open ground where I can run around and kite.
  7. There were individual stalls with stools, buckets and reading material in a room.
  8. Judging by the title, I thought this was about how someone figured out how to pronounce the names of the Dwemer cities. Ah well. Back to trying to pronounce 18 consonants in a row.
  9. Potion of True Shot next to a toilet-bucket in one of the forts. Scroll of Courage and a bottle of Wine hidden behind a speaker's podium in a hall in the same fort. Still makes me chuckle every time I think about it.
  10. I seem to trigger this after I flip out and cause a large fight at the Embassy. Killing everyone while undetected didn't trigger it though. But with psychic guards and all that, I was kind of surprised when they DIDN'T send a hit squad after me.
  11. Took the mod out for a test run- AWESOME! Heads up though- setting female bards to the highest weight setting will cause the breasts to clip through the lute when they play it.
  12. I'm sure a few of you have bemoaned the lack of toilets in Skyrim. Don't know if this has been shown before, but I have finally found something resembling toilets in Fort Greymoor- Candles, individual stalls and even reading material. But stools and buckets? Can't figure out how they use it. http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/4166/screenshot17225.png
  13. Hi all, Has anybody managed to manually reduce their savegame size to less than 15MB? Mine is 21MB and might be causing frequent random crashes in the gameworld.
  14. 2 handers are underpowered once you get to higher levels, where the enemies can do lots of damage to you, especially if you are running around without the shield. Besides, the damage of a single one-handed sword can approach that of a two-hander with the correct perks- with the advantage of having a faster attack speed.
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