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About squirrelchronic

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. I didn't think about that but I'm working on getting permission. I'm just waiting for a response
  2. Can someone make a voice replacement for the mr gusty robots that's Gordon Ramsay quotes, I use the power armor ai sentinel and I want him to have Gordon Ramsay's voice but I don't want to change codsworth or the other mr Handy's so I'd like to replace the mr gusty or securitron voice I want the Sentinel to yell things like During combat: f*#@ off you Muppet! It's f*#@ing raw! You f*#@ing Bananas! Are you an idiot!? and say things like When it sees me: Hello deary When I/it loots sometimes: Finally something delicious When I complete something/do something: Amazing job When I toss something or something breaks: What a waste When it's hurt: f*#@ me! Other noises (so it's not just f*#@ me over and over lol)
  3. my wife is type one diabetic and we would like to add some more immersion to the game for her maybe an Insulin needle that can heal a little, and drain water and food glucose tablets that add food and a diabetic blood meter, that doesn't have to do anything but can maybe be placed
  4. Will someone please rename the adoring fan Jeffery? my wife and i just started calling him that and id like it to be his name. i feel bad that Bethesda didn't give him a name in the first place
  5. I've got my ship to let me have 11 crew but now the "ship command" perk is stopping me. Any way someone can work their magic and up the last rank from 8crew to 11 crew?
  6. or if someone could just tell me how to find the hat's texture so i can do it, i just dont know how to get to the texture itself
  7. can someone make a retexture of the dj hat? preferably making it black but leave the purple bits and the headphones thank you :smile:
  8. Will/can someone add a small build area or something to the lobby of the neon flats? There's a room with 2 "inaccessible door" entrances maybe put an empty room back there with a workbench? I'm wanting to put a small garden and a robot or 2 to tend it and "gard" the front door.
  9. Will someone please make shroud manor into a full settlement??? ive been trying to get it made into one for some time now, i just dont have the knowhow to do it myself.
  10. can someone please make shroud manor into a full settlement
  11. i wanted to see if anyone would be willing to make the creation club's shroud manor into a full settlement Onipajumaki makes a tutorial for doing this im just not knowledgeable enough to do it https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38008
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