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  1. made a calculation in wich range this 1-20 attribute&skill-system could work : Melee Damage : Str+0.5 Points(! also effects unarmed); Spd +2%; attack skill +2% Block damage : Def skill and Str each give +1% Attack/Block speed : Ag, Spd and Attack/Defense skill each gives +0.1; Str reduces equipped weapon weigth by 2%( so heavyer w. will move faster ) Harder to Stagger : Str+2%; Wp +1% Reduce armor weigth : -2%/Str Health : +6/Str; +2/Spd; +1/End&Wp Health regeneration : +2% End Stamina : +1 Attack&Defense Skill; +1 Wp; +7 End Stamina regeneration : +2% End Magicka : +2 Spirit; +8 Wp Magicka reg.: +2% Sp; +1% Wp carry : +10 Str damage resist : +1 str spd gives +1% running/sprinting speed, also effects jumping Harder to detect/Pickpocket : 1% Ag, Sp, Stealth skill Resistences : end gives +3dis, +2pois/frost, +1 fire/lig Wp gives +2 magic, +1 lig :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: magic amulets, rings, smithing improvements race boni are about half effective, no magic armor, instead some reist against fost/fire, few magic weapons, only smaller but permanet enchantments, no this, no that only smithing improvements for weapons
  2. what about a mace that is composed mostly of parts, that are already in the game ? something like a downsized giants club, and a skull or bloody skull atached to the top. opened mouth, and a spike comes out of it. maybe a black feather decorating the handle, some wrappings, forsmore style. Or a mace thats head is composed from 2-4 metal skulls, looking in various diretions. Somewhat like molag-bar mace otherwise. Or a hunters version of the first, with a fox head instead of the skull...
  3. simonbisleygallery.com/?bisley=home.image&picid=219 www.freeyabb.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?mforum=d6fantasy&p=4389 the big sword looks interesting, a body-mod that would be something like this would also be nice
  4. You could backup your savegames, and then start with empty folder, and offline. If this didn't help, maybe without mods also. And look for remains of earlier inofficial patches, that could conflict with official ones. From what i've read in the forums and experienced myself i made me a little theory, that is that with the latest patch the way steam tracks your game advantages has been changed. When i'm offline with steam i have an almost stable version, takes hours to crash, if at all. and i've unlocked 66% of the game. When i'm online with steam it crashes as described here, usually after a few minutes. This was repeatable. When i'm offline with steam, but online before or between, it ends somewhere in the middle. So steam tracks your gaming history, with unlocked% and archievements. Maybe it would be point of interest how much data is trafficked there, with patch 1.31, compared to 1.1. Maybe not just what you're doing rigth now gets reported, instead all changes are compared... ?
  5. the ears are the wurst looking thing in the game ever. blockrunning is the best but also the wurst perk. it sticks out unbelievibly.
  6. How the f*** can you play offline? My Skyrim won't even start if I'm in offline-mode..? https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=3160-AGCB-2555 most stable is not to go online at all, just activate steam offline. when i was online before i activated steam offline, it crashed also, somewhat later than usual however. When not online at all it took some hours to crash, the other time i got tired before this could have happened whenever...
  7. I think steam itself can cause complete crashes. I had complete crashes constantly, and found out that there was a conflict between inofficial and official patches. When i had removed the inofficial ones played without crashes. But yesterday i had a complete crash again, this was while autosaving due to fast travel. The difference was, that this time i was online with steam. Today i played again, but offline, and had no crashes. Maybe it's because of data-collecting...
  8. there is a little downloadable tutorial somewhere at the nexus mods. You can alter complexion, and i think it was hair-and eyecolor. At least eyecolor you cannot pick from beast-races, as far as i remember. So you open showracemenu, close console, open console, write "setrace ..." there, chose new skintone( the dremora ones look ok on orc ), "setrace" back to your previous race, rename your character, carry on. If your handposition doesn't change during modification your abilities should have stayed the same. If you get dremora horns youcan get rid of them with setrace orc.
  9. Maybe it would fit to an experimental mod, underworld-like, with tougher skeevers and such...
  10. There could also be conflicts between inofficial and official patches. At the beginning i had freezes, so i downloaded an inofficial patch. Then no more freezes. Then again, certainly due to steampatch. I downloaded another inofficial, the 4GB one, then it was o.k. again. Then again crashes, this time always after short time. I think my computer aged some years within a few days. However, i then uninstalled the unofficial Skyrim4GB-patch. I had also installed the "enbseries_skyrim"-patch( Number 5 ), wich supported the 4GB-patch. To enable this patch, i had to set bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 in the SKyrimPrefs.ini file. So after uninstalling these patches i still had to set it back to =0. The the game was already running somewhat better, i could play about an hour, but next time it crashed fastly again. I still had the "d3d9.dll" from the patch in my game directory. After removing this the game was running mostly normal. Not completely, some shakes at the animations, also drop through this nowwhere-plane when i enter my Brezelhome now. But no more crashes since the. Maybe it helps someone.
  11. i would like to see something like this. With the attributes i think it would be possible. From previous games ------------------------------------------------------------------- Str, End, Ag, Spd, Willp should be in, an something like intelligenc, merged with some aspects of personality, maybe call it : spirit ---------------------------------------------------------------- So they should do what perks did before. And i would see less skills ----------------------------------------- melee attack( 1h&2h ) defense( block, some aspects of the armor skills ) ranged attack magic/elemental magic( destr, conj atron ) illusion/psy restauration/ nature/ life&death( rest, alch ) sneak( including oickpocket ) speech crafting( smithing, lockpick ) --------------------------------------------------- should be enough. enchant would depend on related magic skill and crafting Besides attributes there could be specialisation perks, something like 6 ranks devided between a 2-4 branches for each skill, and one can pick up one in each skill for reaching apprent, adept, expert and master degree. For melee this could be : dual wield, twohanded, blades, with 2 ranks each. For defense : block, armor, toughness t. would reduce stagger, armor reduces equipped weigth and stealth pen., maybe +5% armor rating or so. There would be no real armor skill, all the same, no ligth or heavy. And the weapons would have abilties, depending on their design, something like ignore 30%armor for ebony mace, or ign. 15% and some bleeding for elven mace. No levels, butone can increase an attribute every soandsomuch skill points. The range of the skills could be decreased to 1-20( adept would be at 10 ), then increase an attribute, maybe every three points of skills. Max at 20, start with a few points, depending on race. And weight, also heigth choosen at the beginning could also have some effect. What do you think ?
  12. small dragons could fit into a hard survival mod. So dragons still exist, but only those of wolf to bear-size, who haven't been noticed previously because they know some disguise-spells, survived. If they appear there is panic. but mostly they just try to steal some veggies from barrels.
  13. Hello. I've experienced these brutal crashes like some other. So here is my history of malfunction : -i play happily skyrim -i get steampatchet seriously, crash -i search forum here, download Skyrim4GB as well enbseries_skyrim, i do set bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 in the SKyrimPrefs.ini, to enable this. -now i can play again -seems another patch has been sawn rigth onto my face with hot steaming needle, crash crash crash, w or wo 4GB -now i've set the bFloatPointRenderTarget= back to 0, could play again have just played half an hour or so, before it crahed after few minutes or equipping weapon
  14. Anyone who knows this ?: www.skyrimnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=16466 it happend after i installed some armor mods, but i cannot get rid of it, despite i uninstalled the ones where i thougth it could be texture from them, not even in the showracemenu. When i get of the armor, i look it looks like this... It doesn't look so bad, however the game crushes all the time, with or wo 4GB, on/offline. Migth be just the new patch, but maybe this could have to do with it ? help plz
  15. i have an incredible nearly visionary grand idea for a mod : a mod that lets you use different body-mods for different races simultaneosly, each with it's own thingys, darting ones for the elves, imperial bananas, spiked orcish, whatever
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