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Posts posted by Sebviz

  1. ENB doesn't suck, it's just a more integrated way of editing the graphical features of Skyrim like changing the color of the sky at a curtain point in time or changing the direct color of the sunlight. Reshade can't do that. Reshade is a stack of overlayed effects that use some G-Buffer channels to produce some of it's features, but its existence is totally justified. Right now I'm rocking a Reshade preset and it looks beautiful for a 2011 game with added volumetrics and screenspace reflections.

  2. Finally an update! :-)


    I've been sick and busy as f***. We're in the process of renovating our bathroom and have a syrian refugee staying at our place who keeps forgetting his Apple-id. NEVER ever loose your password for an Apple-id where the password-reset-email is abandoned! Apple will suck your will to live out of you.


    Anyway I'm almost done with the main frame. I'm gonna finish up the parts that is missing and start incorporating your comments. After that I'm going to start on the low poly model. When the main frame is ready, I can begin on the armor plates and upgrades :-)



  3. Holy freaking jesus this Mod is literally everything I've ever wanted since Fallout 3.

    To add my own ideas:

    Have weapons built into the arms of the suit itself, like on the RobCo Sentry Bots.

    Built in Tri-Barrel Gatling Guns, Missile Launchers, Grenade Launchers, Gatling Lasers, Scatter Lasers, giant Chainsaws for melee attacks, can be swapped out and customized on an individual basis. They could be controlled with the left and right mouse buttons.

    Could also mount weapons to the back or shoulders, like auto turrets, missile pods, Mini Nuke launchers (METAL GEEEEEAR) long range cannons, etc. Back weapons could be controlled with Alt/Melee/Grenade buttons.

    And of course, built in jump jets would need to be a standard feature. Something that big ain't gonna be able to jump on its own without some seriously bad ass rockets.



    First of all, thanks for the feedback! It's nice to be confirmed in the idea of getting this in-game. Secondly build-in weaponry (of all sorts, depending on how far people are wiling to participate) is on the to-do-list. Holding a 10mm pistol with those mech-arms are gonna look ridiculus :-D


    I'm also very fond of the idea of a powerful jetpack that launches this thing in the air, to move fast across the Commonwealth, instead of walking. I'm not sure how fast this thing is going to move, it depends on how it's going to animate.


    Also, how is this going to be presented to the player in-game?

    Will they have to just spawn the thing in?

    Or will we be taken the extra mile, have it given to us by a character, or found on a quest?

    In the event of the addition of a character who can get excited about giant robots, I would like to submit my voice for consideration of being used for such a character:


    Lemme know if anyone is interested in making that happen.

    I imagine like a Megas XLR type thing.

    You have a character that runs a big salvage yard. Basically its an old pre-war Junk yard. Character sells his wares to traders and people that pass by.

    Has a sale going on when you arrive "Everything in that Pile for 5 Caps"

    Player can look at and activate several pieces of garbage or useless junk, asking the Character the price. Character gets increasingly annoyed in having to repeat "Everything in that pile is 5 caps." "5 Caps." "*ahem* 5 Caps." "5. Bottlecaps." "Everything in that pile. 5 Caps. I doubt the whole pile's even worth 5 Caps."

    Player comes across a large metal stick, or a piece of rebar or something. Activating said Rebar has the player try to pull on it, causing part of the junk pile to fall down, revealing the Liberator.

    Player: "So you said 5 caps?"

    Character: "Uh..."

    Player: "I'll take it!"

    Quest Completed: "Now Where's First Gear Again?"




    It's a good idea! I've thought out a scenario where the player discovers a large underground vault-looking hangar where it's lit up by a single light far in the back, when the player flicks a switch. How the player gets to the hangar I havn't wondered about :-) whether it be your story or mine or some third or fourth idea, I'm thinking that a poll where everybody can give their go at it, is going to determine how it's going to be introduced :-)



    Also, a thought occurs.

    There is not much in way of actual challenge for something so large and powerful.

    A way to spawn lots of enemies, or large boss creatures in various environments would be important in making this feel like it has some use apart from ripping through random Raider camps.

    Maybe once you construct a Mech Hangar and store it in one of your settlements, it becomes a target for massive Raider/Synth/Super Mutant/Brotherhood of Steel attacks.

    Maybe you could even fight Liberty Prime with it.


    I think it's primary goal is to serve as a tool for defending settlements. When the settlement-raiding mod is complete and doesn't rely solely on bat files but an automatic scripted system, the battles can vary from ant squashing to Prime-demolishing :-)




    I apologize for the wall of text, I just got really excited.



    No problem at all!

  4. Thanks for the feedback!


    Ill go over the entire model, when it's fleshed out and tweak it. A sattle-ish seat and roll-bar would be a good idea :-) Also I think I'm gonna redo the arms. They seem to have their elbow-bending point a weird place and perhaps too long?


    here is an update on the legs and the back. Slow and steady - but hey, no GECK yet anyway :-(



  5. Some ideas on how this thing could work, just my personal biases.

    -Treated like PA, for the most part

    -Has its own HUD

    -Cannot fit in many places

    -Provides fire, water breathing, and poison immunity so long as cockpit is not breached

    -Provides good rad resistance so long as cockpit is not breached.

    -Weak vs pulse damage, plasma, and strong explosives

    -Requires 2 fusion cores to power it

    -Has different craftable armors that fit over the arms, torso, legs, and cockpit. Off top of head, Raider Light, Raider Heavy, Military Recon, Military Assault, Science.

    -Player can be damaged when cockpit armor is destroyed, or by shot that penetrate or bypass armor.

    -Frame can be damaged when armor is destroyed, or by shots that penetrate or bypass armor.

    -Ranged weapons appear hard-mounted on forearm and/or shoulders, rather than held. (less animation, and makes more sense, i think)

    -"Iron sights" is just a zoom mode.

    -Mech has its own physical stats that do not stack with player's

    -Damage to the frame has its own penalties that must be repaired, as they don't heal.

    Crippled legs slow top speed, reduce jumping height, reduce carry weight, remove any armor bonuses.

    Crippled arms reduce accuracy of weapon mounted there, reduce strength, remove any armor bonuses.

    Crippled cockpit exposes player to harm, and causes the camera/hud to fizzle and wash out, remove any armor bonuses.

    Crippled torso disables the mech and its shuts down, booting player out, remove any armor bonuses.

    -If mech is disabled, it no longer accepts fusion cores

    -Players can craft "emergency repair modules" that plug in like fusion cores and restore basic functionality, but drain quickly. Providing just enough juice to get the mech somewhere where you can fix it.

    -Repairing parts is costly, material wise

    -Requires its own mech hangar station

    -Cannot pick locks or hack while driving

    -Cannot directly pick things up to add to inventory, but you can exit, pick up items, and store them on the mech as you'd store stuff in the trunk of a car.

    -You can craft luggage racks and cargo satchels for the mech to increase carry weight.

    -Mech knocks back and staggers anything you trample



    I think Flyingdebris is on point here. The Liberator is a huge, not very flexible machine with a lot of armor and firepower. It's going to require a LOT of juice and resources to work and it may not be ideal for everything. It's going to be balanced and not some cheat mod.


    It would be nice to go head on with a Deathclaw without being the small ant you are in a PA too :-)


    -weapons will be hardmounted on this thing without the scope-to-eye zoom. Anything else would simply not work. I'm not sure how, but maybe you could equip an invisible weapon or a weapon without a mesh and have it be attached to the hardmounted weapon modeled onto the armor.


    -The terminal is pretty much just the current pipboy inside the PA. An idea - There is a way to turn your loading screen into a green shade model-viewer - that effect could be the view inside the Liberator?


    I think a lot of the points are possible as mods to the Liberator just like they are possible with the PA :-)

  6. Thanks for the feedback! :-)


    Just an idea, but similarly to how PA currently exposes the frame as locations get destroyed, your current concept for the Liberator i think would make the most sense as the frame for armor to fit over, falling off as it takes heavy damage.



    Regarding the design - When I first started on the concept art, FO4 hadn't come out yet, so all I had to go on was the concept material for FO3, and that's probably why it looks kinda rough and mechanical. I must say, I really love the idea of making it like a PA frame and then adding protection like you've sketched (fantastic sketch btw!). Definitely going that route!


    -What sort of weapons is it going to wield? Does it still have to use normal weapons or does it have its own custom weapons? Either way its going to affect the final look.

    If it needs to use normal weapons, you'll have to make sure the mech hands can fit on normal weapons somehow from their current positions.

    If it has its own weapons, you'll have to model those and figure out how they mount and how they look.

    If it melees or punches, you'll have to make sure that its arms look good when animated.

    -How is this going to move? It appears that this thing's torso is one solid piece, that might be a problem.

    If you try to turn while moving, or aim upwards or downwards without a flexible spine, it might look really awkward. Basically try to imagine this thing moving 90° from where its aiming, and aiming high or low while doing it, to get a good idea of what sort of range of movement it'll probably need.



    I did some initial sketching of that hip-torso part to make it a bit easier to animate and less mechanical. It's a feature I've seen on a couple of robots in FO4 (the Assaultron ect.) It's like a sheet of plastic, wrapped around the mechanical parts. It looks a bit MGS-like to me.


    All good points. A lot of work ahead :-)



  7. Hey peps!


    I'm a long time lurker and user of the nexus mod community and I've decided to do a personal project in my spare time (I'm a professional 3d artist). Like all of you guys, I'm putting a lot of time in playing FO4 right now and pretty psyched and have been since it came out. This project of mine will mainly focus on getting a game-ready, low poly model ready for import into the GECK when it's available and they Idea is that if anyone feeling like trying to get it to actually be operable/ride-able in-game you are free to do so. I will do my best to provide any assistance in the endeavor :-)


    Is it something people are interested in or should only hope for a portfolio piece?


    anyways here's the concept I've made and my progress so far on the high-poly model:






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