Tried this fix below, and a lot others, but still crashing. if you could, please try again with the following guide and a new, clean set of ini files (lower the settings a notch using the launcher, since you will get a higher predefined set than your computer may be able to handle). ATI Users! Please Read! google search for radeonpro, download and install - nvidia users note that this is for ATI cards. you will have to fiddle around with whatever the tweaking program is for nvidia cards. the following has enabled play on my computer after crashes that stopped me from getting any further than helgen's dragon attack. my specs: AMD 955BE @ 3.2GHz ATI HD6850 @ 800MHz Core & 1100MHz Memory - Catalyst 11.11 8GB Kingston HyperX Blu @ 1600MHz Coolermaster 650W PSU that's the important stuff 1 - open radeonpro and add a new entry, pointing the program to your tesv.exe 2 - follow these settings (you may have to turn some off if the game slows down) the following settings are fine on my machine. if you experience low frame rates or texture popping, turn down some settings or disable some options. ymmv. STEAM USERS NOTE: launch using radeonpro - NOT STEAM 3 - download the d3d9.dll file i had in my directory and place it into yours MegaUpload link 4 - backup and remove skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini 5 - launch the game using radeonpro 6 - report back here with your findings! i sincerely hope that this works for at least one other person. i've been excited as all hell to be able to play - even if there are some performance hits sometimes. To me it workssssssssss Thanks I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!! I did a little test but I crash after 5 minutes. Now have passed 30 minutes and have not crashed!!!! I hope it is completely fixed now. I have to play hours to be able to say. I have questions: 1)before the latest patch, I could play with ultra settings,Redeonpro calculates average setting, I can put high or ultra? 2)How many hours have you played? 3)I can put the old save or mods? You can post this solution in the Bwethesda forum? many others like me can be helped Thanks again for your help!!!