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About Sabrewulf238

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  1. Thanks. Just had an awesome giant rampage in Whiterun. Makes a change from the chaos usually having to be centred around my own character.
  2. I'm a guy and I'm playing as a female High Elf. I think the main reason I play as females is that I'm just better at creating them.....whereas I'm never happy when I'm trying to create a male character. I suppose I find females more interesting to play as also. It doesn't matter a great deal to me which gender I play as though, just as long as I can connect with the character and have fun playing the game. As an aside, I think I'd have much less difficulty playing as a male Khajitt/Argonian (maybe even Orc)
  3. Not yet, I'm waiting until I've got a good idea of all the possible suitors (which is probably loads) Right now I have my eye on Ysolda in Whiterun though.
  4. I've been wanting to spawn a giant in a town for a while now (to watch it catapult innocent civilians) and I was using this code in the command line: player.placeatme <ref number I got from a giant> however it responds with "compiled script not saved" What is it I'm doing wrong?
  5. How is it morally disgusting to kill a child in the game.....but perfectly fine to kill innocent adults in the game? I don't really get the reasoning behind this. That's what people are saying though, that it's fine to kill innocent adults (that are just living their lives not hurting anyone) but not children. I'm not trying to justify killing children or anything, far from it. I'm just wondering how if people are so morally correct they don't have anything to say about the killing of innocent adults/elders in the game. Hulda is working an honest life in the whiterun inn and she works hard every day....but you can shove a sword into her back all the same. Where's the justice in that? The morality? It's morally wrong to kill ANYONE no matter the age. It's startling to think people don't actually realize this...It feels like people are picking and choosing what is "morally wrong". You can already do disgusting and evil things in this game without mods.
  6. Good luck with this. One thing I will say though is if there are a bunch of people popping up saying they intend to recreate cyrodiil it would be incredibly worthwhile to contact them and attempt a team up....rather than just all working on separate versions. It's the sensible thing to do. There isn't much point in having more than one version of this mod when it's such a huge and detailed one. Don't forget cyrodiil will be 200 years older too. :P (sorry if that was really obvious) Perhaps you could implement small regions of cyrodiil into the game bit by bit. (and get that little part sorted) Sort of like a beta. Instead of attempting the whole region in one. Then each of these "mini cyrodiils" could be valid mods in their own right with worthwhile content added.
  7. This was my thought too. Something like this would only really be worth attempting if Bethesda came out and said there was never going to be another Elder Scrolls game. I'm sort of hopeful that some day down the line Bethesda might actually attempt to make a game including all of Tamriel. (just like the first game) There isn't a word to describe how amazing that game would be.
  8. I'm wondering if this would be possible... My idea is make a mod that introduces a new amulet to the game that similar to the amulet of mara except when you wear it you can make any npc who wouldn't normally be able to join you (playable races only perhaps) join you as a follower. (rather than having the "follow me" option stuck into npcs conversation boxes all the time) Not sure how voices would work (things like "I'm with you" or "I've got your back") but on the other hand most people probably want Lydia to shut up so it's not that big a deal. Just as long as they all make their usually shouts and aren't totally mute. Would things like equipping and storing items work with all npcs?
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