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About Herzwulf

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  1. That would be nice, indeed. Though bone textures should be a bit darker than vanilla, I think, to contrast with stalhrim. But! I like the alternative that is just ebony plates with stalhrim attached to them with nails and other stuff, using dragonplate mesh. And chainmail hood. Just look, it will explain how I imagine it. With these plates stalhrim elements should stay on the armor. Compare the pics with vanilla and Dreogan's mod. Pay attention to the shoulderpads. http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/012/3/6/dragonplate_armor_by_bakasamac-d4m608l.jpghttp://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/24941-1-1356242890.jpg
  2. Heya, folks. I haven't found anything of this sort and was very much inspired by 'Dragonbone ebonsteel armor' mod (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24941//?) and come to an idea of another standalone armor that is simply a retexture with some extra detail. You can see how I imagine this armor by looking at the attached file. I personally think that Stalhrim armor that came out with Dragonborn DLC is rather bland and silly looking. On the other hand the good old fashioned stalhrim deserves more than that. That's why I think that mix betwen dragonplate meshes and stalhrim textures should be just perfect. Epic, cool looking. As said, I was inspired by the dragonbone ebonsteel armor, that's why I suggest ebony mail that covers body, ebony little details of armors and stalhrim. No fur, no hides, original stalhrim already uses fur and stuff. So only metal and ice, yeah. Current picture is rather harsh, but gives the idea. If someone would like to do it, I'll make a concept art for it, of course, with all the details, if someone will need it. But anyone who could do this can freely do anything with the idea. Thanks for your time. Hope you like the idea and this mod will become alive sometime soon. :smile: http://imageshack.us/a/img547/8386/9w6m.jpg
  3. Sup, Nexus. So, what do you think? It would be nice to have a glowing eyes as a werewolf in human form, IMO. Light blue, for example.
  4. Maybe, haven't tried vampire storyline yet. But still, it would be nice to see them really fighting vampires, not just sitting in the fort if you chose DG side.
  5. Hello, guys. First of all, I apologize for my English skills. I have a two ideas for mods, which, I think, is intended to add more realism to Dawnguard. First one is simple, yet very important. Every single time I play in third person I get irritated by the look of bolt pouch. It is kinda levitating near my character's hip, got penetrated by my two handed sword and et cetera. Also, bolts will simply fall of, because of horizontal position of pouch. Looks weird. Imo, it should look like this: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/6/boltpouch.jpg/ And second one, nice for realism and stuff. I was disappointed that there is only a random attacks of vampires, but no roaming Dawnguards, lurking for their prey. Or even some kind of fights between DG and vampires in cities or elsewhere. Or DG trying to prevent a kill by a sneaking vampire at night. Et.c. Such events should be rare, because Dawnguards are very few, but increasing in number, as your storyline progressing. Thanks.
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