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About Rolfskytte

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  1. Hi people :) The old mod Excellent Magic Sounds for Oblivion is lost, no DL link anywhere. This request might be illegal (?) ... does anyone have a copy to share? Thanks a lot - Rolf
  2. Extremely excited by this redesign! Beautiful stuff. I love that it will be compatible with smartphones and such! Very happy and grateful that you are doing this. · Who funds this? Yourself? I didn't get that.. :) · I will be modding Oblivion extensively in the future - will all the mods be there, all the way back from 2006? · I have a suggestion: Themes. I often chose dark themes for my computers and devices. I would love a dark theme in addition to the grey, maybe light theme as well, and maybe even a possibility to upload a custom background ;) Maybe that's a little silly though... Thanks for the hard work, I appreciate it!
  3. In response to post #27327114. #27399639 is also a reply to the same post. Sounds great, thanks! I am quite alright with the site as it is, but improvement is always welcome!
  4. I thought of a thing! All those pictures that are posted on the nexuses (I use the oblivion nexus only these days) - it would be tremendously nice to have an easier way of browsing through the pictures, something like "swiping" through, or something better, I don't know. All I know is that now it is simple and *alright* but I have a feeling it could be done better. It is a shame all those good screenshots and pictures get lost in a sea of averageness. I would love to browse pictures more, if it was more enjoyable. And maybe, maybe... have you heard of that mini-game on the internet where you categorize pictures for fun, and see who gets the most accurate categorization/description on a picture. It helps organize pictures, and it could help organize the nexus pictures... make it easier to find something particular. (Unfortunately I can't remember the name of the game) Maybe at the same time, create a feature which allows people who post pictures to make an easy-to-see tag for each picture, that tells if that picture is free to use or if it is "copyright'ed"
  5. That is great! I am just glad there are passionate people at the reins, and I hope for all the best for the Nexus. Survey done.
  6. In response to post #23719594. #23737919, #23743949, #23746339, #23751059, #23751089, #23758904, #23759199 are all replies on the same post. So very right Shezrie. I agree that many people don't seem to realize that real folks have made the mods they are playing. Gratitude never hurts! Give more thanks people!
  7. Thanks a whole lot guys, I think I am set to go. Have a good one! And have a fine picture! http://static-5.nexusmods.com/15/mods/101/images/7676-1-1193076920.jpg
  8. Is that true? That's amazing. He does own Oblivion. So.. he needs to have the game installed. But if I copy/paste my stuff into his Oblivion install directory, wouldn't it just overwrite his files completely? - are there files I wouldn't need to copy/paste? Does Oblivion place some files somewhere else on the computer which I should copy also? -or would it be a single grab do you think? Thanks
  9. Hi guys and gals! Is it possible to share your mod setup with a friend? What I mean is, if I mod my Oblivion game extensively, can I then take all the folders in one copy-paste move and put it in another computer, and have it work? I really would like to share my modded Oblivion with my old friend you see! Of course I will *not* share my mod build publicly. Thanks in advance for any and all advice!
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