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About northener69

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    Half Life 2, QUAKE

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  1. There's nothing more frustrating than updating your mods only to find they release another friggin' update that messes with the mods. I also have mods running in this game that fix things as far back as Visions that's still broken in Interceptor, so don't hold your breath buddy when it comes to HG. And don't get me started on sending them bug reports, I love this game too but the only thing they add more of each update are BUGS BUGS and more BUGS! I've never known a game this old that's still so effing BUGGY! (Takes a deep breath) :laugh: :cool:
  2. Visions are what the leaders of the World lack but in this case Mr. JJ it's a version of NMS I'm still hooked on like crack cocaine is with a lollipop. Hopefully that made absolutely no sense, which is why you'll then understand my obsession, because I don't understand either. I have since got an injunction against you Mr. JJ for stalking me on the Nexus forums. You have been served. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :cool:
  3. Why am I not surprised this issue is still in Frontiers a year after I fixed this. Well no floating barrels in my version of Frontiers!!! :ermm: It's an old post but I was only fixing this again yesterday even though I'd already ported this mod over to Frontiers. But I landed on a planet and another floating barrel slipped through the net but again fixed. The strange thing was I landed on a flat surface but the floating barrel in question was located in a file allocating a slope, the mind boggles. I was looking over my old Visions posts and most of them I had to port over to Frontiers because they never fixed the issues despite reporting to Zendesk, which I no longer do. They've created silly bugs that I'm sure will still be around in 2025. Yes I still play my heavily modded and fixed Visions 1.77 but I will admit HG has done a good job on Frontiers, I'm actually playing it as well as modding it or fixing it. :laugh: Right, I'm off to test my latest mod to see if it works or not. :ermm:
  4. Hi Gukbuk Even if it was doable I doubt anyone would attempt such a thing because as any modder knows with this game after each update you have to update the mod. And this happens over and over and over and over and then you have the ridiculous which is no modding tools. So long answer is probably NO! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I don't even play this game anymore and haven't for months, don't miss and doubt I'll play it again. :ermm: :ohmy: And the reason I popped on here was because I was messaging a friend and thought I'd have a moan. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  5. Your best chance would be submitting a request to Hello Games. Good luck with that, you have a higher chance of finding out your father's a Vy'keen. :ohmy:
  6. Hi nicoalbb Sorry to hear your colour blindness affects the game in the way you described above, but I think your best bet would be to make a suggestion on Zendesk and hope Hello Games see and maybe come up with something. Best wishes, Myself :happy: Just to add, I have since sent a request on your behalf and taken a screengrab so they can see what your asking for. Fingers crossed for you and other gamers who have colour blindness. :happy:
  7. Redmas has just posted his mod so obviously hasn't disappeared! https://www.nexusmods.com/nomanssky/mods/1742
  8. I've asked HG loads of times via Zendesk for modding tools and still can't understand when they stated you can mod the game and there's even a text file "#DISABLEMODS.txt" to enable/disable mods yet they provide no tools to mod the game. How would they expect anyone to mod the game monkeyman192 aside? Plonkers if you ask me! It's partly why I don't release anything I've modded or fixed as it just p*sses me off after each update trawling through the files, not including the fact you have to decompile them and rely on the LEGEND that is monkeyman192 for his decompiler. I know other mod makers who are getting cold feet regarding NMS modding and I don't blame them. Only last night I spent quite a while merging my favourite mods as mod makers are great but so many don't work together, I have some mods that have many mods merged. It's crazy! Here's a couple of examples: _fast_actions_2.6+small_cursor_2.3+shorter_arrival_message_1.3+tiny_inventory_changes_2.9.pak _mod_dud_ship_headlights_2612+jjs_jons_docking_fix_3.03+relight_1.7.pak And it's sad you can't share them because the mods are from various mod makers and it creates a headache, which is a shame.
  9. Is it me or am I the only person who hates those effing animated flowers on the landing pads? NPC's walking waste deep through them looks ridiculous and still doing it in Origins. I did offer to release this mod to a well known mod maker but he turned it down as he said it wouldn't be popular. Anyway removed on my version of Origins because it's popular with me. And ships logically facing outwards away from the middle structure. HG's please have some common sense!
  10. Why am I not surprised this issue is still in Origins a year after I fixed this. Well no floating barrels in my version of Origins!!! :ermm:
  11. Was bored so i trawled through Nexus Mods to see what else I could back port to Visions, and here it is. The terminals always annoyed me for snapping in the center of floor parts, thanks to Plopsi for the original Beyond mod. A few screenshots showing them where they should be, back against the walls. Also you can have them at 45 degrees as Plopsi had them in Beyond but forgot to take a screenshot. And yes it Visions because I've fixed and modded it so much and still enjoy playing it. Origins is still in Beta due to a sh*t load of bugs as always supplied by Hello Games. Credits to monkeyman192.
  12. You're welcome and hope you recover from your food poisoning soon enough buddy. :wink:
  13. This bug is still in Origins, what a surprise and just shows Zendesk is not Zenlike! :down:
  14. That's a sad to hear that Redmas has left the building so to speak, but it's a lot of work having to redo his mods after each update and everything else that goes with it. I'll steer clear of that subject as it's for the best but I feel he's not the only one who will leave. HG's need to pull their thumb out and release proper modding tools. Why do we have a DISABLEMODS.TXT file with *If this file exists, no mod banks will be loaded.* yet we have no mod tools? :ermm: Anyway I'm not surprised he gone, respect! :cool:
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