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Nexus Mods Profile

About Dupuis3333

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Hello, I love killmoves animations (especially when using bow) but I can't find a mod that increases chance to perform killmove to 100% and it's standalone. I am not a fan of SKSE and I absolutely hate SkyUI... and both of them are needed for mods like Dance of Death or VioLens. I tried adding this lines for Skyrim.ini but I can't see any difference in game [VATS] fVATSCastingAfterKillDelay=1.2000 uVATSRangedPercentSneak=100 uVATSRangedPercentGlobal=100 bVATSIgnoreProjectileTest=0 bVATSAllowNoKill=0 bVATSMultipleCombatants=1 bVATSForceRanged=1
  2. Thank you. I have only last question, it is very simple I think so I am posting it here instead opening a new thread. Do you know any mod that add to the game double ponytails hairstyle? I downloaded three different hairstyle pack (even one with only ponytails) but none on them contains it. I found only one, but with braid ponytails laying on shoulder blades, so it's not what I am looking for
  3. Okay, what about mod for, emm... bigger female breasts? :laugh: I saw that every mod adding this stuff needs other mods
  4. Hi. I saw couple of mods adding a better females or something similar, but it looks like all of them requires other mods to work, this mod also requires another ones and it leads to downloading list of mods just to get the one I am looking for (like CBBE...). Is there any way to skip it or are there any female mods that works standalone?
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