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About Tazmgc

  1. Well, thanks for the reply. It's just a real bummer to have to walk around slowly even with the bow drawn, but I guess that's what mods are for!
  2. As I was playing around with my latest perk, Ranger, I noticed something odd. It seems like when I am in stealth with no bow equipped I move at one speed. I equip the bow and everything speeds up. (This is what the perk provides.) Yet, after I fire an arrow my speed drops back to the original speed regardless of the talents boost. A: No bow + Crouch = Slow B: Bow + Crouch = Fast C: Bow + Crouch + Fired Arrow = Slow Has anyone else noticed this or is my mind just playing tricks on me? Having to redraw my bow after every arrow would be really annoying... Thanks for any input! -Tazz
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