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  1. It's been a while. Let me know which books you'd like recorded, or just say if you have no preference Emmarae.
  2. Nice ideas and notes there. When I think of a bolt cannon, I envision more of a static gun emplacement connected to that automated defense system you mentioned before... Such as, http://www.onmvoice.com/play.php?a=77485
  3. I don't mind at all Basaltface, and I'd be happy to provide voices. I'm looking forward to seeing this all develop, as having a steampunk battlemage running around is appealing.
  4. I've posted up several earlier recordings in this thread, yes.
  5. I sincerely hope you don't mind Basaltface, but after reading this and your response as to the roles of a Centurion, I couldn't help but make these quick sound bytes - http://www.onmvoice.com/play.php?a=77255 and http://www.onmvoice.com/play.php?a=77256
  6. I've set up an Onmvoice page for those who're interested in hearing a few voices - My linkhttp://www.onmvoice.com/Mechanorm
  7. I'm guessing the offence caused was because I intentionally made the first redone rendition sound uneducated, due to the style of the writing. For those interested, I've set up a Onmvoice page here - http://www.onmvoice.com/Mechanorm. It has several samples based on lines from Oblivion, so if anyone would want a book in a specific voice, feel free to ask.
  8. Hello Selty, nice demos there! Glad to have you on board.
  9. None taken at all. I can understand why it could be offensive, so how about this one? Toned it down and tried to make the writer sound a bit more savvy. http://www.mediafire.com/?gg2i63au3r8tjb3
  10. Cheers for all the tips! As always, greatly appreciated. I re-recorded pretty much all of my original submissions for the other thread, and figured I'd put at least one up here, as I found it entertaining to record. Advances in Lock Picking, wav, no effects - http://www.mediafire.com/?qcjzewzblselyg7
  11. I played the recordings back through my usual speakers, so I'm guessing that's what added the bass. I'll check future recordings through headphones then, cheers for the tip. As for input levels, I'm using Audacity, so I'm guessing I just decrease the mic input slider? Or is it something else? I'm guessing the background noise wasn't too bad then on the newer files?
  12. Hello everyone. I'm currently working on recording books for the Skyrim Audiobook project, and as such acquired a better mic - a Samson C10U compressor mic, so my recordings would be of a better quality. Since I now have this I'd like to work on voicing other mods as well, since it seems a shame to have the mic just for a single mod. If anyone would like a voice actor for their mod then please feel free to drop me a PM. Here's a normal recording of me, with the only effect being equalization just to reduce the inherent bass slightly, on mediafire.
  13. To anyone after someone to help voice a mod - I'm happy to help.
  14. If you'd like anyone to help with voices I'd gladly take part.
  15. Right, been trying out and testing the new condenser mic. It certainly sounds different, though I'm not overly sure as to how much clearer. It took a long while to keep tweaking settings to something that sounded acceptable, so here's two wav files of The Black Star, something I've recorded before, for comparison. First is the unaltered file - http://www.mediafire.com/?8sjyy14o7x8mv46 Second is one equalized to remove some of the bass to make it clearer, for me at least - My linkhttp://www.mediafire.com/?1s7568rsiqotxsh Compared to the very first one I recorded with the headset mic, I'd appreciate any thoughts and feedback as to which has the best recording quality.
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