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Posts posted by HumiIiation

  1. Okay, so I just realized that I can have a bash attack when the javelins are equipped. Since the javelins wont be in hand when the bash is performed what do you guys think I should do? I would like to have a kick attack like what is shown in this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44666/? However I could also have any of the hand to hand animations instead. I would prefer to have a kick but I don't want it to seem immersion breaking (eg. players asking why can we kick with javelins but not with any other weapons?)

    Feel free to use my stuff :)


    Thats awesome! Any chance you would share? I could make meshes/textures and you could provide the scripts : )



    Well, I've got an intro set of Meshes and Textures, which could be expanded for variety. But the whole is folded into my Baseline Mod for my Immersion Compilation system.


    I've got an IC00_Baseline.esp mod which holds all of the stuff for my version on FrostFall, Cold and Wet, Imp's More Complex Needs, WIC, Cloaks, Val's Crafting Meltdown, Immerse Armors, Immerse Weapons, and Hunterborn, all folded into an Integrated Mod.


    My goal was to get rid of the conflicts, duplicated items ( like bed rolls and cloaks ), and non-functional drops.


    But it is a HUGE WIP that will take another several months to have ready, and even then, I'm not sure I'll get permissions to release with the borrowed meshes in the work.


    So... I'll try to make a copy of the *.esp and under a new name, delete down to just the Breakable Shields content and release on Nexus.




    Damn it I wanted to make this mod! :P Oh well, release it when you feel its ready and make sure you credit RUB for his scripts if you used them :)


    Easiest way is to use the in game damage system for items and make seprate models for each set of damage and when destroyed make the item harvestable then rebuild it from the harvested broken parts. however there is a occasunal bug when item is equiped it will not update but quickiest way is ugliest too a quick script to unequip reequip item


    I've got this working. Only for a specific, custom set of Dueling Shields. But it works.


    I've figured a way to make the last step, sometimes ( random chance ) cause the shield to fling off of the wearer's arm in a shower of shards or just as a shield that is now a moveable static, not an equipable piece of armor. The Havoc engine presets to start at the players arm, and then to launch it out in a semi-random direction took some time, but it works now.


    There is a slight hesitation after the blow that triggers the total failure of the shield, before it goes flying off, but I doubt there is a way to completely get rid of it.


    Still, it looks cool, particularly when you're both in a dueling ring, and you destroy each other's shields at exactly the same moment, and then flash turn for a killing move.


    I had it happen once where my return stroke was a decapitation. Really wish I was video recording the action, it was very graphic and unique.

    Thats awesome! Any chance you would share? I could make meshes/textures and you could provide the scripts : )

  4. Easiest way is to use the in game damage system for items and make seprate models for each set of damage and when destroyed make the item harvestable then rebuild it from the harvested broken parts. however there is a occasunal bug when item is equiped it will not update but quickiest way is ugliest too a quick script to unequip reequip item

    Thats pretty much the plan :)

  5. Hello people, I would really like to get my hands on some tutorials on how to create meshes with physics sins the tools were resently provided. I have searched for tutorials but cant find any so if anybody out there knows where i can find some please point me in the right way. I would also like to know how to make animated meshes like in the mod "animated gauntlet prototype", im pretty sure that im not the only one who would like to have this provided so if someone has the time to make a tutorial i would be very happy!
  6. do you suppose this could be used on armour as well as swords, to create some kind of breakability to the game? o. O

    say, a "life" gauge for the armour.. based on light or heavy. then you'd have to have it repaired at a forge or pay, say, 20% of the armour's value to a vendor for them to fix it...


    would this be doable?


    also. how's the status on this mod? xD

    This could absolutely be used for both armor and swords aswell, Im still working on this but it will take some time to get everything to work as planned

  7. I can also add that the shield now is in game and works well, accept the fact that I messed something up screwing with the meshes so they went into ninja invisible mode for me...But It worked for a while :P

  8. If you have the source files for the Breakable clothes scripts, I could really use them?

    Go to RBU92's modpage and check out his clothes mod. It uses the same scripts and he uploaded them in the misc section :)

  9. Hello there modders! After countless of hours trying to learn how to skin armors for skyrim I have to admit that its one of those things I never get right. I have a lot of things im working on and I would really like to get some help with skinning the armors im working on. If anybody have the skill and desire to help me out just comment here or send me a message!


    I would also need to get a hold of somebody that knows a thing or two about scripting. I'll attach a picture of some of the modeling work i have done.

  10. Interesting indeed. Sounds like a massive task to take on, if you need modeling done im pretty fast in 3ds max :)

    The guy who made the breakable clothes mod did upload his scripts on that mod, so feel free to grab them if you want.

  11. Thanks for the help! This is interesting indeed, somebody told me about this mod and I got the same author to do the scripting for my shield, Once he is finished with that I can just duplicate the same process and add all shields in skyrim. They have to be remodeled but that is something I really enjoy doing :) Reading what you sent me however made me want to expand my modding to make arrows break if they hit, say, a stone wall. Perhaps even bringing back Oblivions weapon wear and tear system and implement it with the current smiting system. But that's in the far future, just throwing out ideas. One thing I do know is that I want a more destructible environment in skyrim. Just imagine being able to bash your way through a door in some cave, would make the world of skyrim much more interesting!


    Are you good with scripts, VanKrill?

  12. I will hop into the creation kit and see if I can find a solution for creating this. I want the shields to break in real time whitch can be quite hard. Im not sure if frostfall does that with the axes...Oh epic viking music, this gets me creative!


    In a classic Viking duel used to resolve a dispute between two warriors, each combatant was allowed just three shields, and after the last was destroyed, you have to fight with just your axe or sword, and from there things got allot more deadly.


    In many contests, the process of exchanging blows never went beyond the breaking of the shields, as both combatants realized with the shield gone, someone was likely to die. So, the first person to destroy the other guy's last shield effectively "Won" the non-lethal contest.


    There is a very historically accurate portrayal of this in the movie "The 13th Warrior".


    Here is an article that discusses the Historical known features of the : Hólmgang and Einvigi







    These were the roles for the hólmgang: a cloak five ells square was to be laid down, with loops in the corners. Pegs with heads were to be rammed in there which were called tiösnur. He who attended to this was to approach the tiösnur in such fashion that he looked up between his legs while holding onto his earlaps and speaking the spell which later was used in the sacrifice which is called tiösnublót. Three borders (or furrows), each a foot in breadth, were to be around the cloak, and at the edge of these borders must be four posts which are called höslur (hazels). And when all this had been done the spot was called "hazelled" (völlr haslaðr). Each contestant was to have three shields, and when they were destroyed then he must step on the cloak again if he had left it before, and defend himself with his weapons thereafter. He who had been challenged was to have the first blow. If one of the two was wounded so that blood flowed on the cloak, then no further fighting was to be done. If either one stepped outside the höslur with one foot, then that is called "he yields ground"; but "he flees," if with both. Each contestant was to have someone to hold his shield for him. He who was wounded hardest was to pay hólm-ransom (hólmlausn) -- three marks of silver (Hollander, Kormáks saga, 33-4).


    Absolutely agree, interesting reading :)

  14. It's a pretty s*** shield if it breaks in one fight. That's why shields are shields, cause they shield your s***. If they didn't shield your s***, they'd just be s***.

    I call bulls***, shields broke all the time in battle

  15. After starting another play through of Skyrim I noticed two things that I think could work pretty well together. Nr 1; Whenever I try to annihilate whiterun the guards have a tendency to block 90% of my attacks. Nr 2; The breakable stockade barricade is pretty damn awesome, and its about the only thing in skyrim that is breakable (If you want to see it in action you can go to Fort Graymoor near Whiterun).


    Naturally my thought was "I wonder if you could use the same scripts etc to create breakable shields"?

    This would make shield and sword combat a whole lot more interesting and it would prevent constant staggering from blocking enemies. As far as modeling goes creating a shield is no problem what so ever, however the scripting and the havok work is something I have not mastered. If anybody here have the skills to help me out or just explane how the barricade works please contact me! Creating a shield that physically breaks over time would in my eyes be really cool and pretty game changing/immersive.




    If anybody wants to check this out the barricade it is located @Meshes\clutter\stockade\stockadebarricade

  16. Thanks for the info fore! I guess I have to wait a bit and see what the future reveals :) I do know that a mod named "TK Combat" managed to emulate what I want but its probably a bit to hard for me atm.


    Had an idea a while back to add ladder climbing animations and ladders as a modders recourse. Back then i had no idea how to do it but with FNIS I hope its possible.

  17. Hey there! Im very new to modding and I have been fiddeling around with animations and created my first mod here on the nexus. It is simply a kick animation that replaces the blockbash anim. Now I want the animation to be triggered using a power so that it doesn't replace an excising animation so I used FNIS to make the animation "standalone". Now however I am struggling with figuring out how to implement it in game. Im fairly new to the creation kit so if anybody could help me get going I would be a happy man. So what i want is to be able to play the animation via a power/shout.

    Lets hope im asking in the right part of the forums, if not point me in the right direction :P

  18. Hello everybody! Recently i have been fiddling around nifskope creating some new weapons (New meshes and textures) and got it working in game. Its for a upcoming mod im working on. However im a complete noob at nifskope so when I created a armor I ran into some problems:

    My armor shows up fine in nifskope and the creationkit but in game there is just a greenish nude body.

    I hope someone facepalms and helps me out I cant seem to find help googeling :sad:


    Some more info. I have a lot of parts in this armor, Its not just the cuirass but satchels, bags, belts etc. Everything im using is taken from meshes that already exist in game. I have copied the BSLightningShaderProperty from the original meshes they come from and textures are most likely correctly set up. Im suspecting a BSDismembermentskininstance problem?


    EDIT: Creationkit just warned me saying"C:\_Skyrim\Code\TESV\BSShader\Shaders\BSLightningShaderProperty.ccp Line806", I guess the BSLightningShaderProperty is wrong but how do i fix it? Can i copy it from the original meshes and just paste them in?

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