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Everything posted by Kaeyon

  1. So just curious if there's anything already out there or could possibly use a combination of mods to achieve this. But what I was interested in, is a mod(s) that make headshots more dangerous. Maybe one shot one kill, BUT also have exceptionally limited ammo. Now I know there are already mods that limit ammo, herbs, etc., but can't seem to find anything that changes any type of damages. Not even sure if this is possible in the current RE2 modding state. Overall was just kind of wanting something more realistic to what we have come to know about zombies in the Resident Evil franchise - go for the head. But generally those zombies can't take 4 or 5 shots to the head. Now including a one headshot kill would be unbearably easy and boring, which is why I wanted to highly limit the amount of ammo that can be found in the world, that way you would still need to strategize which ones to go for and which ones to bypass. Plus to save enough ammo for bosses, etc.. TL:DR - increase headshot damage to 1, maybe 2 shots. Highly limit ammo to offset this damage increase
  2. Ok. Is that the player.recyleactor command?
  3. Not sure if this is in the right place but I installed the Dark Brotherhood Void Armor mod found on the Skyrim Workshop through Steam. Not sure if anybody is familiar with this mod but it has the same effects as the Ebony armor (does poison damage to anybody who gets too close to the player). Well I took off the armor the uninstalled the mod because it's a little annoying shooting with a bow in 1st person mode cause the dark effect gets in the way and is kind of annoying. Well my problem is the effect won't go away. Even without the armor equipped. if anybody else has any experience with this mod and knows of something lemme know. Thanks!
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