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About RobertHowsham

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  1. What I wopuld like to see in NMM is the ability to "remember" the activation order of mods installed by it and to be able, in uncategorised mode, to sort according to this information. This would make it easier to correctly deactivate mod groups that are activation order sensative sutch as the older replacers. It may also be an idea to be able to right click the "deactivate" icon to dactivate all active mods.
  2. I too have a CTD problem that seems to be a result of the latest patch. In my case it occurs near the end of the "Wolf Queen Awakens" quest, specificaly when Potema's spirit passes through the door after the penultimate battle in the catacooms. I have had four CTDs at this point, but none elsewhere. Prior to the last patch I was able to complete the quest without problem.
  3. I have found the solution! The problem was caused by the Hires DL pack, disabling this has solved everything.
  4. This looks as if it relates to my problem, (see "Misbehaving Mods" topic created 12-02-2012). Since making that post I have found that the armours display, as modified, in the CK character preview when set as NPC default outfits but not ingame. Also the problen mods do'nt use esm files.
  5. HELP!!! "Nocturnal Ebony Armour - CBBE version" and "Super Revealing Translucent Glass Armour for CBBE V2 Females" have developed problems. The first mod has decided to revert to the vanilla mesh while retaining the modified texture and the second one reverses things ( Vanilla texture, new mesh ) I have tried loading a save from before the problem arose and also deactivating and then reactivating them, with no success. BTW Updating the Glass armour mod did not correct things there. I had just completed the Heircene Daedric Quest. Also the last save tells me that I have 40 hrs. of gameplay on the clock I have instaled the following mods (via NMM) 1) CBBE V3 2) Fem Feet V2 3} Glowing Ore Veins 4) Lockpick Pro 5) Nocturnal Ebony Armour - CBBE version 6) Nude and Bunny Dragonscale Armour - Dragonscale Nude010 7) Overlook Tower ESM version 8) Powerful Perks Expanded 9) Skyrim Community Uncapper 10) SkyUI 11) Super Revealing Translucent Glass Armour for CBBE V2 Females 12) Vals Crafting Meltdown Appologies if this is the wrong Forum.
  6. Can we hope that the folks at Bethesda will take note of the dissatidfaction and dump Steam for their future releases? Also I feel that Steam is possibly in braech of 'The Trades description Act' here in the UK because the product does not work as they say it will.
  7. If Steam will permit us to DL the mods without activating them NMM or similar should be able to activate them and resolve conflicts like OBMM did. Is this likley?
  8. My reading of the opening scenario is that your character is entering Skyrim intending to join the legion but has poor equipment. For this reason when (s)he becomes embroiled in the ambush is forced to surrender. The question on the officers' minds will be: "Is this person in legue with the Stormcloaks or just in the wrong place at the wrong time?" We know the Imperials are short of manpower and will therefore not be able to propperly investigate the situation and so in the interests of security lump you in with the others. You, as an Empire supporter, are aware of their dilemma and know that if the positions were reversed you would do the same, thus you do not hold your near execution against them. Given the above analysis I am happy going with the legion.
  9. I installed SKSE yesterday and would like to change the default SKSE launch icon to the standard Skyrim launch icon. I know it should be possible, but cannot find info on how. Any help greatly apreciated.
  10. My Skyrim version is also 1.3.10, however I have SKSE version 1.04.03 installed and am having no probs. I downloaded this yesterday.
  11. In answer to your first question, if you hold down the Right Mouse Button moving the mouse will move the camera view. Doing this you only need the 'W' key for movement.
  12. Just before Chritmas I got a detail version of the "Awakening" DAO expansion, but only installed it 2 days ago. Unfortunately I cannot retake Virgils Keep at the begining because the darkspawn are not spawning properly. I get to fight 3 right at the start then nothing until I enter the keep and open the portcullis when I get another 3. There are 5 in the next main room and that's it. Oghren, who should be fighting darkspawn, is in an empty room and all I can get out of him is 'Can't talk. There's darkspawn to kill', or words to that effect. Also the injured party in the short corridor is missing and the outer gate that is supposed to explode behaves like an illusiory obstruction. I started with a level 22 Dwarf warrior, I then tried the same character imported from a 'Kocari Wilds' save. Finaly creating a new 'Awakening' character has had no effect on the problem. Can anyone offer any suggestions? Btw patch 1,05 installed.
  13. I have been playing 'Skyrim' for about 40hrs. and have noticed from the behavior of shadows that starting at midday the sun is nead the zenith, it then moves down towards the western point. Nothing strange yet. We now come to the anomalies. At 6.00 pm (1800 hrs) it is at its lowest point, 40 - 45 degrees above the horizon It now starts to climb back towards the zenith, fading as it does so.
  14. On my instalation to move in the quick menu I use the "W" & "S" keys and to rotate the item image in the main inventoty the method is:- 1) Highlight the item. 2) Move the pointer into the image area. 3) Hold down the LMB and move the mouse to change orientation. ( Left/right rotates about the vertical axis and up/down rotates about the hrizontal axis.) 4) release the button.
  15. I also have a UI problem, nothing major like the others. My problem is that the menus have stopped responding to the arrow keys although the WASD keys still work.
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