Just before Chritmas I got a detail version of the "Awakening" DAO expansion, but only installed it 2 days ago. Unfortunately I cannot retake Virgils Keep at the begining because the darkspawn are not spawning properly. I get to fight 3 right at the start then nothing until I enter the keep and open the portcullis when I get another 3. There are 5 in the next main room and that's it. Oghren, who should be fighting darkspawn, is in an empty room and all I can get out of him is 'Can't talk. There's darkspawn to kill', or words to that effect. Also the injured party in the short corridor is missing and the outer gate that is supposed to explode behaves like an illusiory obstruction. I started with a level 22 Dwarf warrior, I then tried the same character imported from a 'Kocari Wilds' save. Finaly creating a new 'Awakening' character has had no effect on the problem. Can anyone offer any suggestions? Btw patch 1,05 installed.