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Alexander the Great

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About Alexander the Great

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  1. "I am not a soft drink!!!!" The Yellow Snowman bellowed after the cow riding fiend. "We shall meet again my nemesis, and next time you wont even have a cow-of-uber-speed +2.......BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA". Then he sat down and began building his super fortress of snow. It was in the shape of a pair of scissors stuck into a piece of dog poo. Sorrion had built his fortress in less then a day and it was good. He created all of the small yellow animals that would live around him and it was good.
  2. Sorion was wondering what these ostriches were. They were not his creations, but they were snow. Who else could even attempt to make something so great as to be a snow ostrich that explodes. Sorrion picked them up by the dozen, even though they would normally all explode. It was like a little kid with fireworks. So Sorrion took one of his ostriches and hurled it at the uber-cow-of-speed, that still seemed bent on destroying him. The ostrich flew majestically for a while, then it just spun out of control. It ren into the cow right as the number hit 0. It was a beautiful explosion. Steak for everyone. hahaha.
  3. Sorrion saw the Cow-of-uber-speed+4 coming his way. What in the world is that thing he wondered. Who honestly has a super fast flying cow. And then he saw the huge snowball coming at him extremely quickly. It put a hole in his middle segment the size of a piano. Darn it I HATE it when people put holes in me. Sorrion now kinda fell in on himself but he was more compact now and harder to break. So he picked up a ball of dripping snow, and hurled it with all his might at the cow..............
  4. Frosty the Yellow Snowman decended into hell and threw a yellow snowball at Satan. He fell over and had an icecream headache for the rest of the day. So, Soriron spent the rest of his afternoon freezing up pits of lava and hell demons. He then took all the people in puratory and gave them snow to throw at each other. Oh yea, a never ending snow war.
  5. There are definately other beings out there. Duh. I am one, shouldnt you know. On a more serious note. There should be. In our universe, there are so many different planets that all have different enviroments. Some othere planet, other then our own, has to have had a fair chance of creating some type of life. WHo knows if they still exist, but there should be. Maybe they are like us. probably not. But still. Good luck in finding out. If you do have definite evidence, message me.
  6. Sorrion popped out of a random hole in the universe onto his very own volcanic planet. As he was a giant yellow snowman, why not freeze lava. Its brilliant. He started to move around the planet freezing lava pits into strange rock formatinos as he went. He made faces and creatures and many other things. What else could he make of rock. He made figures out of everyone in the universe. Small of course. The size of the point of the needle. very fine craftsmanship. And then he stuffed them into his yellow self and he flew off to find othere friends.
  7. The yellow puddle just became the even more powerful, Frosty the Yellow Snowman. Follish little pot head. You should never piss on someone elses snowman. Sorrion took a piece of his yellow self and hurled it into his assailants face extremely hard. It splattered and Sorrion started to laugh immensley.
  8. Sorrion had decided it was time to become his true self. So as to not strike fear into the hearts of all who saw, he jumped into a huge snowbank. The world began to tremble. It wasnt just shaking, it was a movement that one could feel right to their souls. The random snow pile Sorrion had jumped into began to change, it became a pool of bubbeling goo the color of pepto bismal, new cherry flavor. Sorrion could feel his inner self rising. He had truly become the most powerful being in the snowy universe. He was the unmeltable and indestructable FROSTY THE SNOW MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Now who will face my rath" He bellowed from what should have been a mouth. Oh and then he threw a snowball at the air and said "take that Eiade".
  9. "Oh shut it" Sorrion told him, as he chucked a well packed piece of snow at the man.
  10. Sorrion had watched this group mindlessly attempting to kill each other for a long while, but this was too good a chance to let up. He summoned a huge mass of space storm clouds (they go in space, hence the name) and he sent them to every corner of the known universe. The entirety of the universe was filled with snow. Joy. He build snow castles and such with glee in mind. He walked about with a snowball in hand hitting any passerbies he saw. Due to his strength he accidentaly killed most of the people he hit. oh well. AS long as there is snow.
  11. Nothign burns in lava other then people, but you can place books and other such things in lava to make bridges.
  12. Sorrion walks down from his room as if he had just been awakened, as a matter of a fact, he had. He glares at Tom B. Knowing it was him who had made the rucuss. He pulls up a stool at the bar and starts to talk to the barkeep. "Could you grab me some mead back there, i hope you have some" "Of course we have mead, we get people from all over so we have to be ready" "Thanks, and any news of anybody who needs a new memeber for their party" "No sorry, but just keep looking out for somebody". "thanks, if anything comes up, ill be here." He drinks his mead, and sits in wait for somethign to happen.
  13. That is actually very helpful and quite cool. thanks a lot peregrine. I know i didnt post this but its all the same.
  14. Are you sure these arrows are real. I dont think ive ever seen them. Maybe they are only in a special mod. There is a mod that adds a lot of arrows and bows. You might want to check that out.
  15. Introduction Name: Sorrion Race: Imperial Sex: Male Age: 28 Weapon: Twin Katanas Class: Swordsman Armor: Light snow wolf armor Personality: Keeps to himself unless he is with his good friends. He understands people and he understands how to manipulate them to his will. Major Skills: Long blade, Light armor, Speechcraft, Athletics, and Mercantile Minor Skills: Acrobatics, Armorer, Security, Block, and Hand-to-Hand Attribute: Strenght and Personality Sign: The Lady Story: Sorrion lived through his early life by searching the world for something to quench his thirst for adventure. He mastered his weapons in many lands, so his style is a mixture of many throughout the world. He has been a loner all his life but he has come to this tavern local tavern that everybody talk about to see if a group would suit his knack for adventuring moreso then what he has been doing his whole life. He doesnt know his early years. All he knows is <A TITLE="Click for more information about <A TITLE="Click for more information about travel" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="http://search.targetwords.com/u.search?x=5977|1||||travel|AA1VDw">travel</A>" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="http://search.targetwords.com/u.search?x=5977|1||||travel|AA1VDw">travel</A>. Though he says he doesnt care he is always looking for signs of his past. Sorrion walked into the local tavern as was suggested to him by locals he met on his way. As he entered he noticed the pungent aroma of fresh food and drink, which were two things he was looking forward to. He walked up to the barkeep to see what the news in the town was. "Excuse me, Id like a glass of flin, some bread, and id like to ask you a few questions". "Coming right up. ill be with you as soon as i get your order". Sorrion didnt have to wait long for his meal and his questions to be answered. "what do you need to know",sadi the bartender. "are there any groups looking for warriors to help them out" "I have to say i dont know of any groups currently, but just wait around and im sure youll find someone who needs you". "alright, if thats the case, i need a room as well". "Heres your key, first room on the right". "thanks, tell me if anything comes up". Sorrion settled in to wait for an opprotunity to show his skills to any who cared to know.
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