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  1. Ah, I just saw there was a request for this already. I just posted about the same thing.. lol http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/550498-chocobos-in-skyrim/
  2. MOD REQUEST Ridable Chocobo mod... maybe a horse replacement? http://www.epictoon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/screenie_chocobo.jpg And an armor alternative? :D http://www.ffxionline.com/forums/attachments/dat-image-rendering/21442d1146856990-request-uber-chocobo-chocobo.jpg And multiple colours to choose from! http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/9/9a/FFXI-ChocoboBreed.jpg If someone could make this I would be forever happy.
  3. Neat, i didn't know that existed. Thanks for the tip. :) Now, is there any way to move your character around/attack while in that view? If not, could someone mod the ability to hold down a key to toggle character movement/attacking? This would perfect then.
  4. Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum and to be honest probably won't be returning other than to check out if there are any posts made in this thread. I looked around on the skyrim nexus site and noticed there to be a lack in camera mods (most 3rd person camera adjustments) I was hoping that someone could try and make a spell that would allow you to control an invisible "fly" or something which can be moved around with your regular controls. I had 2 thoughts for the camera movement depending on what is possible: 1) (better) A toggle button to change if you are controlling the camera, or your character. You can press lets say... Spacebar to go back and forth between player movement and camera movement, you can get some cool action shots this way from different angles. 2) (good enough) you can only control the camera, all character movements are disabled, except maybe attacking. Camera Controls: Left/Right/Up/Down = regular movement Jump Key = fly higher Crouch Key = fly lower Mouse = look around This spell would last X amount of time allowing you to position the camera angle anywhere you wanted to make for some cool screenshots. Or to just have a funky camera while messing around. You could also use it to move ahead and spy on people. I would certainly be grateful if someone adopted this idea and made a mod out of it for everyone to use. :) And for bonus points :P... if you can make it a spell book tome that can be obtain via a quest or some type of craft, etc it would be even better! ( Thanks for reading
  5. I agree it would be nice to call your horse to you like in Zelda - Ocarina of Time, or in Shadow of the Colossus. Instead of it just teleporting to you though, which can look kind of goofy, it would be nice to have the horse run to you from where it currently is. Obvious problems with this would be... horse gets caught on things on the way to you, horse is so far away that it takes several hours to get to you, etc.. Spawning the horse might be the only realistic option. But hey, I'm not a modder so what do I know.. :P If someone made a horse spawner SPELL BOOK, I would more than likely download it. I like the stand alone mods more than the ones with a bunch of of different features all mixed in together.
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