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About Sarathoria

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  1. Not that I know of, however, you can marry a Wood Elf or a Khajiit by doing the following: 1) Marry a random person. 2) Change that person with console commands to a wood elf or a Khajiit. Sometimes, the head is messed up after doing this, I've read that changing your wife/husband to a dremora and then to a wood elf/ Khajiit will fix the problem. However, if you want to marry a specific person, you'll have to wait until someone comes out with a Mod to do so, or you can try venturing in the realm of Modding yourself, to come up with a way to marry the person you want.
  2. Storm Atronach - (Expert | Mana 284) Summons a Storm Atronach for 60sec (If you summon with a dual cast x2 60sec so 120sec summon ) pair that with.... Atromancy - (40) Double summon duration for conjured Atronachs. = 4Min Summon. :dance: Until you get Storm Thrall, then those perks are almost pointless, but I guess you have to get it to be able to obtain twin souls.
  3. You don't get it do ya???? WTF do you propose, when your archetype is centered around certain tactics? Go ahead and pull out your bow, with no percs in it, and a skill of 15. lulz. If this bug didn't exist, this wouldn't be an issue and your stinking advice is moot. You're darn straight without this bug it is easily plausable to eat magic damage with block perc, and enchanted equipment. Not to mention restoration school, and dragon skin racial. At what point did I say " der I does not knew hows tu play guz halp" This was a rant at this damn bug, not a plea for advice, so stuff it. Ha, well you certainly implied it with your ranting about how it's "almost unplayable." Guss came on here to offer some advice, you chose not to take it, got butt hurt because of your pride, or whatever, and decided to take out your teenage angst on us. You could have responded with, "Thanks for the advice Guss, but I don't really want to do those tactics, as I feel mine should work as they always have, and I'm really just trying to vent off some frustration." However, you decided to act like a child. Perhaps I'm not the one who needs to get a clue.
  4. OP, the guy you're nerd raging at never said nullified resistances don't break the game. Obviously it's broken, and it's going to be fixed, but what I find funny is that you got mad at Guss for sharing an alternative tactic to beating casters, and you perked up on your high horse telling him you don't need other tactics because yours is the right method. Anyway, I can see how a sword and board character would have trouble with this bug, but my shadow archer is doing just fine :)
  5. I have no problems on my end. Hell, google homepage loads slower than this website.
  6. Strong argument. I'm not suggesting there is a right and wrong, only personal preference. You're getting trolled pretty hard, just so you know.
  7. I used the good 'ol line of sight marksman routine, it worked really well, and when he hit me, I was able to heal myself up by moving in and out of the pillar, since his lightning bolts would hit the pillar I was behind and not me.
  8. I lol'd when I read, "Is this game a first person shooter?"
  9. ITT: Female and male chauvinist going at it again. Where did I leave my popcorn? :looks around the room, tossing aside clothes and Dr. Pepper cans: Found it!
  10. I don't recall having to kill him, story wise. I blasted through the main story line using the console (And before anyone says anything, my first character was intended for legit play, but he got bugged out, and I couldn't find any console commands to fix it, so I said screw it, and made a new character, super powered her, so I can see the ending of the game.) Anyway, IIRC, after you kill Aulduin, and you're taken back to the throat of the world, there's quite a few dragons flying around, then Parthanex talks to you, and then flies off. I haven't went back to see if he's still there, but I'm pretty sure you can play through the whole game without killing him, unless there's quests to restore the blades or something, and you're wanting to do that. With that game, I didn't kill him, nor will I. But with my next character, I think I will. On another note, I don't have a problem with Delphine, and didn't even know she invited herself, until I read the posts above. The person who I didn't want there, who I decided to let stay, was the Thalmor woman, which I'm surprised she didn't do anything to me after I murdered her men.
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