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About Nekrafilia

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  1. Do you have the latest video drivers installed? How much video ram do you have? How much system ram do you have? What OS are you running?
  2. And how do you know they didn't? Honestly, a professional actor and voice actor is capable of more then what you'd expect. That's why they are good at what they do. Don't denigrate the person or profession so easily please, it only makes you appear so much more the Philistine than perhaps you are.
  3. Perhaps post the question to their support team?
  4. Check your task manager and see if you have a run away process after noticing the slowdown. Anything that is using excessive cpu, disk read/writes or memory delta change (in the positive) is an issue.
  5. As Dragonborn I was fully expecting to become Emperor, especially after driving my dagger into his heart. Isn't that the way of most succession? Isn't my Dragonborn blood, strength of Th'uum, Thane of so many holds, winning the war for the Imperials and defeating Alduin good enough for even a shot at a Jarldom? Noooo, still the guards treat me with disrespect and no one seems to care that I just slaughtered a dragon attacking their hold and burning their citizens to a smoking crisp. Sorry about the chicken I killed in the melee, I'll happily go to jail for the offense. Power? No you're just the same scum sucking peasant to most people in the game that you were at level 1. Now I just wander the lands killing Thalmor for kicks and the occasional poor fishwife and rogue mage when the Night Mother (oh, sweet Night Mother!!!) commands. Do I detect a lack of endgame fulfillment?......
  6. It's well done, but personally, get me a bucket, I wanna puke. :sick: Then again, if all the city guards were like this sicko fantasy pron image anime, I wouldn't feel half so bad slaughtering them in the name of Sithis. Ok, I'd actually enjoy it... :dance:
  7. There were two I read from a bandit camp that lead me to the location of a treasure chest, but I actually had to read the contents, not just open the book. So the OP is correct, reading the contents can point the way to more stuff sometimes.
  8. Something gobbling your cpu or excessive disk activity? That will lag out your machine quickly.
  9. Hmm, head scratching time. Got latest NVidia drivers? Any issues with other games? If you set the game to High, are the effects more visible, or no change? Are you running anything else that might be having an effect on the video card or graphic output? Is your card overclocked? What is your PSU wattage? Is the power cable plugged into the video card and secure?
  10. Do you have the 512Mb or 1Gb version of the GTS 250?
  11. As I understand it this integrated chip will use system ram for display as it doesn't have it's own dedicated vram. With 2Gb ram, I think it's going to be very difficult to get the game to play considering all the memory overheads even before skyrim loads. Make all non-essential apps are closed down to get as much ram available. Maybe try a low resolution and manually turn down all video settings. If that works then you can try to adjust upwards from there, but I don't think the system has the grunt to make it work.
  12. Yep. Quicker and easier for sure and guaranteed vanilla install. I'd make sure that everything from the Skyrim folder and below is gone before installing again. Steam will then update to the latest patch, so you need to wait for that to complete once installed. Let us know how you go.
  13. Arriving at the DB sanctuary to see my family being slaughtered and my home destroyed by the Penitus Oculatus. That really cut deep. My subsequent revenge was bitter sweet.
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