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Everything posted by Deleted32045420User

  1. well i am working on it right now tilarium , should be quite easy to make commander's choice- just take the current stats and save them, then reset the soldier back to a rookie and give him a rank up with the desired class, that's gonna be using stock code already in the game so not a lot of a hassle (but the ui the damn ui!)
  2. well i try as much as i can to not use class overrides, even went ahead and overwritten the medikit template on each game to get a trigger event for my red fog mod instead of making a class override- it's so unreliable and so easily broken i just took it upon myself to never use them if i can, it also improves compatibility with other mods
  3. No, i think that there is an event you can register to, i dont remember what is his name but if you search "TriggerEvent" in all the source code (Ctrl+Shft+F) you could probably find it
  4. The easiest thing to do right now is to have a class that would check for the templates on game load (there is an event you can call on that from a screen listener) and change any old sword template to the new one. we really need someone from firaxis here to help us with this kind of things because it's all clouded in mystery now and firaxis is not helping the modding community to figure this out (and i cant call those new nation "mods",new character pools and ini file editing real modding)
  5. i am sorry i came out rude, i am all for people coding and making art and everything, it's just i hate those people who think they have "THE BEST IDEA EVA!" and everybody must come in and help, and i get that people cant code, i cant do art. if you give me something more concrete to work with i'll take a look and see where i could help
  6. if you want that maybe change the class template on the soldier himself after getting promoted using those restrictions?i'll look into how to do it when looking at commander's choice and how to get the units to load the new classes
  7. StateObjectReference is a reference to an object, you can get that object by StateObjectReference.ObjectID and looking for that id in `XCOMHISTORY (or whatever that macro is called)
  8. You cant expect us to just research for you right? i mean if you had some code here and asking what isnt working or where could it improve i would gladly help you but from what it looks like you were just posting a question and expecting us to jump in and write you a mod. i didnt want to come out rude but just to tell you that you cant expect us to help you when you dont even have any basic effort showing
  9. oh so you are looking at creating at a "commander's choice" too? i've tried overriding the 'PromoteSoldier' even that get's called but it dosnt fire for some reason, might just be me though,yeah i think that i'll just not touch that whole promotion event and override it by going and while you are on that screen with a squaddie just let you switch their class, that should be easier and less likely to break things
  10. What are you trying to do exactly? i would leave that part standing and just extend the function.
  11. You could do a check in the `XCOMHISTORY for all the units that have the AdvMEC_H template and only add if you have no unit with that template., but this dosnt look wrong,because OnLoadedSavedGame() should only be activated once per save.
  12. it's probably just to check you dont force an invalid class on the game. i havnt really researched it much
  13. I'd suggest creating a UIScreenListener and manipulating the ScreenStack to get at the screen you want to modify. local UIScreenStack ScreenStack; local UIArmory ArmoryScreen; ScreenStack = `SCREENSTACK; ArmoryScreen = UIArmory(ScreenStack.GetScreen(class'UIArmory')); Ahh thanks but do you know how to add a uiButton then? UI code is chinese to me, talk Unit and Abilities code to me any day but UI? no i just dont understand it, if anyone want to be a co-developer on my Second Wave Reborn mod i am more than willing to cooperate especially on UI and reading complex ini files
  14. if you say : if (AbilityState.SourceWeapon== howEverYouDefineTheFirstSword) return BaseDamage; else if (AbilityState.SourceWeapon== howEverYouDefineTheSecondSword) return BaseDamage+1; else if (AbilityState.SourceWeapon== howEverYouDefineTheThirdSword) return BaseDamage+2; it should return the damage, now i dont think you can do armor pierce in any way but taking the target and for each sword add damage like that: ExtraAntiArmorDMG=min(Target.Armor, MySword.ArmorPen) BaseDamage+=ExtraAntiArmorDMG;
  15. i dont want to sound rude but we are not here to make you a mod, most of the stuff you described are possible but you cant just sit back and expect us to figure how to do those things and report back to you- get things going, experiment look at the code,change things. unless someone out there is also interested in that functionality and has enough time or motivation no one is going to devote time to try your ideas when they probably have their own ideas to implement.
  16. you could do KillAllAIs it will kill all the ai characters
  17. Does anyone know how to add new buttons for existing screens? for instance the soldier abilities screen (where you choose promotion abilities) it's pretty much mandatory for my Commander's choice mod (and would help a lot for the other parts of my other mods)
  18. Nope, that would be extremely easy to do. Just trigger on the heal event trigger that's already in the game and change the lowestHP on the healed soldier to the current one,should take care of that problem *SHOULD! not 100% guaranteed even that whole timer deal you were talking about it could be done, it'd be a little more complicated dealing with multiple instances of the heal object that will remember the turn count on it but still quite possible
  19. to use functions like that you pass only the strings in a row separated by commas: function SetCharacterName(string First, string Last, string Nick) { strFirstName = First; strLastName = Last; strNickName = Nick; } SetCharacterName("James","Bond","007");
  20. class XComGameState_Unit_RedFog extends XComGameState_Unit; function InitializeMod() { local object ThisObj; ThisObj = self; `XEVENTMGR.RegisterForEvent(ThisObj, 'PlayerTurnBegun', OnTakeDamage); `XEVENTMGR.RegisterForEvent(ThisObj, 'AfterActionWalkUp', OnRemovedFromPlay); `log("redFog Initiated!"); } function EventListenerReturn OnTakeDamage(Object EventData, Object EventSource, XComGameState GameState, Name EventID) { `log("redFog Activated!"); ActivateRedFog(XComGameState_Unit(EventData)); return ELR_NoInterrupt; } function EventListenerReturn OnRemovedFromPlay(Object EventData, Object EventSource, XComGameState GameState, Name EventID) { `log("redFog DeActivated!"); RedFogReturnToNormal(XComGameState_Unit(EventData)); return ELR_NoInterrupt; } Hello, does someone has any idea why this wont proc when the events are triggered? the InitializeMod() was called and produced an output so i think it should work, this is probably my last hurdle to a working redfog EDIT: nvm i figured it out, it just wasnt saved. Red Fog is done and should be on the store right now
  21. hello amineri do you know of a way of enabling/disabling the loading of ini files on demand? "The whole Unreal art pipeline on that side is designed to be accessible to artists that aren't code-savvy." unlike the code part which is barely documented for us code savy people, not to talk of new coders
  22. Looking at those abilities it appears to be that their creating functions are static which means you cant override them, a possible solution is on the start of the game that you are going into that ability set and change the cooldown from there or listening to figure out when the grapple is fired and then changing the cooldown on that unit
  23. dont worry i am working just on that, currently working on adding 4 options: Not Created Equally,Red fog,Hidden potential and Damage roulette
  24. By the looks of it it seems that the only way to override code is with latching onto an event trigger, the event will trigger for any sub class when it's triggered on the main one, I am so close to getting a not created equally mod to work(got the random stats on starting soldiers just recruits randomising left)
  25. you could try overriding the "event TakeDamage" in XComGameState_Unit
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