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  1. Use Page Up/Down to scroll through the console window.
  2. There's a stickied thread in this forum that you can follow/watch which will be updated when the Creation Kit is released.
  3. Sorry so late with this, but I finally got around to visiting this place. Apparently the console help command won't locate CELLs unless you've visited there already. Try this CELL code: AlchemistsShackExterior.
  4. There's no dot in PlayerEnchantObject, domaik. There's also a new command PlayerCreatePotion MGEF MGEF MGEF. Doesn't seem to work for poisons though.
  5. No, they're not exactly the same, Oblivion didn't have addperk and removeperk obviously. There are other commands that appear to have come from the Fallout 3 series as well.
  6. If you have a bunch of commands, put them in a text file, put it in the Skyrim directory (where TESV.exe is), and then use the console command: bat "filename" Put each command on one line, and use the semicolon character to make comments. Example from a file I use: player.additem f 999900 ; Add gold player.addspell 6b10e ; Add "Night Eye" racial power ; Full-line comment here player.modav stamina 400
  7. I was able to do "player.PlaceAtMe" with a chest, and it seems to function fine, although it's probably a respawning chest, I just plucked the ID out of the list at random. And somebody on the Bethesda Mods forum gave a command you could use to dump a smelter at your feet: player.PlaceAtMe 9C6CE, I haven't tried it yet though. Edit: Sorry, I am just now realizing that chests and smelters are probably classified the same way as an Arcane Enchanter!
  8. Regarding the downstairs of the Riften house, when I bought all of the upgrades from the steward, the room next to the alchemy lab appeared to be a bedroom for the housecarl, with three containers (wardrobe and end tables, I think).
  9. Lhamaria, thanks for propogating the use of the help command! Here's the values for the filter parameter: 0 = all records 1 = console commands and script functions 2 = settings (not sure what records this returns, it's never returned anything for me) 3 = global variables 4 = other forms (this one is the most useful, if you know you're looking for form IDs) Edit: One other thing, the last time I coc'ed into qasmoke, I tried to use one of the Arcane Enchanters and got stuck after using it, I couldn't get it to release me. So yeah, I don't think they work too well.
  10. It's 3 perks, the 3 levels of "Magic Resistance", gives 10/20/30% resistance, requires 30/50/70 Alteration skill, respectively.
  11. I was able to enchant Destruction spell cost to 27% by using one round of "Use normal Alchemy to craft a Fortify Enchanting potion". I suspect it gets better each time (You drink a Fortify Enchanting potion, then enchant 4 pieces of gear with Fortify Alchemy. Make better potions, then repeat). I don't like the method because the potions only last for 30 seconds and that's not enough time to give the item a custom name. First thing I'm going to mod :) Edit: I think that first round of potions above generated 69% magicka regen.
  12. I realize I snipped some parts where you said you really liked the game, but I wanted to add one experience I had with it yesterday. I was wandering along the road from Whiterun to Riverwood and, using Detect Life, noticed a blue (non-hostile) person a little ways in front of me. I ran to catch up and then spoke to him. Can't remember his name, but he was a wandering minstrel. I paid 20 gold and he sung a song about the Dragonborn. I thought that was pretty cool.
  13. Here's a post I wrote on the Bethesda forums on how to do it with Night Eye. For Invisibility, run the console command: help invisibility 4. There are three MGEF records for Invisibility, I used the first one in the list. Put it on a ring and it worked perfectly.
  14. For people asking for any kind of hex IDs: Use the console "help" command: Syntax: help string filter (0-4, 0=all, 1=commands/scripts, 2=settings, 3=global variables, 4=other) If the string has spaces, use double quotes to enclose it. Use Page Down and Page Up to scroll through the results. When you find what you're looking for, you can enter console commands on any page of the results. Examples: help blisterwort 4 result: Look for entries with the INGR tag help "soul siphon" 4 The PERK entry shows the id for the "Soul Siphon" perk One caveat: Some IDs may not register through this command if you haven't been to the associated city. During one playthrough, I visited Windhelm, used the help command, and found the CELL id "WindhelmExterior01", which I was later able to teleport to using the coc command. In a different playthrough where I didn't visit that city, the help command didn't show that CELL id.
  15. List of Actor Values (for player.getav and setav commands), not sure if complete: Health Magicka Stamina Alchemy Alteration Block Conjuration Destruction Enchanting HeavyArmor Illusion LightArmor Lockpicking Marksman OneHanded PickPocket Restoration Smithing Sneak Speechcraft TwoHanded AlchemyMod AlterationMod BlockMod ConjurationMod DestructionMod EnchantingMod HeavyArmorMod IllusionMod LightArmorMod LockpickingMod MarksmanMod OneHandedMod PickPocketMod RestorationMod SmithingMod SneakMod SpeechcraftMod TwoHandedMod AlchemyPowerMod AlterationPowerMod BlockPowerMod ConjurationPowerMod DestructionPowerMod EnchantingPowerMod HeavyArmorPowerMod IllusionPowerMod LightArmorPowerMod LockpickingPowerMod MarksmanPowerMod OneHandedPowerMod PickPocketPowerMod RestorationPowerMod SmithingPowerMod SneakPowerMod SpeechcraftPowerMod TwoHandedPowerMod AlchemySkillAdvance AlterationSkillAdvance BlockSkillAdvance ConjurationSkillAdvance DestructionSkillAdvance EnchantingSkillAdvance HeavyArmorSkillAdvance IllusionSkillAdvance LightArmorSkillAdvance LockpickingSkillAdvance MarksmanSkillAdvance OneHandedSkillAdvance PickPocketSkillAdvance RestorationSkillAdvance SmithingSkillAdvance SneakSkillAdvance SpeechcraftSkillAdvance TwoHandedSkillAdvance AbsorbChance Aggression ArmorPerks Assistance AttackDamageMult Blindness BowSpeedBonus BowStaggerBonus BrainCondition BypassVendorKeywordCheck BypassVendorStolenCheck CarryWeight CombatHealthRegenMult CombatHealthRegenMultMod CombatHealthRegenMultPowerMod Confidence CritChance DamageResist DetectLifeRange DragonRend DragonSouls ElectricResist EnduranceCondition Energy EquippedItemCharge EquippedStaffCharge Fame FavorActive FavorPointsBonus FavorsPerDay FavorsPerDayTimer FireResist FrostResist HealRate HealRatePowerMod IgnoreCrippledLimbs Infamy InventoryWeight Invisibility JumpingBonus LastBribedIntimidated LastFlattered LeftAttackCondition LeftMobilityCondition LeftWeaponSpeedMult MagicResist MagickaRate MagickaRateMod Mass MeleeDamage Mood Morality Muffled NightEye NormalWeaponsResist Paralysis PerceptionCondition PoisonResist ReflectDamage RightAttackCondition RightMobilityCondition ShieldPerks ShoutRecoveryMult SpeedMult StaminaRate Telekinesis UnarmedDamage VoiceRate WaitingForPlayer Variable01 Variable02 Variable03 Variable04 Variable05 Variable06 Variable07 Variable08 Variable09 Variable10 I didn't see anything that looked like count of the current number of perks :( Let me know if I missed anything.
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