Hey guys, I'm going nuts over here with this issue! The mods that I use and I think are relevant are as follows: -vtaw 8 +bodislides and materials and vtaw 7 +bodyslides and materials -CBBE + kneefix - FSM skin texture mod. (changed it to Serene Skin and IDA body, and default CBBE, the problem persists ) - Unique Player - Mod Organizer 2.0 Now, when I equip any of vtaw boots AND I receive some damage from npcs, instead of the skin changing to bloody and grimy, it changes to this weird square pattern... When I go around barefeet, everithing seems to be fine. So the skin generated with the base nude body is fine, but the body generated alongside the boots from vtaw set are problematic. Any suggestion what I should do, please? :/ (file attached)