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Posts posted by 15gudasc

  1. Here's the dream. Upon an actor's death:

    1. Spawn an activator box on the body that gives a "Sever Head" action.

    2. Upon activating the box, sever the actor's head with Actor.Dismember("Head1", false, true, false).

    3. Then, somehow, store its game ID, so it can be referenced, disabled and/or moved around.

    3. Place a fake "head" item in the player inventory (a quest item with any 3d model).

    5. Ideally, the player could later place the dismembered "Head1" on a table during a scene (by selecting a dialogue option with a script fragment that teleports/enables it on the table) during a conversation with an NPC.


    Everything is straightforward except Step 3 and 5. Is something like this possible? I have never heard of being able to reference just one part of an actor's body in a script...but maybe it's doable. 


  2. Looking at quest Bos101, Call to Arms,  specifically the escort scene with Danse toward Arcjet (BoS101SceneStage020_Escort). Somehow, this scene uses dialogue that doesn't require the traditional dialogue camera. Danse speaks and the player can run freely; the player isn't required to focus on Danse. 

    I'm trying to create a scene that alternates between the traditional dialogue camera and this kind of non-dialogue camera. Anyone know how I do that? Unchecking "Camera Speaker Target" on a Dialogue Action box doesn't seem to work. Nothing I can find in BoS101SceneStage020_Escort suggests how this works, either.


  3. Hello, this script is attached to a custom flare gun explosion. When it fires, it's supposed to launch a quest via a story manager node. But each time I fire the flare in game, I get the debug failure message below.

    event OnInit()
        if LGMIAFlareGunStart.SendStoryEventAndWait(akLoc = GetCurrentLocation(), akRef1 = self)
                debug.Notification("Flare Tracker Quest Started!")
                debug.MessageBox("Flare Tracker Quest didn't start")    

    Here are images of the story manager node and quest data. https://imgur.com/a/aycJDUZ

    Despite the story manager node not having any conditions, and despite the quest's first stage to run on start, it just isn't running.

    Any ideas? Thanks!

  4. I last used the Creation Kit, version, to modify it. Trying to load it, I got the same error message in the Vortex launcher: Mod isn't a valid TES file. After which, even if I have the mod activated and installed, it doesn't load. I'm guessing that's because, yup, it would crash the game.

    It sounds like you're right, that this is a case of corruption. If it's of any interest to anyone, here's the .esp file: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2kaxbfns433m4qidlocnj/LandGodMadeinAngerNOTWORKING.esp?rlkey=590ypsjwu1bfk9bjac0y19t2s&dl=0



  5. Received the above error message when loading into the CK. It loads all masters and plugins except for "MyModName.esp" even if I have it selected. This is interesting, because I was working on the plugin earlier today without problems.

    The only thing that's happened since then is that I have been converting DDS files to TGA and placing them in the Data folder system, attempting to generate LOD for objects that were missing the appropriate files. 

    Anyone else experience this error before? I thankfully have a backup from yesterday, if all else fails.


  6. Novice scripter here. I migrated computers recently, and as a result, it seems my quest fragments fail to load in the quest that uses them. I've ensured they are placed exactly where they belonged in the previous computer's file path, when they loaded successfully. Here's a link to screenshots showing that the file names and fragment names line up, and are placed where they should be.


    Anyone experience this before? How do I get the fragments back in the CK?


  7. Hi! I want to condition dialogue options based on whether an earlier dialogue options were chosen. I want to do this a lot over multiple conversations, so I've created a script with a set of simple functions that can 1. set a bool to true when a certain dialogue option is chosen, and 2. reset the bool so it's prepped for use again later.

    However, I'm missing a crucial component: I don't know how to create a condition that will only display a dialogue option based on DialogueOptionChosen = true. 

    Here's my script. Any ideas? Also glad to hear if someone has an even simpler idea for how to do this.


    Scriptname MyMod01:ConditionalDialogueScript extends Quest Conditional
    Bool Property DialogueOptionChosen Auto
    Function SetDialogueChosen()
        DialogueOptionChosen = true
    ; Reset the dialogue option status
    Function ResetDialogueOptionChosen()
        DialogueOptionChosen = false


  8. Hi! I'm building a cell that uses exterior landscape features (primarily RockCliffCoast_Large01 and RockCliffCoast_Large02) and it looks okay in the CK. However, playtesting, it seems that there is extra (LOD?) collision/mesh data associated with these features that makes the area unplayable. Examples in images below:




    Basically, there are many, many layers of rocky cliff that make it impossible to navigate. However, these don't appear in the CK. Is this solvable?


    There are many other rockcliffcoast pieces in the cell that aren't generating this issue...

  9. Hello,

    For a couple weeks, I've been successfully playtesting the main quest in my WIP mod. However, today I've been struggling with a critical failure where the quest won't begin on startup, and it won't listen to setstage commands, either. An example of my attempt to progress the stages via console commands:


    setstage primaryquest 5

    getstage primaryquest

    GetStage >> 0.00


    So the game knows the quest is there (I'm not receiving a "quest parameter isn't recognized" message), but it just can't set the stage.


    To be specific, a separate quest is supposed to set stage 5 of this main quest immediately on game start. This has been working with no problems for weeks, until today. In response to this issue, I have set up a debug message that tells me the setstage primaryquest 5 script fragment is firing. I see it every time I playtest. And yet, the stage doesn't actually set, the quest never activates.


    Any ideas where I might start looking? It's so strange that the quest stages are completely untouchable...

  10. Hello! I'm having a problem where any NPC I create and give dialogue to cannot be skipped over. I end up having to sit there for nearly fifteen seconds for every line of dialogue! I'm not sure what the problem is. I know I have the "Make dialogue skippable box" checked for all of them, but that does not seem to fix it. Any ideas? I appreciate the help!



  11. Hello! I am trying to create a script that begins a quest as soon as a radio broadcast finishes it's message. I've created a radio action in the "scenes" tab of the radio's quest, and in that action, I've created a topic. I have "run fragment" selected in the "on end" category of the scripts area, as well as a selected script in the "kmyQuest" tab that simply sets up the playlist for the radio station (which consists of only one audio file). This is the script fragment in the box below that:


    if 000RadioHomerQuest.GetStageDone(10) == 0
    if Game.IsPlayerRadioOn() == 1
    if Game.GetPlayerRadioFrequency() == 87

    I thought this word work just fine, considering I took it directly from the BoS100Radio quest. However, when I compile this, it says:


    Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4
    Copyright © ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved.
    Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
    Compiling "Fragments:TopicInfos:TIF_000RadioHomerQuest_01012A90"...
    C:\Users\Clark\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\TopicInfos\TIF_000RadioHomerQuest_01012A90.psc(24,6): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'RadioHomerQuest'
    C:\Users\Clark\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\TopicInfos\TIF_000RadioHomerQuest_01012A90.psc(27,3): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'HomersQuest'
    No output generated for Fragments:TopicInfos:TIF_000RadioHomerQuest_01012A90, compilation failed.

    Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
    Failed on Fragments:TopicInfos:TIF_000RadioHomerQuest_01012A90



    I'm not sure what this means, or what I can do to fix it. I think what it is saying is that the script is not identifying "RadioHomerQuest" and "HomersQuest". Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  12. Hey guys! So today I need some help trying to get slave collars to attach to NPCs through dialogue. I thought I had it all set up, but I guess I don't. So, eventually in the conversation, you say something that is supposed to put the collar on the NPC. In the Dialgoue Editor of the GECK, I have the Result Script as:


    Women1.giveitem SlaveCollar 1


    Then, the next line they say is supposed to activate:


    if getstage 000NeSideStory < 20
    set WomenWithCollars + 1
    Women1.addscriptpackage 000WWCRunToJail
    ShowMessage 000successfulscript


    Unfortunatly, none of this happens! What am I doing wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks =)

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