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Everything posted by DarkRudra

  1. It's one of the many options in Ashara Princes of the Woods. The base mod is UNP, but there are conversions for several body types on the Nexus.
  2. The NAVI record is created when saving an esp in the Creation Kit. My limited understanding is that the NAVI record created in your esp when saving reflects the navmesh records in both your esp and it's master files. The "weird wild edits" mentioned above are probably a NAVI record being generated by the esp's master files. For example, if your MyFile.esp has no navmesh edits, but it's master file MyMaster.esm does have navmesh records, saving MyFile.esp is likely adding a NAVI record in MyFile.esp that reflects MyMaster.esm's differences from Skyrim.esm. Usually you can just ignore the NAVI as said, or delete it if it's a real annoyance or problem. This comes up sometimes when merging esps in Merge Plugins. Merging one or more esps with a NAVI record results in a conflict that utility can't handle. Those conflicts are resolved by deleting the resulting esp's NAVI, loading that esp and it's masters in the CK, and finally saving the merged esp to rebuild the NAVI.
  3. I know exactly how you feel. I looked at and tried all kinds of different fixes for it, too. None of them worked, except for one that broke the mouth animations. Then I finally found some obscure forum thread on another site that mentioned Dawnguard using a different approach than setrace. When I saw that, I decided I would just try to make my own version of that I could plug into Better Vampires to get around this. I'll let you know here when the mod is released. :smile:
  4. Is this it? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32595/? Might actually install that one myself smelting one iron ore at a time is really annoying...
  5. It's a Skyrim bug. Most mods that turn vampires into NPCs use a function called setrace() to change them to a vampire race based on their original race. Better Vampires is one of those mods. Problem is, setrace() is apparently only designed to do that with the player character and not NPCs. With NPCs, setrace() basically throws out the tint settings (skin tone, war paint, lip color, etc) for the head. That results in what you're seeing. Even Bethesda avoided using setrace on making NPC vampires in Dawnguard because it didn't work like expected. I've actually been working on a workaround for it as my first mod. I hope to have the first release some time during the coming week. I still need to test one or two things, make some screenshots, that sort of thing. But with my mod, the NPCs you turn into vampires will retain their original looks. You can have them take on the vampire eyes, but sadly the eyes won't glow like on the player or when using setrace().
  6. Check to see if you have a Skyrim\Data\Interface\Controls\PC\controlmap.txt file. If you do, that holds controller button bindings. I'm not totally familiar with how it all works, but maybe that is overriding your attempts.
  7. Yep, that's exactly what I needed. Thanks!
  8. I'm having a problem figuring out how to use an alias in a certain way, so I'm hoping I can get some pointers from those with more experience. I'm fairly new to modding and still learning a lot, but the tutorials I've seen don't seem to cover what I want to do - if it's even possible. I'm trying to edit a script in an existing mod (Better Vampires) to replace a small portion of the code. At one point in the script, there is an actor defined as akFeedTarget. This actor represents an NPC the player has targeted (or rather, is feeding on as a vampire) and could be any NPC - a Jarl, random citizen #20, Solitude Guard #4, whoever. I want to add some keywords (Vampire, ActorTypeUndead) to that actor, which from what I've read so far can only be done with an alias. So, my question is - can I pass akFeedTarget to an alias and if so, how? I understand how to set up the alias to add keywords to an actor from the creationkit.com tutorials, but not how to get an actor supplied by a script into an alias as the alias' target. I appreciate any help. Thanks.
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