Well, been searching around for a few hours to try and figure this out on my own but it seems one of the mods I have used(thinking its "Quest Log Manager") has disabled made it so I cannot view my quest log at all. I've tried changing the load order of my mods via OMM and even disabling all the mods that have anything to do with the UI. I'll list below the mods that I am using in the order that they are loading(info coming from BOSS):
Better Cities Resources.esm
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp
Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp
HUD Status Bars.esp
Dynamic Map.esp
Quest Log Manager.esp
Map Marker Overhaul.esp
Better Cities .esp
Better Cities Full.esp
Better Cities - VWD of the IC.esp
Better Imperial City.esp
Bashed Patch, 0.esp
I've also installed DarNified UI, MenuQue, ENBSeries "d3d9.dll" plugin, and OBSE(noting this since they didn't show up on the BOSS modlist.txt). Thanks to anyone that can help and sorry if I'm making a newbie mistake somewhere ^^; EDIT: After a bit of messing with the files, I finally found out what I did; I messed with a feature on the map's UI and it disabled the quest log buttons under the map for some odd reason. After a bit of playing around with the files I had backed up, I was able to fix it. Guess I just need to be a little more careful ^^;;