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  1. Comment for giftcard is a no brainer.
  2. I did test to see if there was a way to change the language and I DID find a way. Look in this location: In here, you are looking for the file named "ProfOpts". Right click it and open it in notepad. Look for "textLanguage 0". You will change the 0 to a number between 1 and 7, and one of them SHOULD be Russian(didn't test which one would be Russian). Once it is changed, save and start the game. I tested changing the number from 0 to 1 and it changed the menus to French. Hope this helps~!
  3. Thanks for the update on this. I would like to make one suggestion though - any time a file is uploaded from a user maybe send an e-mail to that user(to their personal e-mail) to let them know they (or someone using their account) has uploaded a file.
  4. Well, I suggest if your using it to use the files from the Skyrim Nexus site because it comes with another dll "d3d9DEX.dll" which you should put in the directory as well along with some ini files that will help tweak the looks of the game(i.e. shadows, shading, bloom, ect). Also, if your using the creation kit and editing faces using the "Face" tab and preview tick box, make sure to take out "d3d9.dll"(and "d3d9DEX.dll" if you downloaded it from Skyrim Nexus) before using it or the face preview will show a triple panel display in the preview box which makes it annoying as all heck to use(found that out earlier today when messing with my Vilja companion files).
  5. Basically, it messes with the directX stuff and makes the game look and run a bit better, I'll link the dev's site(its a mod that's been used for Fallout and Skyrim and listed around on the Skyrim Nexus site, so that why I mentioned it since it can be used for Oblivion as well) Homepage: http://enbdev.com/index_en.html Download page for the plugin(press Ctrl+f and type "Oblivion"): http://enbdev.com/download_en.htm If you choose to download it and give it a shot, just put it in you Oblivion directory where you Oblivion.exe file is located. If you already have another d3d9.dll plugin in that folder, just back it up in case you don't like the difference and want to switch it back. Note: You can see the difference in-game by hitting shift+f12 and you can also make a FPS counter show in the top left corner of the screen by hitting the * key on your numpad. You have to be actually playing the game to toggle the FPS counter on and off but you can do the shift+f12 thing anytime Oblivion.exe is running.
  6. Well, been searching around for a few hours to try and figure this out on my own but it seems one of the mods I have used(thinking its "Quest Log Manager") has disabled made it so I cannot view my quest log at all. I've tried changing the load order of my mods via OMM and even disabling all the mods that have anything to do with the UI. I'll list below the mods that I am using in the order that they are loading(info coming from BOSS): Oblivion.esm Better Cities Resources.esm Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp DLCShiveringIsles.esp Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp HUD Status Bars.esp Dynamic Map.esp Quest Log Manager.esp Map Marker Overhaul.esp IDKRRR_C_race.esp Better Cities .esp Better Cities Full.esp Better Cities - VWD of the IC.esp Better Imperial City.esp Bashed Patch, 0.esp I've also installed DarNified UI, MenuQue, ENBSeries "d3d9.dll" plugin, and OBSE(noting this since they didn't show up on the BOSS modlist.txt). Thanks to anyone that can help and sorry if I'm making a newbie mistake somewhere ^^; EDIT: After a bit of messing with the files, I finally found out what I did; I messed with a feature on the map's UI and it disabled the quest log buttons under the map for some odd reason. After a bit of playing around with the files I had backed up, I was able to fix it. Guess I just need to be a little more careful ^^;;
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