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Posts posted by Rigmor

  1. Have you tried checking "is full lod" in their edit tab?

    Only use this on objects that have no generated lod, or they don't show up and do all sorts of funky hide and seek

    If these are vanilla blocks and have generated lod in their edit properties and you checked "is full lod" uncheck it

  2. Try this:


    Alias_Therbert.GetActorReference().SetFactionRank(PotentialFollowerFaction, 0)
    Alias_Therbert.GetActorReference().SetFactionRank(CurrentFollowerFaction, -1)
    Alias_Therbert.GetActorReference().SetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer(), 1)

    You should be able to ask him to follow you


    ps: don't forget to add the factions as properties in the scripts tab or you'll get the CK throw it all back in your face.

  3. The transition to SSE is still an ongoing thing. Oldrim (I prefer to call it "classic") still has more people play it than SSE, but the modding tools for SSE are worse than Oldrim imho. Beth don't care, and the SSE CK is still broken on dialogues afaik. So I still mod for classic and then "port" which works for me. What we need right now, is Beth to announce TES VI, pull their fingers out, but I do believe the SP community has been forgotten largely due to Beths preference of ESO.


    So there's still life in the old beggar yet.

  4. If you click on the npc in the creation kit, the object reference tab, not the actor form. should have a "disabled" box,


    the game needs to know the guy is dead, it won't "know" unless you tell it. Maybe this bit of script after event.

    "yourguy" is the actor property name of the guy you need dead to run the script.


    if yourguy.IsDead()

    Scriptname A1_Script_Belmus_2 extends ObjectReference  
    Quest Property A1_Quest_Therbert  Auto  
    Actor Property Belmus  Auto  
    Event OnDeath(Actor killer)
    if yourguy.IsDead()
    (A1_Quest_Therbert.GetStage() == 10)
  5. If Belmus is "unique" in his npc form, then add him as unique in the alias form and not specific.

    Belmus will also need an Actor property in the scripts tab.

    If you want the note to spawn on death, you need to make a leveled item as a death item.

    In the npc form add the death item by choosing there.

    You can add a stage trigger on acquire or read from the note.


    The npc should be persistent in the world where you want him to spawn (or appear) double click on the npc in the cration kit and make sure the "is disabled" box is checked.

    You don;t need to script the "enable" from the alias, use the actor property, it's far more robust and I habe never had an issue spawning npc's like this.

    Alias is great for packages, I alwas move, spawn and enable disable stuff from their property name in the properties tab. whether theyre actors, weapons, objectreferences.


    An aliases npc will always need an actor property or the quest will fail




    if you choose the alias as specific, then make sure the npc is NOT checked as unique in his actor form.

    then you dont need the actor property and it will work.

    If he is unique, you will need the actor property, it can be the same name as the alias.


    in your script use the actor property ie: belmus.enable()

    If you want to pass a note to another npc, of course there the long winded alias script, but i cheat and use robust, reliable script.


    make the note as an objectreferehce ie: "mynote" in the script properties.

    then if the npc talks to another npc and hand him a note, add the script in the dialogue "on end" box.




    Debug.MessageBox("I gave the guy the note")


  6. The CK and Tes5edit are an absolute must and you should once save your work in the CK, close it and open the mod in tes5edit.

    just check your mod, tes5edit will load it and any dependent Masters.

    once loaded right click on your mod in the list and choose:


    apply filter for cleaning.


    Once the progeam has filtered your mod, right click on it and choose:


    remove identical to master records


    then right click and choose:


    undelete and disable references


    now then, IF you have deleted a navmesh, and the error in tes5edit says


    "1 deleted mesh that cannot be undeleted" (something like that)


    we can fix up your deletion, it doesn't mean you "deleted" it, just maybe edited it changing its form

    or you DID delete it and made your own, we can fix this. whether in interiors or exteriors.


    to fix it, you need to go to that co-ordinate and add a couple of new navmeshes as islands if you can find the space in exteriors

    if its an interior, jusr create a navmesh, coupld of small islands in the "tree" (that grey space where nothing exists.)


    back in tes5edit, to fix up that error, you need to select the form number and copy it.

    in the worldspace, or cell, you should see several navmeshes, one colored (means you edited a vannila mesh) and a couple white/plain (new navmeshes)

    when you look at it, the altered vanilla navmesh forms are on the left, and the yourmod forms will state clearly "deleted" on the right

    that means you deleted the vanilla navmesh, we need to rename a new mesh (white/plain) to the old form.


    to do this, go to the deleted edited navigationmesh, left click on it, and copy its form number from the very top window, the info bar at the top,

    it will look something like this:


    [03] RigmorDivineResurrection.esp \ Worldspace \ 022F4DB2 <RigmorCyrodiil> \ Block 0, 1 \ Sub-Block 0, 4 \ 022FB53F \ Temporary \ 025C68AF



    We only need the 025C68AF


    to copy it highlight the selected number and ctrl = c


    then choose the edited vanilla "deleted" navmesh (yellow/coloured),right cick on it and choose to "remove" it.


    then go to one of the NEW meshes (white/plain) right click on it and select "change formID"


    paste the new formID (we just copied from the vanilla mesh) and make sure you check the boxes on both windows.


    all done,

  7. The neck issue, make sure in the skin, you havent chosen a 0 nif instead of a 1 nif


    I had the black face bug on one of my characters, couldnt figure it out, then found the head had an un-needed "vertex colors" property.


    also if your using a




    or a




    check these two files are normal and not truncianted


    the sk map can get corrupted, check it against a good one if it's got some weird colors, green black yellow, swap it for a good one

  8. The usual suspect with this issue is the hair.

    The hair mods are in the wrong load order.




    The custom heads are not names EXACTLY in the properties as the vanilla base you made it on.




    you have a missing/un-needed shader property ie:


    If you have "has vertex colors" = NO

    then make sure you don't have a "vertex colors" shader property in the nif


    if you have "specular" make sure you have something in the property even if it's 0.001

    if the custom hair is emmissive, you MUST give it a color and some emmission even if it's weak like 0.1 or someting

  9. If you plant new trees and then in the CK generate lods for them, they will float, its a bug with the kit.

    You need to install Tes5edit, load your mod in it, apply filter for cleaning and run the tree lod patcher script.


    As for your border issue, there's some good "over the border" real estate almost everywhere in Skyrim

    you don't have to use a border gate already there, copy the models and paste them anywhere you like

    and terraform the terrain to suit your idea and vision.


    Forget about the Cyrodiil and Morrowind vanilla gates, and create your own.

    In game, go to a border refion similar to what you see in your head and type:




    in the console and fly about checking out the border regions


    tcl would be better as the terrain will load fully as you fly over it.

    I have a really great place to make my new border crossing for my mod as Beyond uses that old cyrodiil gate

    I would like to move my mods crossing as it just saves a heap of headaches later with mod conflicts.

  10. Best not to mess with the vanilla worldspace checkbox, as anyone else using the worldspace to mod will undo your edit.

    Make a custom cfg file and name it your mods name and place it in your data folder.

    To do this make a new txt file and save as "all files" nameofyourmod.cfg


    add this text into the file:



    While your mod is active, the border region blocker will be disable

  11. @Rigmor, doesn't this mean that you would first be teleporting to the mapmarker and then "fall" into the autodoor. And thus two loading screens? Or am I getting this wrong? Will give it a shot though.


    @Agerweb, alright. So if I read this correctly, the way I placed the mapmarker should work? I just poked around in the Dragonborn DLC and looked at the mapmarkers. I did notice that the mapmarker in Windhelm linked to a load door underground. But also to a mapmarker somewhere in sea. Can't say that I can make much sense out of this, still fairly new to the CK when it comes to these types of things.

    Yes, I don't know if it would work, but technically it should because when you FT to the map marker (make it visible and able to FT) you would "drop" right on top of a autoload door straight into the new world :D I might try it myself :tongue:


    edit: Of course you probably want to have a quest where the player "journeys" to the border to cross over, but for testing the new world or a FT to another world for editing and testing and just convenience it would be a cool thing, I made a "Border Area" map marker which drops you about 200 yards from the crossing entry point just for convenience. But only because the quest you have to speak to a guy to cross over. But there's no reason you can't set it to drop you on top of a autoload door that will take you absolutely anywhere.


    Usually you would take a boat to Solstheim right? from Dawnstar or somewhere, but how about a new mapmarker placed in Dawnstart called "Solstheim" so when you FT it says "Travel to Solstheim" you FT and "wham bang thank you ma'am" you're in Solstheim right from Breezehome. Haha

  12. Place a map marker as a Fast Travel to point? They don't do anything on their own you would still need a door to go to the new world.


    To get to my new worlds you can travel by boat or a border post (it's just over the border) so you go in one door talk to some guy and exit out the back (into the new world)

    Best way for a transition to a new world is the boat way.


    So you make a map marker that you can travel to, and place an auto door on it.

    Make another auto door on another map marker in the new world and do the same thing


    Link the two doors in the edit tab "teleport" (i dont know if you can insta travel from anywhere in skyrim to your new world this way, but worth a try

    usually the autodoor load is placed just slightly away from the map marker (FT Point) so you "walk" through into the new world.


    But technically it should work,


    Rikushai, my friend, you also have earned a credit in the sequel.


    Check out Rigmor's FB page, link in my sig for the current project I am working on, it's set in Cyrodiil :wink:

    Bless you




    ps: have a kudos

    Thx! :D


    it looks really really nice so far :3 i'll looking long for a mod that made Cyodiil visitable in Skyrim (ill hope also in oldrim x'D)

    i'm really exited :smile:



    Hey my friend, I am cheeky picking your head.


    The first word gives 50% health (Rigmor will let you know she's in trouble during a fight if her health goes below 50%, and starts to shout at you below 25%)

    The second word gives her 100% health.

    Of course we know the third word will resurrect her if she dies.


    I am using conditions on the first two spells, that is easy, but how could I make it so i take away 50% and 100% heal respectively from someone else?

    So I use the forst word and it's rigmor she gets 50%

    But if I use it on anyone else it takes -50% health from them, can that be done via script instead of conditions?


    Bless you


    ps: the mod Rigmor of Cyrodiil will be a dual release for Oldrim and SSE ;)

  14. Hey Rikushai, thanks you soooo much. I have yet to test the LOS way, but making Rigmor ak target, I will try this way as well. I was just wondering if the spell could only be used on one specific actor.


    yes it's the way I use to get round the "hug kill bug" the game requires payment (your death) it's a vanilla bug that after using the hug animation it can kill you (unless you have truly payed your due and died)


    there is a scene where she hugs another actor, and if resurrected, after the hug, rigmor drops down dead, so I placed that line to make sure she is "killed" fully before resurrecting her.

    once i placed that line, she no longer drops down dead after the hug anim as the game thinks she payed her due.


    Thanks for the input


    EDIT: how about we made the shout kill anyone else other than rigmor? would adding:


    ifelse aktarget.kill()


    would that work, that would be cool so in combat you can take out heavy sergeants, but make one a day.

    do you abuse the power or keep it for Rigmor because if you do and she dies, you have to wait 24 hours to resurrect her

    or even make it a timed resurrection on her.


    the spell (shout) will resurrect her, but use it on any living thing and it will kill, maybe even make it kill all in its path?

    hmmmmm (muhahahahahah)

  15. Thanks fore, yeah I guess it'll have to be as it is. It won't resurrect anyone else, that works, in the script it only resurrects Rigmor. But it resurrects her whether targeted or not. I'll try the LOS you suggested because it's set to 20m, so having to look in her general direction for it to work, might be exactly what I am looking for.


    It's not a normal resurrection, it comes at a cost and is a harrowing experience. I am just testing it right now, but I'll show the fans on my FB page and get their reaction :P

    1st shout heals her 50%

    2nd heals her 100%


    Handy in combat if you got enough tank to look in her direction (she will let you know if she's in trouble)

    But yeah, if she dies wow, that's quite something. There's a procedure too and aftercare.

  16. I have a new shout and only want a specific actor as a target. The shout works fine, but I can shout anywhere and on any dead actor, they won't resurrect, but Rigmor will become resurrected and come over to me even though I am a way off. What I need to to add something to this code, so that only she is the targeted actor and only resurrects when she is targeted and of course dead. If anyone can help me set Rigmor as the akTarget? what am I missing? Thanks guys in advance.

    Scriptname Resurrectlife extends ActiveMagicEffect  
    {Should resurrect person}
    Actor Property RigmorRoC03 Auto
    Quest Property RigmorRestoreLifeQuest Auto
    Idle Property Wounded  Auto
    Event OnEffectStart(Actor RigmorRoC03, Actor akCaster)
    	if  RigmorRoC03.IsDead()
    MusicType Property RigmorThunderType  Auto  
    Weather Property RigmorStormRain  Auto  
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